Commit 18d1650f authored by Łukasz Nowak's avatar Łukasz Nowak Committed by Łukasz Nowak

caddy-frontend: Workaround issues with generate.password

It sometimes results with returning passwords with newlines, thus they have
to be trimmed.
parent 012eba7b
No related merge requests found
Generally things to be done with ``caddy-frontend``:
* tests: add assertion with results of promises in etc/promise for each partition
* generated files: ``| trim`` values (like ``slave_password[slave]`` in ``templates/``) in generated configuration files to have them renfered correctly
* check the whole frontend slave snippet with ``caddy -validate`` during buildout run, and reject if does not pass validation
* ``apache-ca-certificate`` shall be merged with ``apache-certificate``
......@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ md5sum = 6a308c29b54d53cfd82ae23ba77a35dd
filename = templates/
md5sum = 6689d96fc18d9aad78d77fe87770d4da
md5sum = 7c987ad75fcce6f5b925c7696ff41971
filename = templates/
......@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ md5sum = f149ab15334d7d15d8c525f02fc4d968
filename = templates/
md5sum = 36895c8d2631bde619456265a54f6203
md5sum = f2a74f88c7248f199011fa9ec6182f73
filename = templates/
......@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ https://[{{ global_ipv6 }}]:{{ https_port }}/server-status, https://{{ local_ipv
# Compress the output
bind {{ local_ipv4 }}
basicauth "{{ username }}" {{ password }} {
basicauth "{{ username }}" {{ password | trim }} {
"Server Status"
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ https://[{{ parameter_dict['global_ipv6'] }}]:{{ parameter_dict['https_port'] }}
root {{ directory }}/
tls {{ parameter_dict['login_certificate'] }} {{ parameter_dict['login_key'] }}
basicauth "{{ slave }}" {{ slave_password[slave] }} {
basicauth "{{ slave }}" {{ slave_password[slave] | trim }} {
"Log Access {{ slave }}"
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