Commit 9b4815fe authored by Jondy Zhao's avatar Jondy Zhao

Add pacakge curl in the installer;

Add readme file for cygwin.
parent 7b95ac56
SlapOS For Windows
1. Double click installer to install slapos node. There are 2 installers:
local install, all the files are included in the packages.
slapos-0.158.2-windows-x86.exe: network install.
2. Register to community, save certificate and key of your
account in local machine.
Refer to
3. Register your computer to community Cloud, mark computer
id of your computer registered in the slapos cloud, save
certificate and key of your computer in local machine.
Refer to
4. Click Start -> All Programs -> SlapOS -> Configure Client
5. Click Start -> All Programs -> SlapOS -> Configure Node
Meantime, it will prompt to input your email address to receive token
Please enter your email address:
Then, check your email and get the token, type it here:
Please enter your token:
Now it's ready to enjoy SlapOS!
SlapOS Desktop
The interface of slapos cloud, used by customers and users to get
cloud services.
Start it by
Click Start -> All Programs -> SlapOS -> SlapOS
Double click desktop icon "SlapOS"
SlapOS NodeManager
It's used by provider and developer to manage slapos node. Release software, create instance, start/stop/monitor node etc.
Start it by
Click Start -> All Programs -> SlapOS -> Node Manager
Command Console
If you prefer command line mode, it's your choice. You can run all the
slapos command in the command console. Start slapos command console by
Click Start -> All Programs -> SlapOS -> Command Console
Refer to
User And Group
About root user, in the cygwin, no root user but Administrator which
uid is 0. And no root group but Administrators.
Network Interface
SlapOS use msloop network adapter as its network interface, which name
is fixed as "re6stnet-lo".
There is a problem if your have more than one msloop network adapter,
it seems all of them share one same MAC address, so same IPv6 link
layer adddress: fe80::4cff:fe4f:4f50
Virtual Machine box will install its bridge network card, and it will
result in breaking all the openvpn TAP-WINDOWS virtual network cards
when installing a new one.
When installing openvpn tap-windows driver, by default, it need you
confirm to this non-test-signed driver, now in the ip scripts it will
find the dialog and click Continue Installation. However, it seems
there are so many dialog boxes.
Awful! How to avoid this, for Windows XP:
1. On the Start menu, right click on the My Computer.
2. Click Properties, then click Hardware in the System Properties Dialog.
3. In the Hardware page, click Driver Signing.
4. Check Ignore in the Driver Sign Options Dialog.
5. Click OK.
For Windows Server 2003 or others, maybe need to change local policies options:
1. Click Start, and then click Run.
2. In the Open box, type gpedit.msc and then click OK.
3. In the left pane, expand the Computer Configuration branch, expand
the Windows Settings branch, expand the Security Settings branch,
expand the Local Policies branch, and then click the Security
Options folder.
4. In the right pane, double-click the Devices: Unsigned driver installation behavior.
5. Select Silent succeed, and then click OK.
General Terminology
Re6stnet Network
SlapOS Cloud
A human which only use services provided by SlapOS Cloud.
A human which use services provided by SlapOS Cloud, and his/her
computer has joined SlapOS Re6stnet Network.
A human which computer has joined SlapOS Re6stnet Network, and share
it as Slave Node so that it could be used by others.
A human which write the application for SlapOS.
An interface used to visit SlapOS Cloud, and get services from SlapOS
A computer which run any SlapOS application.
Master Node
A computer which run SlapOS Vifib Service.
Slave Node
A computer which has been registered to master node.
SlapOS Desktop
An application.
SlapOS Node Manager
An application.
