Commit 3b9b48b9 authored by Kazuhiko Shiozaki's avatar Kazuhiko Shiozaki

fulltext: escape some characters in Mroonga boolean search queries.

......@@ -51,6 +51,11 @@ class TestI18NSearch(ERP5TypeTestCase):
description='Slow white fox jumps over the diligent dog.',
person3 = person_module.newContent(
first_name='( - + )',
# check if 'é' == 'e' collation works
......@@ -77,6 +82,12 @@ class TestI18NSearch(ERP5TypeTestCase):
self.assertEqual(len(result), 1)
self.assertEqual(result[0].getPath(), person1.getPath())
# check search with a special character
for query in ('(', ')', ):
result = person_module.searchFolder(title=query)
self.assertEqual(len(result), 1)
self.assertEqual(result[0].getPath(), person3.getPath())
# check fulltext search for automatically generated related keys.
self.assertTrue('MATCH' in self.portal.portal_catalog(destination_title='Faure', src__=1))
......@@ -139,6 +139,11 @@ class MroongaComparisonOperator(MatchComparisonOperator):
MatchComparisonOperator.__init__(self, operator, ' IN BOOLEAN MODE')
self.force_boolean = force_boolean
def _escape(self, query_string):
# TODO : We need to escape more invalid boolean operator usage
# like '+' or '-' without any letter.
return re.compile(r'([()])').sub(r'\\\g<1>', query_string)
def renderValue(self, value_list):
Special Query renderer for MroongaFullText queries:
......@@ -153,7 +158,7 @@ class MroongaComparisonOperator(MatchComparisonOperator):
if self.force_boolean:
fulltext_query = '*D+ %s' % value_list
return self._renderValue(fulltext_query)
return self._renderValue(self._escape(fulltext_query))
match_query_list = []
match_boolean_query_list = []
......@@ -170,7 +175,7 @@ class MroongaComparisonOperator(MatchComparisonOperator):
if match_query_list:
fulltext_query += ' *S"%s"' % ' '.join(match_query_list)
if match_boolean_query_list:
fulltext_query += ' %s' % ' '.join(match_boolean_query_list)
fulltext_query += ' %s' % self._escape(' '.join(match_boolean_query_list))
return self._renderValue(fulltext_query)
verifyClass(IOperator, MroongaComparisonOperator)
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