Commit 6fbceed2 authored by Robert Bradshaw's avatar Robert Bradshaw

Overflow code (Ondrej suggested a much better way)

parent ec84cb7d
......@@ -384,32 +384,31 @@ class CIntType(CNumericType):
c_type = self.sign_and_name()
c_name = c_type.replace(' ', '_');
func_name = "__pyx_PyInt_%s" % c_name;
c_mask = "__pyx_%s_MASK" % c_name
if not int_conversion_list.has_key(func_name):
# no env to add utility code to
global type_conversion_predeclarations, type_conversion_functions
if self.signed:
neg_test = " && ((-val) & %s)" % c_mask
neg_test = ""
neg_test = " || (long_val < 0)"
type_conversion_predeclarations += """
static INLINE %(c_type)s %(func_name)s(PyObject* x);""" % {'c_type': c_type, 'c_name': c_name, 'func_name': func_name }
type_conversion_functions += """
#define %(c_mask)s ((long)(~((1LL << (8*sizeof(%(c_type)s))) - 1LL)))
static INLINE %(c_type)s %(func_name)s(PyObject* x) {
if (sizeof(%(c_type)s) < sizeof(long)) {
long val = __pyx_PyInt_AsLong(x);
if (unlikely((val & %(c_mask)s) %(neg_test)s)) {
long long_val = __pyx_PyInt_AsLong(x);
%(c_type)s val = (%(c_type)s)long_val;
if (unlikely((val != long_val) %(neg_test)s)) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_OverflowError, "value too large to convert to %(c_type)s");
return (%(c_type)s)-1;
return (%(c_type)s)val;
return val;
else {
return __pyx_PyInt_AsLong(x);
""" % {'c_type': c_type, 'c_name': c_name, 'func_name': func_name, 'c_mask': c_mask, 'neg_test': neg_test }
""" % {'c_type': c_type, 'c_name': c_name, 'func_name': func_name, 'neg_test': neg_test }
int_conversion_list[func_name] = True
return func_name
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