returnerror("Branch name can't contains space, '~', '^', ':', '?', '*', '[', '\', '..', '@{', and consecutive slashes, start with '/' or '.' or end in '/' or '.' or '.lock'")
.help-block Can't contains space, '~', '^', ':', '?', '*', '[', '\', '..', '@{', and consecutive slashes, start with '/' or '.' or end in '/' or '.' or '.lock'
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ class Spinach::Features::ProjectCommitsBranches < Spinach::FeatureSteps
step'I should see new an error that branch is invalid'do
expect(page).tohave_content'Branch name invalid'
expect(page).tohave_content"Branch name can't contains space, '~', '^', ':', '?', '*', '[', '\', '..', '@{', and consecutive slashes, start with '/' or '.' or end in '/' or '.' or '.lock'"
step'I should see new an error that ref is invalid'do