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Commit 6b55f3d4 authored by Nicolas Delaby's avatar Nicolas Delaby

PUT_factory Method not used anymore:

We just need to guess which portal_type must be used with portal_contribution_registry
This patch avoid creating objects on portal_contribution as it's not required.
No need to create and delete object several times.
Thanks to Kazuhiko and Yusei

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent 734c8c5f
......@@ -243,25 +243,16 @@ class ContributionTool(BaseTool):
extension = '.%s' % file_name.split('.')[-1]
file_name = '%s%s' % (self.generateNewId(), extension)
ob = self.PUT_factory(file_name, mime_type, data)
# Raise an error if we could not guess the portal type
if ob is None:
raise ValueError, "Could not determine the document type"
object_id = ob.getId()
# Prevent any reindexing operations
ob.isIndexable = 0
portal_type = self._guessPortalType(file_name, mime_type, data)
# Then put the file inside ourselves for a short while
if container_path is not None:
container = self.getPortalObject().restrictedTraverse(container_path)
document = self._setObject(object_id, ob, user_login=user_login, id=id,
document = self._setObject(file_name, portal_type, user_login=user_login, id=id,
object_id = document.getId()
document = self._getOb(object_id) # Call _getOb to purge cache
rewrite_method = document._getTypeBasedMethod('rewriteIngestionData')
if rewrite_method is not None:
......@@ -341,35 +332,25 @@ class ContributionTool(BaseTool):
return property_dict
# WebDAV virtual folder support
def _setObject(self, name, ob, user_login=None, container=None,
def _setObject(self, name, portal_type, user_login=None, container=None,
id=None, discover_metadata=1):
The strategy is to let NullResource.PUT do everything as
usual and at the last minute put the object in a different
location with a different portal type. This means that
NullResource.PUT creates an empty document with PUT_factory
then upload document data by invoking PUT on the empty
document and finally sets the object. By overriding _setObject
we get a chance to fix the portal_type of the document
(as long as the one we find is compatible) and move the
document to the appropriate module.
portal_contribution_registry will find appropriate portal type
name by file_name and content itself.
The ContributionTool instance must be configured in such
way that _verifyObjectPaste will return TRUE.
Refer to: NullResource.PUT
# _setObject is called by constructInstance at a time
# when the object has no portal_type defined yet. It
# will be removed later on. We can safely store the
# document inside us at this stage. Else we
# must find out where to store it.
if not ob.__dict__.has_key('portal_type'):
BaseTool._setObject(self, name, ob)
document = self[name]
if not portal_type:
document = BaseTool.newContent(self, id=name,
# We give the system a last chance to analyse the
# portal_type based on the document content
......@@ -379,21 +360,21 @@ class ContributionTool(BaseTool):
# Now we know the portal_type, let us find the module
# to which we should move the document to
if container is None:
module = self.getDefaultModule(ob.portal_type)
module = self.getDefaultModule(portal_type)
module = container
if id is None:
new_id = module.generateNewId()
new_id = id = new_id
existing_document = module.get(new_id, None)
if existing_document is None:
# There is no preexisting document - we can therefore
# set the new object
module._setObject(new_id, ob)
document = module.newContent(id=new_id,
# We can now discover metadata
document = module[new_id]
if discover_metadata:
# Metadata disovery is done as an activity by default
# If we need to discoverMetadata synchronously, it must
......@@ -421,12 +402,11 @@ class ContributionTool(BaseTool):
# to support in place contribution (ie. for a given ID)
# but is this really useful ?
raise NotImplementedError
# Keep the document close to us - this is only useful for
# file upload from webdav
if not hasattr(self, '_v_document_cache'):
self._v_document_cache = {}
self._v_document_cache[name] = document.getRelativeUrl()
self._v_document_cache[document.getId()] = document.getRelativeUrl()
# Return document to newContent method
return document
......@@ -701,4 +681,23 @@ class ContributionTool(BaseTool):
container_path=container_path, id=id,
repeat=repeat - 1, **kw)
def _guessPortalType(self, name, typ, body):
Call Portal Contribution Registry
to know which portal_type should be used
findPortalTypeName = None
registry = getToolByName(self, 'portal_contribution_registry', None)
if registry is not None:
findPortalTypeName = registry.findPortalTypeName
# Keep backward compatibility
registry = getToolByName(self, 'content_type_registry', None)
if registry is None:
return None
findPortalTypeName = registry.findTypeName
portal_type = findPortalTypeName(name, typ, body)
return portal_type
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