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Feature: Groups
    Given I sign in as "John Doe"
    And "John Doe" is owner of group "Owned"
    And "John Doe" is guest of group "Guest"

7 8 9 10
  Scenario: I should have back to group button
    When I visit group "Owned" page
    Then I should see back to dashboard button

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  Scenario: I should see group "Owned" dashboard list
    When I visit group "Owned" page
    Then I should see group "Owned" projects list
    And I should see projects activity feed

  Scenario: I should see group "Owned" issues list
    Given project from group "Owned" has issues assigned to me
    When I visit group "Owned" issues page
    Then I should see issues from group "Owned" assigned to me

  Scenario: I should see group "Owned" merge requests list
    Given project from group "Owned" has merge requests assigned to me
    When I visit group "Owned" merge requests page
    Then I should see merge requests from group "Owned" assigned to me

  Scenario: I should add user to projects in group "Owned"
    Given User "Mary Jane" exists
    When I visit group "Owned" members page
    And I select user "Mary Jane" from list with role "Reporter"
    Then I should see user "Mary Jane" in team list

  Scenario: I should see edit group "Owned" page
    When I visit group "Owned" settings page
    And I change group "Owned" name to "new-name"
    Then I should see new group "Owned" name

  Scenario: I edit group "Owned" avatar
    When I visit group "Owned" settings page
    And I change group "Owned" avatar
    And I visit group "Owned" settings page
    Then I should see new group "Owned" avatar
    And I should see the "Remove avatar" button

  Scenario: I remove group "Owned" avatar
    When I visit group "Owned" settings page
    And I have group "Owned" avatar
    And I visit group "Owned" settings page
    And I remove group "Owned" avatar
    Then I should not see group "Owned" avatar
    And I should not see the "Remove avatar" button

54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61
  Scenario: Add user to group
    Given gitlab user "Mike"
    When I visit group "Owned" members page
    And I click link "Add members"
    When I select "Mike" as "Reporter"
    Then I should see "Mike" in team list as "Reporter"

62 63 64 65 66 67 68
  Scenario: Invite user to group
    When I visit group "Owned" members page
    And I click link "Add members"
    When I select "" as "Reporter"
    Then I should see "" in team list as invited "Reporter"

69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87
  # Leave

  Scenario: Owner should be able to remove himself from group if he is not the last owner
    Given "Mary Jane" is owner of group "Owned"
    When I visit group "Owned" members page
    Then I should see user "John Doe" in team list
    Then I should see user "Mary Jane" in team list
    When I click on the "Remove User From Group" button for "John Doe"
    And I visit group "Owned" members page
    Then I should not see user "John Doe" in team list
    Then I should see user "Mary Jane" in team list

  Scenario: Owner should not be able to remove himself from group if he is the last owner
    Given "Mary Jane" is guest of group "Owned"
    When I visit group "Owned" members page
    Then I should see user "John Doe" in team list
    Then I should see user "Mary Jane" in team list
    Then I should not see the "Remove User From Group" button for "John Doe"
89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126

  Scenario: Guest should be able to remove himself from group
    Given "Mary Jane" is guest of group "Guest"
    When I visit group "Guest" members page
    Then I should see user "John Doe" in team list
    Then I should see user "Mary Jane" in team list
    When I click on the "Remove User From Group" button for "John Doe"
    When I visit group "Guest" members page
    Then I should not see user "John Doe" in team list
    Then I should see user "Mary Jane" in team list

  Scenario: Guest should be able to remove himself from group even if he is the only user in the group
    When I visit group "Guest" members page
    Then I should see user "John Doe" in team list
    When I click on the "Remove User From Group" button for "John Doe"
    When I visit group "Guest" members page
    Then I should not see user "John Doe" in team list

  # Remove others

  Scenario: Owner should be able to remove other users from group
    Given "Mary Jane" is owner of group "Owned"
    When I visit group "Owned" members page
    Then I should see user "John Doe" in team list
    Then I should see user "Mary Jane" in team list
    When I click on the "Remove User From Group" button for "Mary Jane"
    When I visit group "Owned" members page
    Then I should see user "John Doe" in team list
    Then I should not see user "Mary Jane" in team list

  Scenario: Guest should not be able to remove other users from group
    Given "Mary Jane" is guest of group "Guest"
    When I visit group "Guest" members page
    Then I should see user "John Doe" in team list
    Then I should see user "Mary Jane" in team list
    Then I should not see the "Remove User From Group" button for "Mary Jane"
127 128 129 130 131 132 133

  Scenario: Search member by name
    Given "Mary Jane" is guest of group "Guest"
    And I visit group "Guest" members page
    When I search for 'Mary' member
    Then I should see user "Mary Jane" in team list
    Then I should not see user "John Doe" in team list

  # Group milestones
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  Scenario: I should see group "Owned" milestone index page with no milestones
    When I visit group "Owned" page
    And I click on group milestones
    Then I should see group milestones index page has no milestones

  Scenario: I should see group "Owned" milestone index page with milestones
    Given Group has projects with milestones
    When I visit group "Owned" page
    And I click on group milestones
    Then I should see group milestones index page with milestones

  Scenario: I should see group "Owned" milestone show page
    Given Group has projects with milestones
    When I visit group "Owned" page
    And I click on group milestones
    And I click on one group milestone
153 154
    Then I should see group milestone with descriptions and expiry date
    And I should see group milestone with all issues and MRs assigned to that milestone
Artem Sidorenko's avatar
Artem Sidorenko committed

156 157 158 159 160 161 162
  Scenario: Create multiple milestones with one form
    Given I visit group "Owned" milestones page
    And I click new milestone button
    And I fill milestone name
    When I press create mileston button
    Then milestone in each project should be created

Artem Sidorenko's avatar
Artem Sidorenko committed
163 164 165 166 167 168
  # Group projects in settings
  Scenario: I should see all projects in the project list in settings
    Given Group "Owned" has archived project
    When I visit group "Owned" projects page
    Then I should see group "Owned" projects list
    And I should see "archived" label
Valery Sizov's avatar
Valery Sizov committed
169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178

  # Public group
  Scenario: Signed out user should see group
    Given "Mary Jane" is owner of group "Owned"
    And I am a signed out user
    And Group "Owned" has a public project "Public-project"
    When I visit group "Owned" page
    Then I should see group "Owned"
    Then I should see project "Public-project"