Commit 93a97564 authored by Julien Muchembled's avatar Julien Muchembled
Browse files

Add unit test to check order of resources being committed

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent a3db175e
......@@ -51,7 +51,46 @@ class TestInvalidationBug(ERP5TypeTestCase):
def afterSetUp(self):
def testReindex(self):
def testCommitOrder(self):
"""Check order of resources being committed"""
module = self.getPortalObject().organisation_module
organisation = module.newContent() # modify ZODB and create activity
organisation.immediateReindexObject() # modify catalog
path = organisation.getPath()
test_list = []
for connection_id, table in (('erp5_sql_connection', 'catalog'),
('cmf_activity_sql_connection', 'message')):
connection = self.portal[connection_id]
connection = connection.__class__('_' + connection_id, '',
'-' + connection.connection_string)
query = "rollback\0select * from %s where path='%s'" % (table, path)
test_list.append(lambda query=query: len(connection.manage_test(query)))
result_list = [map(apply, test_list)]
Transaction_commitResources = transaction.Transaction._commitResources
def _commitResources(self):
orig_tpc_finish_dict = dict((rm.__class__, rm.__class__.tpc_finish)
for rm in self._resources)
def tpc_finish(self, txn):
orig_tpc_finish_dict[self.__class__](self, txn)
result_list.append(map(apply, test_list))
for cls in orig_tpc_finish_dict:
cls.tpc_finish = tpc_finish
return Transaction_commitResources(self)
for cls, tpc_finish in orig_tpc_finish_dict.iteritems():
cls.tpc_finish = tpc_finish
transaction.Transaction._commitResources = _commitResources
transaction.Transaction._commitResources = Transaction_commitResources
self.assertEqual(result_list[0], [0,0])
self.assertEqual(result_list[1], [0,0]) # activity buffer first
self.assertEqual(result_list[-2], [1,0]) # catalog
self.assertEqual(result_list[-1], [1,1]) # activity tables last
def _testReindex(self):
print("To reproduce bugs easily, distribution step should be skipped for"
" SQLDict, by writing messages with processing_node already at 0."
" This can be done easily by patching SQLDict_writeMessageList.")
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