Commit fcd05bcc authored by Ivan Tyagov's avatar Ivan Tyagov

Set a new version 0.2 inside renderjs.js to make it easier to know its

Add Makefile which is able to produce a minified version.
parent daf7d792
# files
RENDERJS = renderjs.js
RENDERJS_MIN = renderjs.min.js
# npm install uglify-js
UGLIFY_CMD = $(shell which uglifyjs || echo node ~/node_modules/uglify-js/bin/uglifyjs)
auto: build
build: uglify
find -name '*~' -delete
What is RenderJs?
RenderJs is a JavaScript library which uses jQuery and RequireJS.
RenderJs provides an easy way to define gadgets (aka mashups) in pure HTML5 and does not require application server.
It handles dependencies through RequireJS, caching and interaction.
It is suitable for the development of mobile applications, desktop applications. It is used by OfficeJS, ERP5.
Documentation is available at
> git clone
> make (will produce a minified version for now, requires nodejs installed as well its uglifyjs module)
\ No newline at end of file
/*! RenderJs v0.2 */
/*global console, require, $, localStorage, document */ /*global console, require, $, localStorage, document */
"use strict"; "use strict";
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