equeue: prevent to run import script if takeover-triggered file exists.

parent d0b201f2
......@@ -87,6 +87,8 @@ class EqueueServer(SocketServer.ThreadingUnixStreamServer):
# Equeue Specific elements
self.setLogger(self.options.logfile[0], self.options.loglevel[0])
if getattr(self.options, 'takeover_triggered_file_path', None):
self.takeover_triggered_file_path = self.options.takeover_triggered_file_path[0]
# Lock to only have one command running at the time
self.thread_lock = threading.Lock()
# Lockfile is used by other commands to know if an import is ongoing.
......@@ -106,7 +108,16 @@ class EqueueServer(SocketServer.ThreadingUnixStreamServer):
def setDB(self, database):
self.db = gdbm.open(database, 'cs', 0700)
def _hasTakeoverBeenTriggered(self):
if hasattr(self, 'takeover_triggered_file_path') and \
return True
return False
def _runCommandIfNeeded(self, command, timestamp):
if self._hasTakeoverBeenTriggered():
self.logger.info('Takeover has been triggered, preventing to run import script.')
with self.thread_lock as thread_lock, self.lockfile as lockfile:
cmd_list = command.split('\0')
cmd_readable = ' '.join(cmd_list)
......@@ -191,6 +202,8 @@ def main():
dest='timeout', type=int, default=3)
help="Path to the lock file created when a command is run")
parser.add_argument('--takeover-triggered-file-path', nargs=1, required=False,
help="Path to the file created by takeover script to state that it has been triggered.")
parser.add_argument('socket', help="Path to the unix socket")
args = parser.parse_args()
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