## Start a discussion by replying to a non-discussion comment
> [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/issues/30299) in GitLab 11.9
To reply a non-discussion comment, you can use the **Reply to comment** button.

The **Reply to comment** button is only displayed if you have permissions to reply to an existing discussion, or start a discussion from a standalone comment.
Clicking on the **Reply to comment** button will bring the reply area into focus and you can type your reply.

Relying to a non-discussion comment will convert the non-discussion comment to a
threaded discussion once the reply is submitted. This conversion is considered an edit
to the original comment, so a note about when it was last edited will appear underneath it.
This feature only exists for Issues, Merge requests, and Epics. Commits, Snippets and Merge request diff discussions are not supported yet.