Commit 2f6a04b8 authored by Rafael Monnerat's avatar Rafael Monnerat 👻

ERP5Security: Define getFacebookUserEntry to reduce code duplication

  This method and call is duplicated on several places
parent bb58e61f
......@@ -226,19 +226,7 @@ class ERP5ExternalOauth2ExtractionPlugin:
creds['remote_address'] = request.get('REMOTE_ADDR', '')
return creds
class ERP5FacebookExtractionPlugin(ERP5ExternalOauth2ExtractionPlugin, BasePlugin):
Plugin to authenicate as machines.
meta_type = "ERP5 Facebook Extraction Plugin"
cookie_name = "__ac_facebook_hash"
cache_factory_name = "facebook_server_auth_token_cache_factory"
def refreshTokenIfExpired(self, key, cache_value):
return cache_value
def getUserEntry(self, token):
def getFacebookUserEntry(token):
if facebook is None:
LOG('ERP5FacebookExtractionPlugin', INFO,
'No facebook module, install facebook-sdk package. '
......@@ -249,24 +237,38 @@ class ERP5FacebookExtractionPlugin(ERP5ExternalOauth2ExtractionPlugin, BasePlugi
# require really fast interaction
facebook_entry = facebook.GraphAPI(token).get_object("me")
except Exception:
facebook_entry = None
user_entry = {}
if facebook_entry is not None:
# sanitise value
for k in ('name', 'id'):
for k in ('first_name', 'last_name', 'id', 'email'):
if k == 'id':
user_entry['reference'] = facebook_entry[k].encode('utf-8')
user_entry[k] = facebook_entry[k].encode('utf-8')
except KeyError:
user_entry = None
raise ValueError(facebook_entry)
return user_entry
class ERP5FacebookExtractionPlugin(ERP5ExternalOauth2ExtractionPlugin, BasePlugin):
Plugin to authenicate as machines.
meta_type = "ERP5 Facebook Extraction Plugin"
login_portal_type = "Facebook Login"
cookie_name = "__ac_facebook_hash"
cache_factory_name = "facebook_server_auth_token_cache_factory"
def refreshTokenIfExpired(self, key, cache_value):
return cache_value
def getUserEntry(self, token):
return getFacebookUserDict(token)
class ERP5GoogleExtractionPlugin(ERP5ExternalOauth2ExtractionPlugin, BasePlugin):
Plugin to authenicate as machines.
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