Commit 797c9e0a authored by Philipp's avatar Philipp
parent 7d68eec8
# from
import asyncio
import logging
from asyncua import Server, ua
from asyncua.common.methods import uamethod
def func(parent, value):
return value * 2
async def main():
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# setup our server
server = Server()
await server.init()
# set up our own namespace, not really necessary but should as spec
uri = ""
idx = await server.register_namespace(uri)
# populating our address space
# server.nodes, contains links to very common nodes like objects and root
myobj = await server.nodes.objects.add_object(idx, "MyObject")
myvar = await myobj.add_variable(idx, "MyVariable", 6.7)
# Set MyVariable to be writable by clients
await myvar.set_writable()
await server.nodes.objects.add_method(
ua.NodeId("ServerMethod", idx),
ua.QualifiedName("ServerMethod", idx),
)"Starting server!")
async with server:
while True:
await asyncio.sleep(1)
new_val = await myvar.get_value() + 0.1"Set value of %s to %.1f", myvar, new_val)
await myvar.write_value(new_val)
if __name__ == "__main__":
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG), debug=True)
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