Commit 0523a7e3 authored by Jason Madden's avatar Jason Madden

Move the new tests to try to avoid a conflict with the previous PR.

parent 934dc2fa
......@@ -75,6 +75,70 @@ class PyProxyBaseTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
proxy = MyProxy3('notused')
self.assertEqual(list(proxy), list('another'))
def test_string_to_int(self):
# Strings don't have the tp_number.tp_int pointer
proxy = self._makeOne("14")
self.assertEqual(14, int(proxy))
def test_custom_int_to_int(self):
class CustomClass(object):
def __int__(self):
return 42
proxy = self._makeOne(CustomClass())
self.assertEqual(42, int(proxy))
def test_string_to_float(self):
proxy = self._makeOne("14")
self.assertEqual(float("14"), float(proxy))
def test_incorrect_string_to_int(self):
proxy = self._makeOne("")
self.assertRaises(ValueError, int, proxy)
def test_incorrect_string_to_float(self):
proxy = self._makeOne("")
self.assertRaises(ValueError, float, proxy)
def test_custom_float_to_float(self):
class CustomClass(object):
def __float__(self):
return 42.0
proxy = self._makeOne(CustomClass())
self.assertEqual(42.0, float(proxy))
def test___unicode__of_unicode(self):
from zope.proxy._compat import PY3, _u
if PY3: # Gone in Python 3:
s = _u('Hello, \u2603')
proxy = self._makeOne(s)
self.assertEqual(unicode(proxy), s)
def test___unicode__of_custom_class(self):
from zope.proxy._compat import PY3, _u
if PY3: # Gone in Python 3:
class CustomClass(object):
def __unicode__(self):
return _u('Hello, \u2603')
cc = CustomClass()
self.assertEqual(unicode(cc), _u('Hello, \u2603'))
proxy = self._makeOne(cc)
self.assertEqual(unicode(proxy), _u('Hello, \u2603'))
def test___unicode__of_custom_class_no_unicode(self):
# The default behaviour should be preserved
from zope.proxy._compat import PY3, _u
if PY3: # Gone in Python 3:
class CustomClass(object):
cc = CustomClass()
cc_unicode = unicode(cc)
self.assertEqual(type(cc_unicode), unicode)
proxy = self._makeOne(cc)
self.assertEqual(unicode(proxy), cc_unicode)
def test___call__(self):
def _foo():
return 'FOO'
......@@ -581,71 +645,6 @@ class PyProxyBaseTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
w = self._makeOne(o)
self.assertTrue(w.__class__ is o.__class__)
def test_string_to_int(self):
# Strings don't have the tp_number.tp_int pointer
proxy = self._makeOne("14")
self.assertEqual(14, int(proxy))
def test_custom_int_to_int(self):
class CustomClass(object):
def __int__(self):
return 42
proxy = self._makeOne(CustomClass())
self.assertEqual(42, int(proxy))
def test_string_to_float(self):
proxy = self._makeOne("14")
self.assertEqual(float("14"), float(proxy))
def test_incorrect_string_to_int(self):
proxy = self._makeOne("")
self.assertRaises(ValueError, int, proxy)
def test_incorrect_string_to_float(self):
proxy = self._makeOne("")
self.assertRaises(ValueError, float, proxy)
def test_custom_float_to_float(self):
class CustomClass(object):
def __float__(self):
return 42.0
proxy = self._makeOne(CustomClass())
self.assertEqual(42.0, float(proxy))
def test___unicode__of_unicode(self):
from zope.proxy._compat import PY3, _u
if PY3: # Gone in Python 3:
s = _u('Hello, \u2603')
proxy = self._makeOne(s)
self.assertEqual(unicode(proxy), s)
def test___unicode__of_custom_class(self):
from zope.proxy._compat import PY3, _u
if PY3: # Gone in Python 3:
class CustomClass(object):
def __unicode__(self):
return _u('Hello, \u2603')
cc = CustomClass()
self.assertEqual(unicode(cc), _u('Hello, \u2603'))
proxy = self._makeOne(cc)
self.assertEqual(unicode(proxy), _u('Hello, \u2603'))
def test___unicode__of_custom_class_no_unicode(self):
# The default behaviour should be preserved
from zope.proxy._compat import PY3, _u
if PY3: # Gone in Python 3:
class CustomClass(object):
cc = CustomClass()
cc_unicode = unicode(cc)
self.assertEqual(type(cc_unicode), unicode)
proxy = self._makeOne(cc)
self.assertEqual(unicode(proxy), cc_unicode)
class ProxyBaseTestCase(PyProxyBaseTestCase):
def _getTargetClass(self):
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