-Use sentence case for titles, headings, labels, menu items, and buttons.
- Use title case when referring to [features](https://about.gitlab.com/features/) or [products](https://about.gitlab.com/pricing/), and methods. Note that some features are also objects (e.g. "Merge Requests" and "merge requests"). E.g.: GitLab Runner, Geo, Issue Boards, Git, Prometheus, Continuous Integration.
## Formatting
- Use double asterisks (`**`) to mark a word or text in bold (`**bold**`)
- Use undescore (`_`) for text in italics (`_italic_`)
- Jump a line between different markups, for example:
## Header
- List item
- List item
### Punctuation
For punctuation rules, please refer to the [GitLab UX guide](https://design.gitlab.com/content/punctuation/).
### Ordered and unordered lists
- Use dashes (`-`) for unordered lists instead of asterisks (`*`)
- Use the number one (`1`) for ordered lists
- Use underscores (`_`) to mark a word or text in italics
- Use double asterisks (`**`) to mark a word or text in bold
- When using lists, prefer not to end each item with a period. You can use
them if there are multiple sentences, just keep the last sentence without
a period
- For punctuation in bullet lists, please refer to the [GitLab UX guide](https://design.gitlab.com/content/punctuation/)
## Headings
- Add only one H1 title in each document, by adding `#` at the beginning of
it (when using markdown). For subheadings, use `##`, `###` and so on
- Add **only one H1** in each document, by adding `#` at the beginning of
it (when using markdown). The `h1` will be the document `<title>`.