Commit 64a63567 authored by Ivan Tyagov's avatar Ivan Tyagov

If default security model is installed then we need to update local roles as well.

parent 61b02057
......@@ -28,6 +28,14 @@ if portal.portal_templates.getInstalledBusinessTemplate("erp5_wendelin_data_lake
'accept_submitted_credentials', None)
if accept_submitted_credentials is not None:
# update local roles from defautl security model of Wendelin's Data Lake
default_security_model_business_template = portal.portal_templates.getInstalledBusinessTemplate("erp5_wendelin_data_lake_ingestion_default_security_model", strict=True)
if default_security_model_business_template is not None:
for portal_type in default_security_model_business_template.getTemplatePortalTypeRoleList():
portal_type_instance = getattr(portal.portal_types, portal_type)
print "Updated Role Mappings for %s" %portal_type
# updata local roles (if any)
business_template = context.getSpecialiseValue()
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