• Arnaud Fontaine's avatar
    Implement custom Inventory Cache based on the assumption that variations expired. · 46b4812a
    Arnaud Fontaine authored
    No Cache:
      13R: 46635.932 +/- 310.994 (min=46014.113, max=47618.809)
      1R: 3578.318 +/- 2879.959 (min=197.390, max=11038.699)
    ERP5 Generic Cache:
      13R: 183.267 +/- 24.720 (min=163.087, max=303.120)
      1R: 28.588 +/- 11.183 (min=18.977, max=76.923)
    Yoshida's Inventory Cache:
      13R: 102.679 +/- 8.349 (min=96.516, max=166.872)
      1R: 16.384 +/- 3.301 (min=10.767, max=27.993)
    Yoshida's Inventory Cache using catalog.indexation_timestamp instead of stock.date:
      13R: 138.370 +/- 9.424 (min=132.227, max=187.422)
      1R: 47.519 +/- 7.743 (min=23.233, max=68.214)
      ALTER TABLE stock ADD KEY `resource_section_node_date` (`resource_uid`, `section_uid`, `node_uid`, `date`);
      ALTER TABLE stock ADD KEY `variation_text_section_node` (`variation_text`, `section_uid`, `node_uid`);
SimulationTool.py 137 KB