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Commit b606c5b1 authored by Jérome Perrin's avatar Jérome Perrin

graph_editor: comply with jsl

This is to comply with
used in testXHTML
parent ce3f0da3
......@@ -49,13 +49,15 @@
min_x=100, max_x=0, min_y=100, max_y=0;
// if graph is empty, no need to layout
if (Object.keys(graph_data.edge).length === 0) {
return resolve(graph_data);
// make a Springy graph with our graph
$.each(graph_data.node, function(key, value) {
if (value.coordinate && && value.coordinate.left) {
// graph already has a layout, no need to layout again
return resolve(graph_data);
springy_nodes[key] = springy_graph.newNode({node_id: key});
......@@ -549,7 +551,7 @@
// XXX incorrect, we need to display this dialog to be able
// to delete a node
if ([node_data._class] === undefined) {
return false;
schema = expandSchema([node_data._class],;
if (node_edit_popup.length !== 0) {
......@@ -224,8 +224,8 @@
var graph = JSON.parse(content).graph, node_coordinate = graph.node.N1.coordinate;
// Since original coordinates where 0,0 we are now about 0.1,0.1
// as we moved 10%
ok( - .1 < .1, "Top is ok");
ok(node_coordinate.left - .1 < .1, "Left is ok");
ok( - 0.1 < 0.1, "Top is ok");
ok(node_coordinate.left - 0.1 < 0.1, "Left is ok");
g.declareGadget("./index.html", {
......@@ -251,7 +251,8 @@
// XXX this condition is actually incorrect. We need to wait
// for the event listener to have been registered for the
// dialog buttons. This setTimeout is good enough for now.
return setTimeout(fillDialog, 1e3);
setTimeout(fillDialog, 1e3);
// check displayed values
equal($("input[name='id']").val(), "N1");
......@@ -290,7 +291,8 @@
function runTest() {
return jsplumb_gadget.getContent().then(function(content) {
var node1 = jsplumb_gadget.props.main.querySelector("div[title='Node 1']"), node2 = jsplumb_gadget.props.main.querySelector("div[title='Node 2']");
var node1 = jsplumb_gadget.props.main.querySelector("div[title='Node 1']"),
node2 = jsplumb_gadget.props.main.querySelector("div[title='Node 2']");
equal(0, Object.keys(JSON.parse(content).graph.edge).length, "There are no edge at the beginning");
......@@ -334,7 +336,8 @@
// XXX this condition is actually incorrect. We need to wait
// for the event listener to have been registered for the
// dialog buttons. This setTimeout is good enough for now.
return setTimeout(waitForDialogAndDelete, 1e3);
setTimeout(waitForDialogAndDelete, 1e3);
equal(1, $("input[value='Delete']").length, "There should be one delete button");
......@@ -378,7 +381,8 @@
// XXX this condition is actually incorrect. We need to wait
// for the event listener to have been registered for the
// dialog buttons. This setTimeout is good enough for now.
return setTimeout(fillDialog, 1e3);
setTimeout(fillDialog, 1e3);
equal($("input[name='id']").val(), "N1");
// change the id
......@@ -448,7 +452,8 @@
// XXX this condition is actually incorrect. We need to wait
// for the event listener to have been registered for the
// dialog buttons. This setTimeout is good enough for now.
return setTimeout(fillDialog, 1e3);
setTimeout(fillDialog, 1e3);
// check displayed values
equal($("input[name='id']").val(), node_id);
......@@ -520,7 +525,8 @@
// XXX this condition is actually incorrect. We need to wait
// for the event listener to have been registered for the
// dialog buttons. This setTimeout is good enough for now.
return setTimeout(waitForDialogAndDelete, 1e3);
setTimeout(waitForDialogAndDelete, 1e3);
equal(1, $("input[value='Delete']").length, "There should be one delete button");
......@@ -558,11 +564,11 @@
return jsplumb_gadget.getContent();
}).then(function(content) {
$.each(JSON.parse(content).graph.node, function(i, node){
ok( !== undefined, "Node have top coordinate")
ok(0 <= <= 1, "Node top coordinate is between [0..1]")
ok(node.coordinate.left !== undefined, "Node have left coordinate")
ok(0 <= node.coordinate.left <= 1, "Node left coordinate is between [0..1]")
ok( !== undefined, "Node have top coordinate");
ok(0 <= <= 1, "Node top coordinate is between [0..1]");
ok(node.coordinate.left !== undefined, "Node have left coordinate");
ok(0 <= node.coordinate.left <= 1, "Node left coordinate is between [0..1]");
......@@ -14,16 +14,16 @@
}).declareMethod("render", function(options) {
var select = this.element.getElementsByTagName("select")[0], i, template, tmp = "";
select.setAttribute("name", options.key);
for (i = 0; i < options.property_definition.enum.length; i += 1) {
if (options.property_definition.enum[i] === options.value) {
for (i = 0; i < options.property_definition['enum'].length; i += 1) {
if (options.property_definition['enum'][i] === options.value) {
template = selected_option_template;
} else {
template = option_template;
// XXX value and text are always same in json schema
tmp += template({
value: options.property_definition.enum[i],
text: options.property_definition.enum[i]
value: options.property_definition['enum'][i],
text: options.property_definition['enum'][i]
select.innerHTML += tmp;
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