Commit 5e7c6d78 authored by Wichert Akkerman's avatar Wichert Akkerman

Update compilation instructions.

parent 8a2c70cf
......@@ -67,25 +67,47 @@ The ``cythonize`` command also allows for multi-threaded compilation and
dependency resolution. Recompilation will be skipped if the target file
is up to date with its main source file and dependencies.
Under the hood ``cythonize`` creates a list of distutils ``Extension``
instances. Any extra arguments you pass to ``cythonize`` will be
passed to ``Extension``. This is useful if you need to add extra include or
library paths.
If you have include files in non-standard places you can pass an
``include_path`` parameter to ``cythonize``::
from distutils.core import setup
from Cython.Build import cythonize
name = "My hello app",
ext_modules = cythonize('src/*.pyx',
ext_modules = cythonize("src/*.pyx", include_path = [...]),
If you need to specify compiler options, libraries to link with or other linker
options you will need to create ``Extension`` instances manually::
from distutils.core import setup
from distutils.extension import Extension
from Cython.Build import cythonize
extensions = [
Extension("primes", ["primes.pyx"],
include_dirs = [...],
library_dirs = [...],
libraries = [...],
library_dirs = [...]),
Extension("spam", ["spam.pyx"],
include_dirs = [...],
libraries = [...],
library_dirs = [...]),
name = "My hello app",
ext_modules = cythonize(extensions),
If your options are static (for example you do not need to call a tool like
``pkg-config`` to determine them) you can also provide them directly in your
.pyx source file using a special comment block at the start of the file::
# distutils: libraries = spam eggs
# distutils: include_dirs = /opt/food/include
Compiling with ``pyximport``
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