Commit 6b0d2d9c authored by Adam Groszer's avatar Adam Groszer

windows: Popen will quote args itself if needed

parent 536d5a13
......@@ -976,10 +976,10 @@ class Buildout(UserDict.DictMixin):
# Restart
args = map(zc.buildout.easy_install._safe_arg, sys.argv)
args = list(sys.argv)
if not __debug__:
args.insert(0, '-O')
args.insert(0, zc.buildout.easy_install._safe_arg(sys.executable))
args.insert(0, sys.executable)
# We want to make sure that our new is used for rerunning
# buildout, so we put the partsdir in PYTHONPATH for our restart.
# This overrides any set PYTHONPATH, but since we generally are
......@@ -987,6 +987,8 @@ class Buildout(UserDict.DictMixin):
# library) then that should be fine.
env = os.environ.copy()
env['PYTHONPATH'] = partsdir
# windows: Popen will quote args itself if needed
# see subprocess.list2cmdline
sys.exit(subprocess.Popen(args, env=env).wait())
def _load_extensions(self):
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