Commit 5e8d95bb authored by Cédric Le Ninivin's avatar Cédric Le Ninivin

runner.backup: forget rsync for hidden files use cp

parent ac7a2a93
......@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ class ExportRecipe(GenericBaseRecipe):
sync_element %(srv-directory)s/runner %(backup-directory)s/runner/ instance project proxy.db
# We sync .* appart
cd %(etc-directory)s; %(rsync-binary)s -ptgovz .* %(backup-directory)s/etc/
cp -r %(etc-directory)s/.??* %(backup-directory)s/etc/
sync_element %(etc-directory)s %(backup-directory)s/etc/ config.json ssh
if [ -d %(backup-directory)s/runner/software ]; then
rm %(backup-directory)s/runner/software/*
......@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ class ImportRecipe(GenericBaseRecipe):
restore_element %(backup-directory)s/runner/ %(srv-directory)s/runner instance project proxy.db
restore_element %(backup-directory)s/etc/ %(etc-directory)s .[^.]* config.json ssh
cd %(backup-directory)s/etc/; %(rsync-binary)s -ptgovz .[^.]* %(etc-directory)s;
cp -r %(backup-directory)s/etc/.* %(etc-directory)s;
%(curl-binary)s --insecure -vg6L --max-time 5 %(backend-url)s/isSRReady;
""" % self.options)
self.createExecutable(wrapper, content=content)
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