Commit d1e738df authored by Ian Lee's avatar Ian Lee

* Added members for Ground Overlay tags.

* Implemented the altitude property and etree_element() functionality.
parent 90707b32
......@@ -743,6 +743,72 @@ class GroundOverlay(_Overlay):
__name__ = 'GroundOverlay'
_altitude = None
# Specifies the distance above the earth's surface, in meters, and is
# interpreted according to the altitude mode.
_altitudeMode = None
# Specifies how the <altitude> is interpreted. Possible values are:
# clampToGround -
# (default) Indicates to ignore the altitude specification and drape
# the overlay over the terrain.
# absolute -
# Sets the altitude of the overlay relative to sea level, regardless
# of the actual elevation of the terrain beneath the element. For
# example, if you set the altitude of an overlay to 10 meters with an
# absolute altitude mode, the overlay will appear to be at ground
# level if the terrain beneath is also 10 meters above sea level. If
# the terrain is 3 meters above sea level, the overlay will appear
# elevated above the terrain by 7 meters.
# - LatLonBox -
# Specifies where the top, bottom, right, and left sides of a bounding box
# for the ground overlay are aligned. Also, optionally the rotation of the
# overlay.
_north = None
# Specifies the latitude of the north edge of the bounding box, in decimal
# degrees from 0 to ±90.
_south = None
# Specifies the latitude of the south edge of the bounding box, in decimal
# degrees from 0 to ±90.
_east = None
# Specifies the longitude of the east edge of the bounding box, in decimal
# degrees from 0 to ±180. (For overlays that overlap the meridian of 180°
# longitude, values can extend beyond that range.)
_west = None
# Specifies the longitude of the west edge of the bounding box, in decimal
# degrees from 0 to ±180. (For overlays that overlap the meridian of 180°
# longitude, values can extend beyond that range.)
_rotation = None
# Specifies a rotation of the overlay about its center, in degrees. Values
# can be ±180. The default is 0 (north). Rotations are specified in a
# counterclockwise direction.
def altitude(self):
return self._altitude
def altitude(self, value):
except (ValueError, TypeError):
self._altitude = None
self._altitude = str(value)
def etree_element(self):
element = super(GroundOverlay, self).etree_element()
if self._altitude:
altitude = etree.SubElement(element, "%saltitude" % self.ns)
altitude.text = self._altitude
return element
class Document(_Container):
......@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ from fastkml import styles
from fastkml import base
from fastkml import atom
from fastkml import config
from fastkml import gx
from fastkml import gx # NOQA
import datetime
from import tzutc, tzoffset
......@@ -93,8 +93,8 @@ class BaseClassesTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def test_Container(self):
f = kml._Container(name='A Container')
# apparently you can add documents to containes
#d = kml.Document()
#self.assertRaises(TypeError, f.append, d)
# d = kml.Document()
# self.assertRaises(TypeError, f.append, d)
p = kml.Placemark()
self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, f.etree_element)
......@@ -2026,6 +2026,45 @@ class GroundOverlayTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(g.to_string(prettyprint=False), expected)
def test_altitude_from_int(self):
g = kml.GroundOverlay()
g.altitude = 123
expected = (
'<kml:GroundOverlay xmlns:kml="">'
self.assertEqual(g.to_string(prettyprint=False), expected)
def test_altitude_from_float(self):
g = kml.GroundOverlay()
g.altitude = 123.4
expected = (
'<kml:GroundOverlay xmlns:kml="">'
self.assertEqual(g.to_string(prettyprint=False), expected)
def test_altitude_from_string(self):
g = kml.GroundOverlay()
g.altitude = '123.4'
expected = (
'<kml:GroundOverlay xmlns:kml="">'
self.assertEqual(g.to_string(prettyprint=False), expected)
def test_suite():
suite = unittest.TestSuite()
......@@ -2039,6 +2078,8 @@ def test_suite():
return suite
if __name__ == '__main__':
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