Commit f62b979e authored by Aurel's avatar Aurel

- add new parameter to setNodeState message depending on user input

- take into account new command to change the cluster state

git-svn-id: 71dcc9de-d417-0410-9af5-da40c76e7ee4
parent 8fd46b52
......@@ -72,7 +72,9 @@ class Application(object):
# print pt all [uuid] : print the partition table for all rows [containing node with uuid]
# print pt 10-0 [uuid] : print the partition table for row 10 to the end [containing node with uuid]
# print node type : print list of node of the given type (STORAGE_NODE_TYPE, MASTER_NODE_TYPE...)
# set node uuid state : set the node for the given uuid to the state (RUNNING_STATE, DOWN_STATE...)
# set node uuid state [1|0] : set the node for the given uuid to the state (RUNNING_STATE, DOWN_STATE...)
# and modify the partition if asked
# set cluster name [shutdown|operational] : either shutdown the cluster or mark it as operational
command = args[0]
options = args[1:]
if command == "print":
......@@ -106,7 +108,18 @@ class Application(object):
state = node_states.getFromStr(state)
if state is None:
return "unknown state type"
p = protocol.setNodeState(uuid, state)
if len(options):
modify = int(options.pop(0))
modify = 0
p = protocol.setNodeState(uuid, state, modify)
elif set_type == "cluster":
name = options.pop(0)
state = options.pop(0)
cluster_state = cluster_states.getFromStr(state)
if state is None:
return "unknown cluster state"
p = protocol.setClusterState(name, state)
return "unknown command options"
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