1. 07 May, 2019 1 commit
    • Stan Hu's avatar
      Additional fix to handle NULL lock_version · b7b852c2
      Stan Hu authored
      If the UI sends a string value for lock_version (e.g. "0"), then the
      previous monkey patch did not properly handle that properly. This
      commit casts the value to an integer to determine whether to look for
      NULL lock_versions.
      For merge requests, GitLab sends a POST request to
      `namespace/project/merge_requests/:iid` with the
      `merge_request[lock_version]` parameter with a string `0`. The string
      value comes from the form field, which explains why
      https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/merge_requests/28145 wasn't
  2. 06 May, 2019 39 commits