Commit 59c4b922 authored by Robert Bradshaw's avatar Robert Bradshaw

Type inference fixes.

parent 9a688de2
......@@ -4954,11 +4954,10 @@ class CallNode(ExprNode):
if func_type.is_ptr:
func_type = func_type.base_type
if func_type.is_cfunction:
if hasattr(self.function, 'entry'):
if getattr(self.function, 'entry', None) and hasattr(self, 'args'):
alternatives = self.function.entry.all_alternatives()
arg_types = [arg.infer_type(env) for arg in self.args]
func_entry = PyrexTypes.best_match(
arg_types, alternatives, None, env)
func_entry = PyrexTypes.best_match(arg_types, alternatives)
if func_entry:
func_type = func_entry.type
if func_type.is_ptr:
......@@ -5185,7 +5184,7 @@ class SimpleCallNode(CallNode):
alternatives = overloaded_entry.all_alternatives()
entry = PyrexTypes.best_match(
[arg.type for arg in args], alternatives, self.pos, env)
[arg.type for arg in args], alternatives, self.pos, env, args)
if not entry:
self.type = PyrexTypes.error_type
......@@ -4021,7 +4021,7 @@ def is_promotion(src_type, dst_type):
return src_type.is_float and src_type.rank <= dst_type.rank
return False
def best_match(arg_types, functions, pos=None, env=None):
def best_match(arg_types, functions, pos=None, env=None, args=None):
Given a list args of arguments and a list of functions, choose one
to call which seems to be the "best" fit for this list of arguments.
......@@ -4114,8 +4114,8 @@ def best_match(arg_types, functions, pos=None, env=None):
for index, (func, func_type) in enumerate(candidates):
score = [0,0,0,0]
for i in range(min(len(args), len(func_type.args))):
src_type = args[i].type
for i in range(min(actual_nargs, len(func_type.args))):
src_type = arg_types[i]
dst_type = func_type.args[i].type
assignable = dst_type.assignable_from(src_type)
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