Commit 42bafea3 authored by Romain Courteaud's avatar Romain Courteaud

Prevent inheritance of the description property from the class variable...

Prevent inheritance of the description property from the class variable defined on PortalFolderBase.

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent 2862d08d
......@@ -143,9 +143,12 @@ class Getter(Method):
default = args[0]
default = self._default
# No acquisition on properties
value = getattr(aq_base(instance), self._storage_id, self._null[0])
if value not in self._null:
# No acquisition on properties but inheritance.
# Instead of using getattr, which use inheritance from SuperClass
# why not use __dict__.get directly ?
# It seems slower when property is defined, but much more faster if not
value = getattr(aq_base(instance), self._storage_id, None)
if value is not None:
if self._is_tales_type and kw.get('evaluate', 1):
return evaluateTales(instance, value)
......@@ -349,6 +349,9 @@ class Folder( CopyContainer, CMFBTreeFolder, Base, FolderMixIn):
_edit = Base._edit
_setPropValue = Base._setPropValue
_propertyMap = Base._propertyMap # are there any others XXX ?
# XXX Prevent inheritance from PortalFolderBase
description = None
# Overload __init__ so that we do not take into account title
# This is required for test_23_titleIsNotDefinedByDefault
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