Commit 6180102f authored by Mike Greiling's avatar Mike Greiling

only apply rewire plugin when running karma tests

parent 8fa0aeb8
"presets": [["latest", { "es2015": { "modules": false } }], "stage-2"],
"env": {
"development": {
"karma": {
"plugins": ["rewire"]
"coverage": {
......@@ -5,9 +5,9 @@
"eslint": "eslint --max-warnings 0 --ext .js,.vue .",
"eslint-fix": "eslint --max-warnings 0 --ext .js,.vue --fix .",
"eslint-report": "eslint --max-warnings 0 --ext .js,.vue --format html --output-file ./eslint-report.html .",
"karma": "karma start --single-run true config/karma.config.js",
"karma": "BABEL_ENV=karma karma start --single-run true config/karma.config.js",
"karma-coverage": "BABEL_ENV=coverage karma start --single-run true config/karma.config.js",
"karma-start": "karma start config/karma.config.js",
"karma-start": "BABEL_ENV=karma karma start config/karma.config.js",
"prettier-staged": "node ./scripts/frontend/prettier.js",
"prettier-staged-save": "node ./scripts/frontend/prettier.js save",
"prettier-all": "node ./scripts/frontend/prettier.js check-all",
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