Commit 46130bca authored by ElenaSubbotina's avatar ElenaSubbotina

DocFormat(before 1997) - fix pictures

parent 3764e14b
......@@ -98,6 +98,7 @@ namespace DocFileFormat
sprmOldCChse = 73,
sprmOldCSymbol = 74,
sprmOldCFOle2 = 75,
sprmCOldHighlight = 77,
sprmOldCIstd = 80,
sprmOldCIstdPermute = 81,
sprmOldCDefault = 82,
......@@ -301,6 +301,10 @@ namespace DocFileFormat
colorVal->SetValue( rgbColor.GetString() );
case sprmCOldHighlight:
appendValueElement( parent, _T( "highlight" ), FormatUtils::MapValueToWideString( iter->Arguments[1], &Global::ColorIdentifier[0][0], 17, 12 ).c_str(), true );
case sprmCHighlight:
appendValueElement( parent, _T( "highlight" ), FormatUtils::MapValueToWideString( iter->Arguments[0], &Global::ColorIdentifier[0][0], 17, 12 ).c_str(), true );
......@@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ namespace OpenXmlContentTypes
static const TCHAR* Png = _T("image/png");
static const TCHAR* Tiff = _T("image/tiff");
static const TCHAR* Wmf = _T("image/x-wmf");
static const TCHAR* Bmp = _T("image/bmp");
namespace WordprocessingMLContentTypes
......@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ namespace DocFileFormat
std::vector<int> bookmarks = searchBookmarks(chpxChars, cp);
//if there are bookmarks in this run, split the run into several runs
if (bookmarks.size())
if (!bookmarks.empty())
std::list<std::vector<wchar_t>>* runs = splitCharList(chpxChars, &bookmarks);
if (runs)
......@@ -103,8 +103,8 @@ namespace DocFileFormat
void DrawingPrimitive::read_fill(VirtualStreamReader* reader)
fillFore = read_color(reader);
fillBack = read_color(reader);
fillFore = read_color(reader);
fillPattern = reader->ReadInt16();
void DrawingPrimitive::read_shadow(VirtualStreamReader* reader)
......@@ -225,13 +225,34 @@ namespace DocFileFormat
DrawingPrimitiveTextBox::DrawingPrimitiveTextBox(VirtualStreamReader *reader, int length) : DrawingPrimitiveRect(reader, length)
strVmlType = L"v:rect";
//strVmlType = L"v:shape";
DrawingPrimitiveCTextBox::DrawingPrimitiveCTextBox(VirtualStreamReader *reader, int length) : DrawingPrimitive(reader, length)
strVmlType = L"v:shape";
strVmlType = L"v:rect";
txbx = NULL;
polyline = NULL;
unsigned short f = reader->ReadUInt16();
dzaOffset = reader->ReadUInt16();
dzaDescent = reader->ReadUInt16();
dzaLength = reader->ReadUInt16();
unsigned short dpk_txbx = reader->ReadUInt16();
unsigned short cb_txbx = reader->ReadUInt16();
txbx = new DrawingPrimitiveTextBox(reader, cb_txbx);
unsigned short dpk_polyline = reader->ReadUInt16();
unsigned short cb_polyline = reader->ReadUInt16();
polyline = new DrawingPrimitivePolyline(reader, cb_polyline);
DrawingPrimitivePolyline::DrawingPrimitivePolyline(VirtualStreamReader *reader, int length) : DrawingPrimitiveLine(reader, length, false)
......@@ -121,21 +121,6 @@ namespace DocFileFormat
class DrawingPrimitiveCTextBox: public DrawingPrimitive
DrawingPrimitiveCTextBox(VirtualStreamReader* reader, int length);
class DrawingPrimitiveArc: public DrawingPrimitive
DrawingPrimitiveArc(VirtualStreamReader* reader, int length);
bool fLeft;
bool fUp;
class DrawingPrimitiveElipse: public DrawingPrimitive
......@@ -153,6 +138,30 @@ namespace DocFileFormat
std::vector<std::pair<short, short>> arPoints;
class DrawingPrimitiveCTextBox: public DrawingPrimitive
DrawingPrimitiveCTextBox(VirtualStreamReader* reader, int length);
virtual ~DrawingPrimitiveCTextBox();
unsigned short dzaOffset;
unsigned short dzaDescent;
unsigned short dzaLength;
DrawingPrimitiveTextBox *txbx;
DrawingPrimitivePolyline *polyline;
class DrawingPrimitiveArc: public DrawingPrimitive
