Commit 3c84aafe authored by Stefan Behnel's avatar Stefan Behnel

simplify option passing in CCodeWriter by moving them into a common CCodeConfig object

parent be7033c5
......@@ -985,14 +985,14 @@ class GlobalState(object):
def __init__(self, writer, module_node, emit_linenums=False, common_utility_include_dir=None):
def __init__(self, writer, module_node, code_config, common_utility_include_dir=None):
self.filename_table = {}
self.filename_list = []
self.input_file_contents = {}
self.utility_codes = set()
self.declared_cnames = {}
self.in_utility_code_generation = False
self.emit_linenums = emit_linenums
self.code_config = code_config
self.common_utility_include_dir = common_utility_include_dir = {}
self.module_node = module_node # because some utility code generation needs it
......@@ -1005,8 +1005,7 @@ class GlobalState(object):
self.py_constants = []
self.cached_cmethods = {}
assert writer.globalstate is None
writer.globalstate = self
self.rootwriter = writer
def initialize_main_c_code(self):
......@@ -1046,7 +1045,7 @@ class GlobalState(object):
code.putln("/* --- Runtime support code (head) --- */")
code =['utility_code_def']
if self.emit_linenums:
if self.code_config.emit_linenums:
code.write('\n#line 1 "cython_utility"\n')
code.putln("/* --- Runtime support code --- */")
......@@ -1480,6 +1479,17 @@ def funccontext_property(name):
return property(get, set)
class CCodeConfig(object):
# emit_linenums boolean write #line pragmas?
# emit_code_comments boolean copy the original code into C comments?
# c_line_in_traceback boolean append the c file and line number to the traceback for exceptions?
def __init__(self, emit_linenums=True, emit_code_comments=True, c_line_in_traceback=True):
self.emit_code_comments = emit_code_comments
self.emit_linenums = emit_linenums
self.c_line_in_traceback = c_line_in_traceback
class CCodeWriter(object):
Utility class to output C code.
......@@ -1507,16 +1517,13 @@ class CCodeWriter(object):
# generation (labels and temps state etc.)
# globalstate GlobalState contains state global for a C file (input file info,
# utility code, declared constants etc.)
# emit_linenums boolean whether or not to write #line pragmas
# c_line_in_traceback boolean append the c file and line number to the traceback for exceptions
# pyclass_stack list used during recursive code generation to pass information
# about the current class one is in
# code_config CCodeConfig configuration options for the C code writer
globalstate = None
globalstate = code_config = None
def __init__(self, create_from=None, buffer=None, copy_formatting=False, emit_linenums=None, c_line_in_traceback=True):
def __init__(self, create_from=None, buffer=None, copy_formatting=False):
if buffer is None: buffer = StringIOTree()
self.buffer = buffer
self.last_pos = None
......@@ -1530,7 +1537,7 @@ class CCodeWriter(object):
if create_from is not None:
# Use same global state
self.globalstate = create_from.globalstate
self.funcstate = create_from.funcstate
# Clone formatting state
if copy_formatting:
......@@ -1540,19 +1547,17 @@ class CCodeWriter(object):
self.last_pos = create_from.last_pos
self.last_marked_pos = create_from.last_marked_pos
if emit_linenums is None and self.globalstate:
self.emit_linenums = self.globalstate.emit_linenums
self.emit_linenums = emit_linenums
self.c_line_in_traceback = c_line_in_traceback
def create_new(self, create_from, buffer, copy_formatting):
# polymorphic constructor -- very slightly more versatile
# than using __class__
result = CCodeWriter(create_from, buffer, copy_formatting,
result = CCodeWriter(create_from, buffer, copy_formatting)
return result
def set_global_state(self, global_state):
assert self.globalstate is None # prevent overwriting once it's set
self.globalstate = global_state
self.code_config = global_state.code_config
def copyto(self, f):
......@@ -1575,7 +1580,7 @@ class CCodeWriter(object):
Creates a new CCodeWriter connected to the same global state, which
can later be inserted using insert.
return CCodeWriter(create_from=self, c_line_in_traceback=self.c_line_in_traceback)
return CCodeWriter(create_from=self)
def insert(self, writer):
......@@ -1656,7 +1661,7 @@ class CCodeWriter(object):
def putln(self, code="", safe=False):
if self.last_pos and self.bol:
if self.emit_linenums and self.last_marked_pos:
if self.code_config.emit_linenums and self.last_marked_pos:
source_desc, line, _ = self.last_marked_pos
self.write('\n#line %s "%s"\n' % (line, source_desc.get_escaped_description()))
if code:
......@@ -1679,7 +1684,7 @@ class CCodeWriter(object):
self.last_marked_pos = pos
self.last_pos = None
if Options.emit_code_comments:
if self.code_config.emit_code_comments:
self.write("/* %s */\n" % self._build_marker(pos))
if trace and self.funcstate and self.funcstate.can_trace and self.globalstate.directives['linetrace']:
......@@ -2120,7 +2125,7 @@ class CCodeWriter(object):
self.funcstate.should_declare_error_indicator = True
if used:
self.funcstate.uses_error_indicator = True
if self.c_line_in_traceback:
if self.code_config.c_line_in_traceback:
cinfo = " %s = %s;" % (Naming.clineno_cname, Naming.line_c_macro)
cinfo = ""
......@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ class ModuleNode(Nodes.Node, Nodes.BlockNode):
if (h_types or h_vars or h_funcs or h_extension_types):
result.h_file = replace_suffix(result.c_file, ".h")
h_code = Code.CCodeWriter()
Code.GlobalState(h_code, self)
Code.GlobalState(h_code, self, Code.CCodeConfig()) # FIXME: config?
if options.generate_pxi:
result.i_file = replace_suffix(result.c_file, ".pxi")
i_code = Code.PyrexCodeWriter(result.i_file)
......@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ class ModuleNode(Nodes.Node, Nodes.BlockNode):
if api_vars or api_funcs or api_extension_types:
result.api_file = replace_suffix(result.c_file, "_api.h")
h_code = Code.CCodeWriter()
Code.GlobalState(h_code, self)
Code.GlobalState(h_code, self, Code.CCodeConfig()) # FIXME: config?
api_guard = Naming.api_guard_prefix + self.api_name(env)
......@@ -312,8 +312,18 @@ class ModuleNode(Nodes.Node, Nodes.BlockNode):
rootwriter = Annotate.AnnotationCCodeWriter()
emit_linenums = options.emit_linenums
rootwriter = Code.CCodeWriter(emit_linenums=emit_linenums, c_line_in_traceback=options.c_line_in_traceback)
globalstate = Code.GlobalState(rootwriter, self, emit_linenums, options.common_utility_include_dir)
rootwriter = Code.CCodeWriter()
c_code_config = Code.CCodeConfig(
globalstate = Code.GlobalState(
rootwriter, self,
h_code = globalstate['h_code']
......@@ -117,6 +117,7 @@ directive_defaults = {
'profile': False,
'no_gc_clear': False,
'linetrace': False,
'emit_code_comments': True, # copy original source code into C code comments
'annotation_typing': False, # read type declarations from Python function annotations
'infer_types': None,
'infer_types.verbose': False,
......@@ -253,6 +254,7 @@ directive_scopes = { # defaults to available everywhere
'test_assert_path_exists' : ('function', 'class', 'cclass'),
'test_fail_if_path_exists' : ('function', 'class', 'cclass'),
'freelist': ('cclass',),
'emit_code_comments': ('module',),
'annotation_typing': ('module',), # FIXME: analysis currently lacks more specific function scope
# Avoid scope-specific to/from_py_functions for c_string.
'c_string_type': ('module',),
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