• Arnaud Fontaine's avatar
    ZODB Components: erp5_core: Migrate Movement Document from filesystem. · e8e5f273
    Arnaud Fontaine authored
    * Import Movement Document:
      + Event
        + MailMessage
      + Project
      + ImmobilisationMovement
    * Imported by IMovement:
      + IAccountingMovement
      + IAmountGenerator
        + AmountGeneratorMixin
        + AmountGeneratorLine
      + IAssetMovement
      + IProductionMovement
    * Used by MovementGeneratorMixin:
      + IMovementGenerator
      + IMovementList
    Also, define providesI<INTERFACE_NAME>() on Base class for migrated Interfaces as
    these needs to be available before bt5 containing the ZODB Component Interfaces are
    upgraded (see also c86107bf). Otherwise, testUpgradeInstanceWithOldDataFs fails as
    z_catalog_item_list (newActiveProcess() from upgrader) calls providesIMovement().
my_template_tool_component_id_list.xml 11.1 KB