Commit fb7cbb83 authored by scoder's avatar scoder Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #2357 from gabrieldemarmiesse/test_profiling_tutorial_2

Added tests to "profiling tutorial" part 2
parents 3d291a58 4e052620
# cython: profile=True
# calc_pi.pyx
def recip_square(int i):
return 1. / i ** 2
def approx_pi(int n=10000000):
cdef double val = 0.
cdef int k
for k in range(1, n + 1):
val += recip_square(k)
return (6 * val) ** .5
......@@ -172,23 +172,11 @@ xrange makes the code run in 5.8 seconds.
We could optimize a lot in the pure Python version, but since we are interested
in Cython, let's move forward and bring this module to Cython. We would do this
anyway at some time to get the loop run faster. Here is our first Cython version::
anyway at some time to get the loop run faster. Here is our first Cython version:
# encoding: utf-8
# cython: profile=True
# filename: calc_pi.pyx
def recip_square(int i):
return 1./i**2
def approx_pi(int n=10000000):
cdef double val = 0.
cdef int k
for k in xrange(1,n+1):
val += recip_square(k)
return (6 * val)**.5
.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/tutorial/profiling_tutorial/calc_pi_2.pyx
Note the second line: We have to tell Cython that profiling should be enabled.
Note the first line: We have to tell Cython that profiling should be enabled.
This makes the Cython code slightly slower, but without this we would not get
meaningful output from the cProfile module. The rest of the code is mostly
unchanged, I only typed some variables which will likely speed things up a bit.
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