Commit 769fc1c9 authored by Romain Courteaud's avatar Romain Courteaud :octopus:
Browse files

Declare dynamic viewSearchRelatedDocumentDialog methods as public.

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent dd25763f
......@@ -1177,8 +1177,8 @@ class SelectionTool( UniqueObject, SimpleItem ):
viewSearchRelatedDocumentDialog Wrapper
LOG('SelectionTool.viewSearchRelatedDocumentDialogWrapper, kw',
0, kw)
# LOG('SelectionTool.viewSearchRelatedDocumentDialogWrapper, kw',
# 0, kw)
return self.viewSearchRelatedDocumentDialog(
method_count, form_id,
REQUEST=REQUEST, sub_index=sub_index, **kw)
......@@ -1186,13 +1186,10 @@ class SelectionTool( UniqueObject, SimpleItem ):
klass = aq_base(self).__class__
if hasattr(klass, 'security'):
from Products.ERP5Type import Permissions as ERP5Permissions, name)
# XXX security declaration always failed....
LOG('WARNING ERP5Form SelectionTool, security not defined on',
0, klass.__name__)
security_property_id = '%s__roles__' % (name, )
# Declare method as public
setattr(klass, security_property_id, None)
return getattr(self, name)
return aq_base_name
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