• Thomas Gambier's avatar
    obs/slapos: fix compilation on Fedora 36 and 37 · 797e5f5e
    Thomas Gambier authored
    In the compilation, there were many errors regarding rpath in Fedora
    with the explanation message below. So I put the minimum to change the
    error into warning.
    * WARNING: 'check-rpaths' detected a broken RPATH OR RUNPATH and will cause
    *          'rpmbuild' to fail. To ignore these errors, you can set the
    *          '$QA_RPATHS' environment variable which is a bitmask allowing the
    *          values below. The current value of QA_RPATHS is 0x0003.
    *    0x0001 ... standard RPATHs (e.g. /usr/lib); such RPATHs are a minor
    *               issue but are introducing redundant searchpaths without
    *               providing a benefit. They can also cause errors in multilib
    *               environments.
    *    0x0002 ... invalid RPATHs; these are RPATHs which are neither absolute
    *               nor relative filenames and can therefore be a SECURITY risk
    *    0x0004 ... insecure RPATHs; these are relative RPATHs which are a
    *               SECURITY risk
    *    0x0008 ... the special '$ORIGIN' RPATHs are appearing after other
    *               RPATHs; this is just a minor issue but usually unwanted
    *    0x0010 ... the RPATH is empty; there is no reason for such RPATHs
    *               and they cause unneeded work while loading libraries
    *    0x0020 ... an RPATH references '..' of an absolute path; this will break
    *               the functionality when the path before '..' is a symlink
    * Examples:
    * - to ignore standard and empty RPATHs, execute 'rpmbuild' like
    *   $ QA_RPATHS=$(( 0x0001|0x0010 )) rpmbuild my-package.src.rpm
    * - to check existing files, set $RPM_BUILD_ROOT and execute check-rpaths like
    *   $ RPM_BUILD_ROOT=<top-dir> /usr/lib/rpm/check-rpaths
slapos.spec.in 4 KB