will be down from Thursday, 20 March 2025, 07:30:00 UTC for a duration of approximately 2 hours

Commit f4d18af0 authored by Jean-Paul Smets's avatar Jean-Paul Smets

New revision 2 after Savannah crash

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent 958f5055
...@@ -28,125 +28,8 @@ def productionOrderBuilder(self): ...@@ -28,125 +28,8 @@ def productionOrderBuilder(self):
pass pass
# Parse movements into a root group # Parse movements into a root group
root_group = context.movementCollect(movement_list) root_group = context.portal_simulation.collectMovement(movement_list)
order_list = context.portal_simulation.buildOrderList(root_group)
# Now build orders
order_list = []
for path_group in root_group.group_list :
if path_group.destination.find('site/Stock_PF') >=0 :
# Build a Production Order
delivery_module = context.ordre_fabrication
delivery_type = 'Production Order'
delivery_line_type = delivery_type + ' Line'
delivery_cell_type = 'Delivery Cell'
# Build a Purchase Order
delivery_module = context.commande_achat
delivery_type = 'Purchase Order'
delivery_line_type = delivery_type + ' Line'
delivery_cell_type = 'Delivery Cell'
# we create a new delivery for each DateGroup
for date_group in path_group.group_list :
for resource_group in date_group.group_list :
# Create a new production Order for each resource (Modele)
modele_url_items = resource_group.resource.split('/')
modele_id = modele_url_items[len(modele_url_items)-1]
try :
modele_object = context.getPortalObject().modele[modele_id]
except :
modele_object = None
if modele_object is not None :
of_description = modele_id+' '+modele_object.getDefaultDestinationTitle('')
else :
of_description = modele_id
new_delivery_id = str(delivery_module.generateNewId())
context.portal_types.constructContent(type_name = delivery_type,
container = delivery_module,
id = new_delivery_id,
target_start_date = date_group.start_date,
target_stop_date = date_group.stop_date,
start_date = date_group.start_date,
stop_date = date_group.stop_date,
source = path_group.source,
destination = path_group.destination,
source_section = path_group.source_section,
destination_section = path_group.destination_section,
description = of_description,
title = "Auto Planned"
delivery = delivery_module[new_delivery_id]
# the new delivery is added to the order_list
# Create each delivery_line in the new delivery
new_delivery_line_id = str(delivery.generateNewId())
context.portal_types.constructContent(type_name = delivery_line_type,
container = delivery,
id = new_delivery_line_id,
resource = resource_group.resource,
delivery_line = delivery[new_delivery_line_id]
line_variation_category_list = []
line_variation_base_category_dict = {}
# compute line_variation_base_category_list and
# line_variation_category_list for new delivery_line
for variant_group in resource_group.group_list :
for variation_item in variant_group.category_list :
if not variation_item in line_variation_category_list :
variation_base_category_items = variation_item.split('/')
if len(variation_base_category_items) > 0 :
line_variation_base_category_dict[variation_base_category_items[0]] = 1
# update variation_base_category_list and line_variation_category_list for delivery_line
line_variation_base_category_list = line_variation_base_category_dict.keys()
# IMPORTANT : delivery cells are automatically created during setVariationCategoryList
# update target_quantity for each delivery_cell
for variant_group in resource_group.group_list :
object_to_update = None
# if there is no variation of the resource, update delivery_line with quantities and price
if len(variant_group.category_list) == 0 :
object_to_update = delivery_line
# else find which delivery_cell is represented by variant_group
else :
categories_identity = 0
for delivery_cell in delivery_line.contentValues(filter={'portal_type':'Delivery Cell'}) :
if len(variant_group.category_list) == len(delivery_cell.getVariationCategoryList()) :
for category in delivery_cell.getVariationCategoryList() :
if not category in variant_group.category_list :
else :
categories_identity = 1
if categories_identity :
object_to_update = delivery_cell
# compute target_quantity, quantity and price for delivery_cell or delivery_line and
# build relation between simulation_movement and delivery_cell or delivery_line
if object_to_update is not None :
cell_target_quantity = 0
for movement in variant_group.movement_list :
cell_target_quantity += movement.getConvertedTargetQuantity()
# update every simulation_movement
# we do not set delivery_value and target dates and quantity
movement.edit(target_quantity = movement.getTargetQuantity(),
target_start_date = movement.getTargetStartDate(),
target_stop_date = movement.getTargetStopDate())
object_to_update.edit(target_quantity = cell_target_quantity,
quantity = cell_target_quantity,)
# Look at result # Look at result
# return map(lambda x:x.getRelativeUrl(), order_list) # return map(lambda x:x.getRelativeUrl(), order_list)
.AppleDouble .AppleDouble
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