Commit 7bbe1edf authored by Sven Franck's avatar Sven Franck Committed by GitHub

Fix 6wind

parent 42366833
"created": "2022-03-23",
"title": "Worteks",
"type": "company",
"type": "Organisation",
"logo_url": "",
"location": {
"title": "Worteks Siège Social",
......@@ -136,15 +136,11 @@
"description": "W’Sweet is an Open Source collaborative and modulable portal developed by Worteks, based on the messaging application BlueMind as well as the LemonLDAP::NG,, Jitsi Meet and Nextcloud softwares.",
"category_list": ["Operation management"],
"similar_solution_list": [{
"title": "pwm-project",
"similiar_solution_url": "",
"category": "Operation management"
}, {
"title": "",
"similiar_solution_url": "",
"category": "Operation management"
"licence_list": [""],
"title": "pwm-project",
"similiar_solution_url": "",
"category": "Operation management"
"licence_list": [],
"source_code_download": "",
"source_code_profile": "",
"commercial_support_url": "",
......@@ -161,15 +157,7 @@
"created_year": "",
"description": "W'Opla is a complex infrastructure management solution containing a virtual machine, an instance and containers, installed and hosted by Worteks on an open source and sovereign infrastructureor the company's own servers.",
"category_list": ["Operation management"],
"similar_solution_list": [{
"title": "",
"similiar_solution_url": "",
"category": "Operation management"
}, {
"title": "",
"similiar_solution_url": "",
"category": "Operation management"
"similar_solution_list": [],
"licence_list": [],
"source_code_download": "",
"source_code_profile": "",
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