Commit f8de4f1a authored by Kevin Modzelewski's avatar Kevin Modzelewski

Cut down on unnecessary string copies

parent 6eb1b53f
......@@ -202,8 +202,7 @@ private:
CompilerType* right = getType(node->right);
// TODO this isn't the exact behavior
std::string name = getOpName(node->op_type);
name = "__i" + name.substr(2);
std::string name = getInplaceOpName(node->op_type);
CompilerType* attr_type = left->getattrType(&name, true);
if (attr_type == UNDEF)
......@@ -230,7 +229,7 @@ private:
CompilerType* right = getType(node->right);
// TODO this isn't the exact behavior
std::string name = getOpName(node->op_type);
const std::string& name = getOpName(node->op_type);
CompilerType* attr_type = left->getattrType(&name, true);
if (attr_type == UNDEF)
......@@ -304,7 +303,7 @@ private:
return BOOL;
std::string name = getOpName(node->ops[0]);
const std::string& name = getOpName(node->ops[0]);
CompilerType* attr_type = left->getattrType(&name, true);
if (attr_type == UNDEF)
......@@ -409,7 +408,7 @@ private:
CompilerType* operand = getType(node->operand);
// TODO this isn't the exact behavior
std::string name = getOpName(node->op_type);
const std::string& name = getOpName(node->op_type);
CompilerType* attr_type = operand->getattrType(&name, true);
std::vector<CompilerType*> arg_types;
return attr_type->callType(arg_types);
......@@ -90,60 +90,66 @@ std::string getInplaceOpSymbol(int op_type) {
return std::string(getOpSymbol(op_type)) + '=';
std::string getOpName(int op_type) {
const static std::string strAdd("__add__"), strBitAnd("__and__"), strBitOr("__or__"), strBitXor("__xor__"),
strDiv("__div__"), strTrueDiv("__truediv__"), strEq("__eq__"), strFloorDiv("__floordiv__"), strLShift("__lshift__"),
strLt("__lt__"), strLtE("__le__"), strGt("__gt__"), strGtE("__ge__"), strIn("__contains__"),
strInvert("__invert__"), strMod("__mod__"), strMult("__mul__"), strNot("__nonzero__"), strNotEq("__ne__"),
strPow("__pow__"), strRShift("__rshift__"), strSub("__sub__"), strUAdd("__pos__"), strUSub("__neg__");
const std::string& getOpName(int op_type) {
assert(op_type != AST_TYPE::Is);
assert(op_type != AST_TYPE::IsNot);
switch (op_type) {
case AST_TYPE::Add:
return "__add__";
return strAdd;
case AST_TYPE::BitAnd:
return "__and__";
return strBitAnd;
case AST_TYPE::BitOr:
return "__or__";
return strBitOr;
case AST_TYPE::BitXor:
return "__xor__";
return strBitXor;
case AST_TYPE::Div:
return "__truediv__";
return strTrueDiv;
return "__div__";
return strDiv;
case AST_TYPE::Eq:
return "__eq__";
return strEq;
case AST_TYPE::FloorDiv:
return "__floordiv__";
return strFloorDiv;
case AST_TYPE::LShift:
return "__lshift__";
return strLShift;
case AST_TYPE::Lt:
return "__lt__";
return strLt;
case AST_TYPE::LtE:
return "__le__";
return strLtE;
case AST_TYPE::Gt:
return "__gt__";
return strGt;
case AST_TYPE::GtE:
return "__ge__";
return strGtE;
case AST_TYPE::In:
return "__contains__";
return strIn;
case AST_TYPE::Invert:
return "__invert__";
return strInvert;
case AST_TYPE::Mod:
return "__mod__";
return strMod;
case AST_TYPE::Mult:
return "__mul__";
return strMult;
case AST_TYPE::Not:
return "__nonzero__";
return strNot;
case AST_TYPE::NotEq:
return "__ne__";
return strNotEq;
case AST_TYPE::Pow:
return "__pow__";
return strPow;
case AST_TYPE::RShift:
return "__rshift__";
return strRShift;
case AST_TYPE::Sub:
return "__sub__";
return strSub;
case AST_TYPE::UAdd:
return "__pos__";
return strUAdd;
case AST_TYPE::USub:
return "__neg__";
return strUSub;
fprintf(stderr, "Unknown op type (" __FILE__ ":" STRINGIFY(__LINE__) "): %d\n", op_type);
......@@ -151,7 +157,7 @@ std::string getOpName(int op_type) {
std::string getInplaceOpName(int op_type) {
std::string normal_name = getOpName(op_type);
const std::string& normal_name = getOpName(op_type);
return "__i" + normal_name.substr(2);
......@@ -172,7 +178,7 @@ std::string getReverseOpName(int op_type) {
if (op_type == AST_TYPE::Eq)
return getOpName(AST_TYPE::Eq);
std::string normal_name = getOpName(op_type);
const std::string& normal_name = getOpName(op_type);
return "__r" + normal_name.substr(2);
......@@ -1114,6 +1114,10 @@ template <class T, class R> void findNodes(const R& roots, std::vector<T*>& outp
llvm::StringRef getOpSymbol(int op_type);
const std::string& getOpName(int op_type);
std::string getReverseOpName(int op_type);
std::string getInplaceOpName(int op_type);
std::string getInplaceOpSymbol(int op_type);
......@@ -227,11 +227,6 @@ CLFunction* unboxRTFunction(Box*);
extern "C" CompiledFunction* resolveCLFunc(CLFunction* f, int64_t nargs, Box* arg1, Box* arg2, Box* arg3, Box** args);
extern "C" Box* callCompiledFunc(CompiledFunction* cf, int64_t nargs, Box* arg1, Box* arg2, Box* arg3, Box** args);
std::string getOpName(int op_type);
std::string getReverseOpName(int op_type);
std::string getInplaceOpName(int op_type);
std::string getInplaceOpSymbol(int op_type);
typedef bool i1;
typedef int64_t i64;
......@@ -1740,7 +1740,7 @@ extern "C" Box* binopInternal(Box* lhs, Box* rhs, int op_type, bool inplace, Bin
std::string op_name = getOpName(op_type);
const std::string& op_name = getOpName(op_type);
Box* lrtn;
if (rewrite_args) {
CallRewriteArgs srewrite_args(rewrite_args->rewriter, rewrite_args->lhs);
......@@ -1938,7 +1938,7 @@ Box* compareInternal(Box* lhs, Box* rhs, int op_type, CompareRewriteArgs* rewrit
rewrite_args->rhs.addAttrGuard(BOX_CLS_OFFSET, (intptr_t)rhs->cls);
std::string op_name = getOpName(op_type);
const std::string& op_name = getOpName(op_type);
Box* lrtn;
if (rewrite_args) {
......@@ -2049,7 +2049,7 @@ extern "C" Box* unaryop(Box* operand, int op_type) {
static StatCounter slowpath_unaryop("slowpath_unaryop");
std::string op_name = getOpName(op_type);
const std::string& op_name = getOpName(op_type);
Box* attr_func = getclsattr_internal(operand, op_name, NULL, NULL);
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