Commit f9e5240c authored by Jason Madden's avatar Jason Madden

Workaround bizarre bug in PyPy 2.5.0 where proxys around types cannot be correctly hashed.

parent 0018bc9c
......@@ -719,20 +719,34 @@ class PyProxyBaseTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
class IFoo(Interface):
impl_before = list(implementedBy(builtin_type))
classImplements(builtin_type, IFoo)
builtin = builtin_type()
self.assertTrue(IFoo in list(providedBy(builtin)))
self.assertTrue(IFoo in list(implementedBy(builtin_type)))
proxy_instance = proxy_class(builtin)
provided_instance = providedBy(proxy_instance)
proxy_type = proxy_class(builtin_type)
provided_type = implementedBy(proxy_type)
# The asserts must be before we remove the interface
# because there's a single object that gets mutated
proxy_instance = proxy_class(builtin)
provided_instance = providedBy(proxy_instance)
self.assertTrue(IFoo in list(provided_instance))
self.assertTrue(IFoo in list(provided_type))
# XXX: PyPy 2.5.0 has a bug where proxys around types
# aren't correctly hashable, which breaks this part of the
# test. This is fixed in 2.5.1, but as of 2015-05-28,
# TravisCI still uses 2.5.0.
proxy_type = proxy_class(builtin_type)
from zope.interface.declarations import BuiltinImplementationSpecifications
if proxy_type in BuiltinImplementationSpecifications \
and BuiltinImplementationSpecifications.get(proxy_type, self) is not self:
provided_type = implementedBy(proxy_type)
self.assertTrue(IFoo in list(provided_type))
import sys
self.assertEqual((2,5,0), sys.pypy_version_info[:3])
classImplementsOnly(builtin_type, *impl_before)
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