- 04 Mar, 2015 1 commit
Tatuya Kamada authored
To make enable this function, you need to overwrite ERP5Site_getJavaScriptRelativeUrlList. This means it does nothing by default even if you install this bussiness template.
- 03 Mar, 2015 1 commit
Jérome Perrin authored
- 02 Mar, 2015 4 commits
Romain Courteaud authored
Romain Courteaud authored
Romain Courteaud authored
Move all ERP5 custom code into gadget_erp5.js. The jIO gadget can now be used by any renderJS application.
Romain Courteaud authored
- 26 Feb, 2015 3 commits
Jérome Perrin authored
Kazuhiko Shiozaki authored
do not care node_category when getting aggregated payment transaction lines from a payment transaction group.
Xiaowu Zhang authored
erp5_web_renderjs_ui_test: move datetimefield zuite into renderjs_ui_zuite to launch datetimefield's test
- 25 Feb, 2015 1 commit
Jérome Perrin authored
- 24 Feb, 2015 2 commits
Xiaowu Zhang authored
1.add DateTimeField tabs in Bar for selenium test 2.add selenium test for datetimefield gadget
Xiaowu Zhang authored
When want to display timezone in datetimefield, some time timezone attribute is lost in sub form for the backward compatibility reason. So to display timezone, a new sub form should be regenerated
- 23 Feb, 2015 1 commit
Kirill Smelkov authored
If in erp5 I go to big_file_module and 'Add Big File' action and then try to download just-created empty bigfile I get a crash: curl ... --data 'format=raw' http://localhost:8889/erp5/big_file_module/18 ... <h2>Site Error</h2> <p>An error was encountered while publishing this resource.</p> <p> <strong>Error Type: AttributeError </strong> <br /> <strong>Error Value: 'str' object has no attribute 'iterate' </strong> <br /> </p> with exception traceback Traceback (innermost last): Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 138, in publish request, bind=1) Module ZPublisher.mapply, line 77, in mapply if debug is not None: return debug(object,args,context) Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 48, in call_object result=apply(object,args) # Type s<cr> to step into published object. Module Products.ERP5.Document.BigFile, line 297, in index_html for chunk in data.iterate(): AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'iterate' I've compared BigFile code with the sample place in File code from Zope/src/OFS (which is base class for BigFile) https://github.com/zopefoundation/Zope/blob/2.13/src/OFS/Image.py#L420 and in index_html(), if we requested the data itself, there it sees whether self.data is either 1) simply bytes (= str in python2), or 2) linked-list of Pdata and in BigFile we currently miss handling 1) case. ~~~~ BigFile, it looks, was copied-and-modified from Zope.OFS.Image.File first in 65121be7 (Support streaming big file in DMS.) Then in index_html download there was only an 'iterate over btree chunks' case. Later in dff53681 (Get modification date from btree.) a case for if data is None: return '' was added before btree iteration. Here we also restore original Zope code for returning file content if it is string instance directly, because as it is experimentally observed, that case can also happen. The patch does not add tests, because currently BigFile class does not have tests at all (at least I could not find them). Reviewed-by: Romain Courteaud <romain@nexedi.com>
- 21 Feb, 2015 3 commits
Kazuhiko Shiozaki authored
Kazuhiko Shiozaki authored
Kazuhiko Shiozaki authored
- 18 Feb, 2015 1 commit
Jérome Perrin authored
- 17 Feb, 2015 23 commits
Jérome Perrin authored
This reverts commit 2a061744. An outdated customization of Base_getEditorFieldPreferredTextEditor on our ERP5 introduced confusion
Sebastien Robin authored
Sebastien Robin authored
Sebastien Robin authored
Sebastien Robin authored
In testInventoryAPI we test several cases of getNextNegativeInventory. Remove this test which is long, hard to understand, and only test a case that is not really making sense (current stock with negative inventory)
Sebastien Robin authored
This avoid differences like 07:55:27 != 07:55:26 in tests
Sebastien Robin authored
Sebastien Robin authored
Sebastien Robin authored
Sebastien Robin authored
Sebastien Robin authored
Sebastien Robin authored
Sebastien Robin authored
Sebastien Robin authored
Sebastien Robin authored
the display of this form was broken
Sebastien Robin authored
This is needed to take into account the node when looking at the history of movements
Sebastien Robin authored
Sebastien Robin authored
Sebastien Robin authored
So all newSimulation expected failures are removed. Make generateMovementListForStockOptimisation looking min_flow and max_delay on supply lines. Introduce a getNextAlertInventoryDate in addition to getNextNegativeInventoryDate. This allows to know when an inventory will be below a reference quantity. This is particularly helpful to know when an inventory is below the minimal admitted stock
Sebastien Robin authored
So it's no longer a newSimulation expected failure. Review method generateMovementListForStockOptimisation of builders to nicely generated temporary movements depending on future negative stocks.
Sebastien Robin authored
Like this we stop using Resource_zGetInventory which is less and less used. Indeed, it's better to only have Resource_zGetInventoryList and sometimes returns a list of a single line.
Sebastien Robin authored
Sebastien Robin authored