...@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ Refer to: ...@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ Refer to:
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>d: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>d:
D:\>md slapos D:\>md slapos
D:\>cd slapos D:\>cd slapos
D:\slapos>SET PACKAGES=-P autobuild -P autoconf -P automake -P autossh -P binutils -P bison -P bzip2 -P ca-certificates -P cron -P cygport -P cygrunsrv -P file -P flex -P gcc4 -P gdbm -P libgdbm-devel -P gettext -P gettext-devel -P libglib2.0-devel -P libglib2.0_0 -P libexpat1 -P libexpat1-devel -P libmpfr-devel -P libmpfr4 -P libtool -P libxml2 -P libxml2-devel -P libxslt -P libxslt-devel -P make -P m4 -P libncurses-devel -P libncursesw-devel -P patch -P patchutils -P pkg-config -P python -P python-setuptools -P openssh -P openssl-devel -P libopenssl098 -P libopenssl100 -P popt -P readline -P libsqlite3-devel -P libsqlite3_0 -P swig -P syslog-ng -P zlib-devel -P vim -P wget -P docbook D:\slapos>SET PACKAGES=-P autobuild -P autoconf -P automake -P autossh -P binutils -P bison -P bzip2 -P ca-certificates -P cron -P curl -P cygport -P cygrunsrv -P file -P flex -P gcc4 -P gdbm -P libgdbm-devel -P gettext -P gettext-devel -P libglib2.0-devel -P libglib2.0_0 -P libexpat1 -P libexpat1-devel -P libmpfr-devel -P libmpfr4 -P libtool -P libxml2 -P libxml2-devel -P libxslt -P libxslt-devel -P make -P m4 -P libncurses-devel -P libncursesw-devel -P patch -P patchutils -P pkg-config -P python -P python-setuptools -P openssh -P openssl-devel -P libopenssl098 -P libopenssl100 -P popt -P readline -P libsqlite3-devel -P libsqlite3_0 -P swig -P syslog-ng -P zlib-devel -P vim -P wget -P docbook-utils
D:\slapos>move d:\temp\setup.exe ./ D:\slapos>move d:\temp\setup.exe ./
D:\slapos>setup.exe %PACKAGES% --no-verify -D -L -l D:\slapos\cygwin-packages -R D:\slapos\cygwin -s D:\slapos>setup.exe %PACKAGES% --no-verify -D -L -l D:\slapos\cygwin-packages -R D:\slapos\cygwin -s
</programlisting>Waiting for the installer finished.</para></listitem> </programlisting>Waiting for the installer finished.</para></listitem>
...@@ -300,12 +300,6 @@ $ make ...@@ -300,12 +300,6 @@ $ make
$ ls -l src/openvpn/.libs/openvpn.exe $ ls -l src/openvpn/.libs/openvpn.exe
$ cp src/openvpn/.libs/openvpn.exe /usr/local/bin $ cp src/openvpn/.libs/openvpn.exe /usr/local/bin
</programlisting> </programlisting>
Download openvpn windows installer, for example, openvpn-install-2.3.1-I001-i686.exe, use 7-zip or some other tools to pick up the driver files from the installer.
Picking up tap-windows.exe from openvpn-install-2.3.1-I001-i686.exe\$TEMP\
Picking up devcon.exe from tap-windows.exe\bin\
Picking up all the files from tap-windows.exe\driver\
Then generate user-guide.html from using-slapos-in-windows.xml, it requires xslt and dockbook, make sure these packages installed in the Cygwin Then generate user-guide.html from using-slapos-in-windows.xml, it requires xslt and dockbook, make sure these packages installed in the Cygwin
<programlisting> <programlisting>
$ cd /opt/git/slapos.package/windows/docs $ cd /opt/git/slapos.package/windows/docs
...@@ -17,7 +17,9 @@ ECHO Packages: %PACKAGES% ...@@ -17,7 +17,9 @@ ECHO Packages: %PACKAGES%
SET PACKAGES=-P autobuild -P autoconf -P automake -P autossh -P binutils -P bison -P bzip2 -P ca-certificates -P cron -P cygport -P cygrunsrv -P file -P flex -P gcc4 -P gdbm -P libgdbm-devel -P gettext -P gettext-devel -P libglib2.0-devel -P libglib2.0_0 -P libexpat1 -P libexpat1-devel -P libmpfr-devel -P libmpfr4 -P libtool -P libxml2 -P libxml2-devel -P libxslt -P libxslt-devel -P make -P m4 -P libncurses-devel -P libncursesw-devel -P patch -P patchutils -P pkg-config -P python -P python-setuptools -P openssh -P openssl-devel -P libopenssl098 -P libopenssl100 -P popt -P readline -P libsqlite3-devel -P libsqlite3_0 -P swig -P syslog-ng -P zlib-devel -P vim -P wget SET PACKAGES=-P autobuild -P autoconf -P automake -P autossh -P binutils -P bison -P bzip2 -P ca-certificates -P cron -P curl -P cygport -P cygrunsrv -P file -P flex -P gcc4 -P gdbm -P libgdbm-devel -P gettext -P gettext-devel -P libglib2.0-devel -P libglib2.0_0 -P libexpat1 -P libexpat1-devel -P libmpfr-devel -P libmpfr4 -P libtool -P libxml2 -P libxml2-devel -P libxslt -P libxslt-devel -P make -P m4 -P libncurses-devel -P libncursesw-devel -P patch -P patchutils -P pkg-config -P python -P python-setuptools -P openssh -P openssl-devel -P libopenssl098 -P libopenssl100 -P popt -P readline -P libsqlite3-devel -P libsqlite3_0 -P swig -P syslog-ng -P zlib-devel -P vim -P wget
REM Only required by developer
REM IF %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 SET SITEOPTIONS=--site %2 --only-site REM IF %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 SET SITEOPTIONS=--site %2 --only-site
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