Commit 5601d655 authored by Kazuhiko Shiozaki's avatar Kazuhiko Shiozaki

* add newest_only option in getRepositoryBusinessTemplateList() so that it...

* add newest_only option in getRepositoryBusinessTemplateList() so that it only returns the newest one for each business template title.
* reinstall option in updateBusinessTemplateFromUrl() just calls install(force=True).

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent 56c10ba8
No related merge requests found
......@@ -1026,7 +1026,8 @@ class TemplateTool (BaseTool):
security.declareProtected( Permissions.AccessContentsInformation,
'getRepositoryBusinessTemplateList' )
def getRepositoryBusinessTemplateList(self, update_only=False, **kw):
def getRepositoryBusinessTemplateList(self, update_only=False,
newest_only=False, **kw):
"""Get the list of Business Templates in repositories.
version_state_title_dict = { 'new' : 'New', 'present' : 'Present',
......@@ -1036,7 +1037,7 @@ class TemplateTool (BaseTool):
template_list = []
template_item_list = []
if update_only:
if update_only or newest_only:
# First of all, filter Business Templates in repositories.
template_item_dict = {}
for repository, property_dict_list in self.repository_dict.items():
......@@ -1060,20 +1061,23 @@ class TemplateTool (BaseTool):
and property_dict['revision'] \
and int(previous_property_dict['revision']) < int(property_dict['revision']):
template_item_dict[title] = (repository, property_dict)
# Next, select only updated business templates.
for repository, property_dict in template_item_dict.values():
installed_bt = \
self.getInstalledBusinessTemplate(property_dict['title'], strict=True)
if installed_bt is not None:
diff_version = self.compareVersions(installed_bt.getVersion(),
if diff_version < 0:
template_item_list.append((repository, property_dict))
elif diff_version == 0 \
and installed_bt.getRevision() \
and property_dict['revision'] \
and int(installed_bt.getRevision()) < int(property_dict['revision']):
template_item_list.append((repository, property_dict))
if update_only:
# Next, select only updated business templates.
for repository, property_dict in template_item_dict.values():
installed_bt = \
self.getInstalledBusinessTemplate(property_dict['title'], strict=True)
if installed_bt is not None:
diff_version = self.compareVersions(installed_bt.getVersion(),
if diff_version < 0:
template_item_list.append((repository, property_dict))
elif diff_version == 0 \
and installed_bt.getRevision() \
and property_dict['revision'] \
and int(installed_bt.getRevision()) < int(property_dict['revision']):
template_item_list.append((repository, property_dict))
template_item_list = template_item_dict.values()
for repository, property_dict_list in self.repository_dict.items():
for property_dict in property_dict_list:
......@@ -1237,11 +1241,8 @@ class TemplateTool (BaseTool):
BusinessTemplate_getModifiedObject = \
aq_base(getattr(self, 'BusinessTemplate_getModifiedObject'))
listbox_object_list = BusinessTemplate_getModifiedObject.__of__(imported_bt5)()
if reinstall:
log('Reinstall all items')
install_kw = dict.fromkeys(imported_bt5.getItemsList(), 'install')
if not reinstall:
listbox_object_list = BusinessTemplate_getModifiedObject.__of__(imported_bt5)()
install_kw = {}
previous_bt5 = self.getInstalledBusinessTemplate(bt_title)
if previous_bt5 is not None and \
......@@ -1249,34 +1250,38 @@ class TemplateTool (BaseTool):
log("%s is already installed with same or newer revision." % bt_title)
return imported_bt5
for listbox_line in listbox_object_list:
item = listbox_line.object_id
state = listbox_line.object_state
removed = state.startswith('Removed')
if removed:
# The following condition could not be used to automatically decide
# if an item must be kept or not. For example, this would not work
# for items installed by PortalTypeWorkflowChainTemplateItem.
maybe_moved = installed_dict.get(listbox_line.object_id, '')
log('%s: %s%s' % (state, item,
maybe_moved and ' (moved to %s ?)' % maybe_moved))
installed_dict[item] = bt_title
# if a bt5 item is removed we may still want to keep it
if ((removed or state in ('Modified', 'New'))
and item in keep_original_list):
install_kw[item] = 'nothing'
log("Keep %r" % item)
install_kw[item] = listbox_line.choice_item_list[0][1]
for listbox_line in listbox_object_list:
item = listbox_line.object_id
state = listbox_line.object_state
removed = state.startswith('Removed')
if removed:
# The following condition could not be used to automatically decide
# if an item must be kept or not. For example, this would not work
# for items installed by PortalTypeWorkflowChainTemplateItem.
maybe_moved = installed_dict.get(listbox_line.object_id, '')
log('%s: %s%s' % (state, item,
maybe_moved and ' (moved to %s ?)' % maybe_moved))
installed_dict[item] = bt_title
# if a bt5 item is removed we may still want to keep it
if ((removed or state in ('Modified', 'New'))
and item in keep_original_list):
install_kw[item] = 'nothing'
log("Keep %r" % item)
install_kw[item] = listbox_line.choice_item_list[0][1]
# Run before script list
for before_triggered_bt5_id in before_triggered_bt5_id_list:
log('Execute %r' % before_triggered_bt5_id)
if reinstall:
# Run After script list
for after_triggered_bt5_id in after_triggered_bt5_id_list:
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