Commit 37e94e3c authored by Marin Jankovski's avatar Marin Jankovski

Move the changelog item to 7.12

parent 509a32f4
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Please view this file on the master branch, on stable branches it's out of date. Please view this file on the master branch, on stable branches it's out of date.
v 7.12.0 (unreleased)
- Allow to configure location of the `.gitlab_shell_secret` file. (Jakub Jirutka)
v 7.11.0 (unreleased) v 7.11.0 (unreleased)
- Fix broken view when viewing history of a file that includes a path that used to be another file (Stan Hu) - Fix broken view when viewing history of a file that includes a path that used to be another file (Stan Hu)
- Don't show duplicate deploy keys - Don't show duplicate deploy keys
...@@ -70,7 +73,6 @@ v 7.11.0 (unreleased) ...@@ -70,7 +73,6 @@ v 7.11.0 (unreleased)
- Ensure that the first added admin performs repository imports - Ensure that the first added admin performs repository imports
- Update Asciidoctor gem to version 1.5.2. (Jakub Jirutka) - Update Asciidoctor gem to version 1.5.2. (Jakub Jirutka)
- Fix resolving of relative links to repository files in AsciiDoc documents. (Jakub Jirutka) - Fix resolving of relative links to repository files in AsciiDoc documents. (Jakub Jirutka)
- Allow to configure location of the `.gitlab_shell_secret` file. (Jakub Jirutka)
v 7.10.2 v 7.10.2
- Fix CI links on MR page - Fix CI links on MR page
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