will be down from Thursday, 20 March 2025, 07:30:00 UTC for a duration of approximately 2 hours

Commit 0b91c6b3 authored by Kevin Deldycke's avatar Kevin Deldycke

Use "2-space" tabbing.

Support empty category

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent 64680a07
......@@ -79,86 +79,93 @@ l = []\n
default_values = context.PaySheetTransaction_preCalculation()\n
# function to create a new preview line\n
def createPreviewLine ( new_id = None\n
, new_title = None\n
, new_base = None\n
, new_base_name = None\n
, new_employee_rate = None\n
, new_employer_rate = None\n
, new_service_url = None\n
, new_organisation_url = None\n
, new_salary_range_cat = None\n
, new_tax_cat = None\n
global portal_object, num, l\n
num += 1\n
int_len = 3\n
o = newTempBase(portal_object, new_id)\n
o.setUid(\'new_%s\' % zfill(num, int_len)) # XXX There is a security issue here\n
o.edit(uid=\'new_%s\' % zfill(num, int_len)) # XXX There is a security issue here\n
o.edit ( id = new_id\n
, title = new_title\n
, base = new_base\n
, base_name = new_base_name\n
, employee_share_rate = new_employee_rate\n
, employer_share_rate = new_employer_rate\n
, service_url = new_service_url\n
, organisation_url = new_organisation_url\n
, salary_range_cat = new_salary_range_cat\n
, tax_cat = new_tax_cat\n
def createPreviewLine( new_id = None\n
, new_title = None\n
, new_base = None\n
, new_base_name = None\n
, new_employee_rate = None\n
, new_employer_rate = None\n
, new_service_url = None\n
, new_organisation_url = None\n
, new_salary_range_cat = None\n
, new_tax_cat = None\n
global portal_object, num, l\n
num += 1\n
int_len = 3\n
o = newTempBase(portal_object, new_id)\n
o.setUid( \'new_%s\' % zfill(num, int_len)) # XXX There is a security issue here\n
o.edit(uid=\'new_%s\' % zfill(num, int_len)) # XXX There is a security issue here\n
o.edit( id = new_id\n
, title = new_title\n
, base = new_base\n
, base_name = new_base_name\n
, employee_share_rate = new_employee_rate\n
, employer_share_rate = new_employer_rate\n
, service_url = new_service_url\n
, organisation_url = new_organisation_url\n
, salary_range_cat = new_salary_range_cat\n
, tax_cat = new_tax_cat\n
# get all services related to pay sheet transaction\n
paysheet_services = []\n
erp5site = context.portal_url.getPortalObject()\n
# during 06/2005 service module has been renamed service_module\n
# both names are supported\n
if hasattr(erp5site, \'service_module\') : \n
if hasattr(erp5site, \'service_module\') :\n
service_module = erp5site.service_module\n
else : \n
else :\n
service_module = erp5site.service\n
for service in service_module.objectValues():\n
base_cat = service.getVariationRangeBaseCategoryList()\n
# a service is related to paysheet transaction if it has \'tax_category\' et \'salary_range\' as base category\n
if \'tax_category\' in base_cat and \'salary_range\' in base_cat and service.getId() != \'labour\':\n
base_cat = service.getVariationBaseCategoryList()\n
# A service is related to paysheet transaction if it has\n
# \'tax_category\' and \'salary_range\' as base category.\n
if \'tax_category\' in base_cat and \'salary_range\' in base_cat and service.getId() != \'labour\':\n
# Sort the service list by id\n
paysheet_services.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x.getId(), y.getId()))\n
# generate all lines for the preview form\n
for serv in paysheet_services:\n
cat_list = serv.getCategoryList()\n
# store all categories of the service into lists\n
tax_cat = []\n
range_cat = []\n
for cat in cat_list:\n
if str(cat).find(\'tax_category\') != -1:\n
if str(cat).find(\'salary_range\') != -1:\n
# create a line for every salary_range of the service\n
for base in range_cat:\n
name = serv.getId() + \'/\' + context.portal_categories.resolveCategory(base).getId()\n
# a preview line is composed of a base calculation, an employee share rate and an employer share rate\n
if default_values.has_key(name):\n
new_base = default_values[name][\'base\']\n
new_employee_rate = default_values[name][\'employee_rate\']\n
new_employer_rate = default_values[name][\'employer_rate\']\n
cat_list = serv.getCategoryList()\n
# store all categories of the service into lists\n
tax_cat = []\n
range_cat = []\n
for cat in cat_list:\n
if str(cat).find(\'tax_category\') != -1:\n
if str(cat).find(\'salary_range\') != -1:\n
# create a line for every salary_range of the service\n
for base in range_cat:\n
if mycategory is None:\n
context.log("PaySheetTransaction_initializePreview","WARNING : category not found : %s" % base)\n
name = serv.getId() + \'/\' + mycategory.getId()\n
# a preview line is composed of a base calculation, an employee share rate and an employer share rate\n
if default_values.has_key(name):\n
new_base = default_values[name][\'base\']\n
new_employee_rate = default_values[name][\'employee_rate\']\n
new_employer_rate = default_values[name][\'employer_rate\']\n
# create a preview line for every salary_range value of the service\n
createPreviewLine ( new_id = serv.getId()\n
, new_title = serv.getTitleOrId()\n
, new_base = new_base\n
, new_base_name = context.portal_categories.resolveCategory(base).getTitleOrId()\n
, new_employee_rate = new_employee_rate\n
, new_employer_rate = new_employer_rate\n
, new_service_url = serv.getRelativeUrl()\n
, new_organisation_url = serv.getSource()\n
, new_salary_range_cat = base\n
, new_tax_cat = tax_cat\n
createPreviewLine( new_id = serv.getId()\n
, new_title = serv.getTitleOrId()\n
, new_base = new_base\n
, new_base_name = context.portal_categories.resolveCategory(base).getTitleOrId()\n
, new_employee_rate = new_employee_rate\n
, new_employer_rate = new_employer_rate\n
, new_service_url = serv.getRelativeUrl()\n
, new_organisation_url = serv.getSource()\n
, new_salary_range_cat = base\n
, new_tax_cat = tax_cat\n
# return the list of preview lines\n
return l\n
......@@ -238,6 +245,7 @@ return l\n
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