In case of DigitalOcean based Runners, all your CI/CD jobs run on ephemeral
All your CI/CD jobs run on [n1-standard-1 instances]( with 3.75GB of RAM, CoreOS and the latest Docker Engine
instances with 2GB of RAM, CoreOS and the latest Docker Engine installed.
Instances provide 2 vCPUs and 60GB of SSD disk space. The default region of the
VMs is NYC1.
In case of Google Cloud Platform based Runners, all your CI/CD jobs run on
ephemeral instances with 3.75GB of RAM, CoreOS and the latest Docker Engine
installed. Instances provide 1 vCPU and 25GB of HDD disk space. The default
installed. Instances provide 1 vCPU and 25GB of HDD disk space. The default
region of the VMs is US East1.
region of the VMs is US East1.
Each instance is used only for one job, this ensures any sensitive data left on the system can't be accessed by other people their CI jobs.
Jobs handled by the shared Runners on (``),
Jobs handled by the shared Runners on (``),
**will be timed out after 3 hours**, regardless of the timeout configured in a
**will be timed out after 3 hours**, regardless of the timeout configured in a