Commit be8bc821 authored by Reinout van Rees's avatar Reinout van Rees

Properly handling non-ascii filenames in hashing function

Added fs_to_text() function that ensures a filename is always unicode (python
2) or str (python 3).

os.walk() gets such a unicode dirname as start point, so that it tries to do
its best on python2. The resulting filenames are converted to unicode to make
really sure that the join() doesn't fail with a decoding error.

The input to the hash function is encoded, as it gives an ascii encoding error
otherwise on python 2.
parent c3614a83
......@@ -44,6 +44,19 @@ import tempfile
import zc.buildout
PY3 = sys.version_info[0] == 3
if PY3:
text_type = str
text_type = unicode
def fs_to_text(fs_name):
"""Return filesystem name always as unicode(2)/str(3)."""
if not isinstance(fs_name, text_type):
fs_name = fs_name.decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding(),
return fs_name
def _print_options(sep=' ', end='\n', file=None):
return sep, end, file
......@@ -1444,9 +1457,9 @@ def _default_globals():
These default expressions are convenience defaults available when eveluating
section headers expressions.
NB: this is wrapped in a function so that the computing of these expressions
is lazy and done only if needed (ie if there is at least one section with
an expression) because the computing of some of these expressions can be
is lazy and done only if needed (ie if there is at least one section with
an expression) because the computing of some of these expressions can be
# partially derived or inspired from
# Copyright (c) 2012, Kenneth Reitz All rights reserved.
......@@ -1589,21 +1602,26 @@ def _open(base, filename, seen, dl_options, override, downloaded):
return result
ignore_directories = '.svn', 'CVS', '__pycache__'
ignore_directories = u'.svn', u'CVS', u'__pycache__'
_dir_hashes = {}
def _dir_hash(dir):
dir = fs_to_text(dir)
# ^^^ fs_to_text ensures unicode, needed for os.walk() on python2 to work
# well with non-ascii filenames.
dir_hash = _dir_hashes.get(dir, None)
if dir_hash is not None:
return dir_hash
hash = md5()
for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(dir):
dirnames = [fs_to_text(dirname) for dirname in dirnames]
filenames = [fs_to_text(filename) for filename in filenames]
dirnames[:] = sorted(n for n in dirnames if n not in ignore_directories)
filenames[:] = sorted(f for f in filenames
if (not (f.endswith('pyc') or f.endswith('pyo'))
and os.path.exists(os.path.join(dirpath, f)))
hash.update(' '.join(dirnames).encode())
hash.update(' '.join(filenames).encode())
hash.update(' '.join(dirnames).encode('utf-8'))
hash.update(' '.join(filenames).encode('utf-8'))
for name in filenames:
path = os.path.join(dirpath, name)
if name == 'entry_points.txt':
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