"description":"Network and server racks represent the backbone and basis of any IT installation – from single rack applications to a fully configured data center",
"description":"Network and server racks represent the backbone and basis of any IT installation – from single rack applications to a fully configured data center",
"description":"The digital transformation signifies a radical change and the production world will never be the same again. Industry 4.0 and mobile data offer new possibilities, because sensors, actuators, equipment and robots are networked so as to communicate with the central production control system and also with each other.",
"description":"The digital transformation signifies a radical change and the production world will never be the same again. Industry 4.0 and mobile data offer new possibilities, because sensors, actuators, equipment and robots are networked so as to communicate with the central production control system and also with each other.",
"description":"Climate control concepts from Rittal cover the full spectrum of applications, from cooling a single rack through to entire data centers.",
"Solution type":"Hardware",
"Solution type":"Hardware",
"description":"Climate control concepts from Rittal cover the full spectrum of applications, from cooling a single rack through to entire data centers.",
"description":"Growing data volumes and escalating requirements often lead to space problems in existing IT environments. Container solutions suitable for outdoor siting are one possible solution for this kind of Big data applications.",
"Solution type":"Hardware",
"Solution type":"Hardware",
"description":"Growing data volumes and escalating requirements often lead to space problems in existing IT environments. Container solutions suitable for outdoor siting are one possible solution for this kind of Big data applications.",
"description":"Predefined RiMatrix S individual modules are the revolutionary alternative to individual data center construction. These standardised modules are supplied fully functional off-she-shelf with just one item number.",
"description":"Predefined RiMatrix S individual modules are the revolutionary alternative to individual data center construction. These standardised modules are supplied fully functional off-she-shelf with just one item number.",