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Commit 4516bf6e authored by Tristan Cavelier's avatar Tristan Cavelier

jIO.util.ajax added

parent 04a26788
/*jslint indent: 2, maxlen: 80, nomen: true, sloppy: true */
/*global exports, Blob, FileReader, Deferred, hex_sha256 */
/*global exports, Blob, FileReader, Deferred, hex_sha256, XMLHttpRequest */
* Do not exports these tools unless they are not writable, not configurable.
......@@ -318,6 +318,31 @@ function readBlobAsBinaryString(blob) {
exports.util.readBlobAsBinaryString = readBlobAsBinaryString;
* Send request with XHR and return a promise.
* @param {String} method The request method
* @param {String} url The url
* @param {Any} [data] The data to send
* @param {Function} [before_send] A function called just before send request.
* The first parameter of this function is the XHR object.
* @return {Promise} The promise
function ajax(method, url, data, before_send) {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(), deferred = new Deferred();, url, true);
xhr.responseType = "blob";
xhr.onload = deferred.resolve.bind(deferred);
xhr.onerror = deferred.reject.bind(deferred);
xhr.onprogress = deferred.notify.bind(deferred);
if (typeof before_send === 'function') {
return deferred.promise();
exports.util.ajax = ajax;
* Acts like `Array.prototype.concat` but does not create a copy of the original
* array. It extends the original array and return it.
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