will be down from Thursday, 20 March 2025, 07:30:00 UTC for a duration of approximately 2 hours

Commit 39c85c8b authored by Yusei Tahara's avatar Yusei Tahara

Revert "Jupyter: Support matplotlib inline display. (style is needed to be updated)"

This reverts commit 6b6f1fe0.
parent cf20478d
......@@ -17,18 +17,6 @@ import Acquisition
import astor
from Products.ERP5Type.Log import log
# Display matplotlib figure automatically like
# the original python kernel
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from IPython.utils.decorators import flag_calls
from IPython.core.pylabtools import print_figure
from IPython.core.display import _pngxy
from ipykernel.jsonutil import json_clean, encode_images
import threading
display_data_wrapper_lock = threading.Lock()
plt.plot = flag_calls(plt.plot)
def Base_executeJupyter(self, python_expression=None, reference=None, \
title=None, request_reference=False, **kw):
# Check permissions for current user and display message to non-authorized user
......@@ -80,7 +68,7 @@ def Base_executeJupyter(self, python_expression=None, reference=None, \
# Pass all to code Base_runJupyter external function which would execute the code
# and returns a dict of result
final_result = displayDataWrapper(lambda:Base_runJupyterCode(self, python_expression, old_notebook_context))
final_result = Base_runJupyterCode(self, python_expression, old_notebook_context)
new_notebook_context = final_result['notebook_context']
......@@ -90,9 +78,7 @@ def Base_executeJupyter(self, python_expression=None, reference=None, \
u'evalue': final_result['evalue'],
u'traceback': final_result['traceback'],
u'status': final_result['status'],
u'mime_type': final_result['mime_type'],
u'extra_data_list': final_result['extra_data_list'],
u'mime_type': final_result['mime_type']}
# Updates the context in the notebook with the resulting context of code
# execution.
......@@ -142,49 +128,6 @@ def mergeTracebackListIntoResultDict(result_dict, error_result_dict_list):
result_dict['status'] = error_result_dict['status']
return result_dict
def matplotlib_pre_run():
rc = {'figure.figsize': (6.0,4.0),
'figure.facecolor': (1,1,1,0),
'figure.edgecolor': (1,1,1,0),
'font.size': 10,
'figure.dpi': 36,
'figure.subplot.bottom' : .125
for key, value in rc.items():
matplotlib.rcParams[key] = value
plt.plot.called = False
def matplotlib_post_run(data_list):
png_data = None
if plt.plot.called:
plt.plot.called = False
figure = plt.gcf()
png_data = print_figure(figure, fmt='png')
if png_data is not None:
width, height = _pngxy(png_data)
data = encode_images({'image/png':png_data})
metadata = {'image/png':dict(width=width, height=height)}
data_list.append(json_clean(dict(data=data, metadata=metadata)))
def displayDataWrapper(function):
with display_data_wrapper_lock:
# pre run
result = function()
extra_data_list = result.get('extra_data_list', [])
# post run
result['extra_data_list'] = extra_data_list
return result
def Base_runJupyterCode(self, jupyter_code, old_notebook_context):
Function to execute jupyter code and update the context dictionary.
......@@ -460,7 +403,7 @@ def Base_runJupyterCode(self, jupyter_code, old_notebook_context):
if inject_variable_dict.get('_print') is not None:
output = inject_variable_dict['_print'].getCapturedOutputString()
result = {
'result_string': output,
'notebook_context': notebook_context,
......@@ -1056,4 +999,5 @@ def erp5PivotTableUI(self, df):
storeIFrame(self, html_string, key)
iframe_host = self.REQUEST['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST'].split(',')[0]
url = "https://%s/erp5/Base_displayPivotTableFrame?key=%s" % (iframe_host, key)
return IFrame(src=url, width='100%', height='500')
\ No newline at end of file
return IFrame(src=url, width='100%', height='500')
......@@ -46,12 +46,12 @@
<key> <string>text_content_warning_message</string> </key>
<string>W:369, 10: Use of exec (exec-used)</string>
<string>W:412, 10: Use of exec (exec-used)</string>
<string>W:425, 10: Use of exec (exec-used)</string>
<string>W:510, 6: No exception type(s) specified (bare-except)</string>
<string>W:763, 6: Use of exec (exec-used)</string>
<string>W:989, 2: Redefining name \'IFrame\' from outer scope (line 4) (redefined-outer-name)</string>
<string>W:312, 10: Use of exec (exec-used)</string>
<string>W:355, 10: Use of exec (exec-used)</string>
<string>W:368, 10: Use of exec (exec-used)</string>
<string>W:453, 6: No exception type(s) specified (bare-except)</string>
<string>W:706, 6: Use of exec (exec-used)</string>
<string>W:932, 2: Redefining name \'IFrame\' from outer scope (line 4) (redefined-outer-name)</string>
<string>W: 18, 0: Unused log imported from Products.ERP5Type.Log (unused-import)</string>
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