Commit 23cbe832 authored by Thomas Gambier's avatar Thomas Gambier :bicyclist_tone2:

slapos_jio: fix ERP5Site_activeLogin

The commit dee343f3 said:
slapos_jio: after activate the login come back to WebSite and not to the portal.

But it actually went to the WebSection and not the WebSite.

This fixes ERP5Site_activeLogin on slapos master because right now we
have this URL in emails sent to customer to activate their login:

So the script is setupping the came from as:!login?{&}

which is not working (returns AttributeError: form_view error)

The URL!login?{&} is working
parent 7862ea47
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ portal = context.getPortalObject()
assert key
mail_message = portal.ERP5Site_unrestrictedSearchMessage(key=key)
came_from = context.getWebSectionValue().absolute_url() + "/#!login?{&}"
came_from = context.getWebSiteValue().absolute_url() + "/#!login?{&}"
credential_request = mail_message.getFollowUpValue()
if credential_request.getValidationState() in ('submitted', 'accepted'):
message = translateString("Your account is already active.")
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