DrawingPrimitiveArc(VirtualStreamReader* reader, int length);
bool fLeft;
bool fUp;
class DrawingPrimitives : public IVisitable, public std::vector<DrawingPrimitive*>
......@@ -70,6 +70,12 @@ public:
cbSize = cbSave = 0;
filter = compression = 0;
ptSize.x = ptSize.y = 0;
rcBounds.bottom = rcBounds.left = rcBounds.right = = 0;
......@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ namespace DocFileFormat
dxaGoal(0), dyaGoal(0), mx(0), my(0), Type(jpg), mfp(), dxaCropLeft(0), dyaCropTop(0),
dxaCropRight(0), dyaCropBottom(0), brcTop(NULL), brcLeft(NULL), brcBottom(NULL), brcRight(NULL), dxaOrigin(0), dyaOrigin(0),
cProps(0), shapeContainer(NULL), blipStoreEntry(NULL), embeddedData(NULL), embeddedDataSize(0)
cProps(0), shapeContainer(NULL), blipStoreEntry(NULL), embeddedData(NULL), embeddedDataSize(0), embeddedDataHeader(NULL)
//Get start and length of the PICT
int fc = GetFcPic( chpx );
......@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ namespace DocFileFormat
dxaGoal(0), dyaGoal(0), mx(0), my(0), Type(jpg), mfp(), dxaCropLeft(0), dyaCropTop(0),
dxaCropRight(0), dyaCropBottom(0), brcTop(NULL), brcLeft(NULL), brcBottom(NULL), brcRight(NULL), dxaOrigin(0), dyaOrigin(0),
cProps(0), shapeContainer(NULL), blipStoreEntry(NULL), embeddedData(NULL), embeddedDataSize(0)
cProps(0), shapeContainer(NULL), blipStoreEntry(NULL), embeddedData(NULL), embeddedDataSize(0), embeddedDataHeader(NULL)
......@@ -80,6 +80,7 @@ namespace DocFileFormat
void PictureDescriptor::parse(POLE::Stream* stream, int fc, int sz, bool oldVersion)
......@@ -91,6 +92,8 @@ namespace DocFileFormat
int lcb = reader.ReadInt32();
int pos_start = reader.GetPosition();
if (lcb > 10000000)
......@@ -104,104 +107,111 @@ namespace DocFileFormat
if (lcb >= 10)
int cbHeader = reader.ReadUInt16();
if (lcb < 10)
int cbHeader = reader.ReadUInt16(); = reader.ReadInt16();
mfp.xExt = reader.ReadInt16();
mfp.yExt = reader.ReadInt16();
mfp.hMf = reader.ReadInt16(); = reader.ReadInt16();
mfp.xExt = reader.ReadInt16();
mfp.yExt = reader.ReadInt16();
mfp.hMf = reader.ReadInt16();
Type = wmf;
unsigned char* bytes = reader.ReadBytes(14, true);
rcWinMf = std::vector<unsigned char>(bytes, (bytes + 14));
mx = my = 200;
dxaGoal = mfp.xExt;
dyaGoal = mfp.yExt;
dxaGoal = reader.ReadInt16();
dyaGoal = reader.ReadInt16();
mx = reader.ReadUInt16();
my = reader.ReadUInt16();
embeddedDataSize = lcb - 20;//reader.GetSize() - reader.GetPosition(); //lcb ?
embeddedData = reader.ReadBytes( embeddedDataSize, true );
dxaCropLeft = reader.ReadInt16();
dyaCropTop = reader.ReadInt16();
dxaCropRight = reader.ReadInt16();
dyaCropBottom = reader.ReadInt16();
WmfPlaceableFileHeader *header = (WmfPlaceableFileHeader *)embeddedData;
int brcl = reader.ReadInt16();
if (header)
else if ( >= 98)
unsigned char* bytes = reader.ReadBytes(14, true);
rcWinMf = std::vector<unsigned char>(bytes, (bytes + 14));
dxaGoal = reader.ReadInt16();
dyaGoal = reader.ReadInt16();
mx = reader.ReadUInt16();
my = reader.ReadUInt16();
dxaCropLeft = reader.ReadInt16();
dyaCropTop = reader.ReadInt16();
dxaCropRight = reader.ReadInt16();
dyaCropBottom = reader.ReadInt16();
short brcl = reader.ReadInt16();
// borders
int bytesCount = 4;
bytes = reader.ReadBytes( bytesCount, true );
brcTop = new BorderCode( bytes, bytesCount );
// borders
int bytesCount = oldVersion ? 2 : 4;
bytes = reader.ReadBytes( bytesCount, true );
brcTop = new BorderCode( bytes, bytesCount );
bytes = reader.ReadBytes( bytesCount, true );
brcLeft = new BorderCode( bytes, 4 );
bytes = reader.ReadBytes( bytesCount, true );
brcLeft = new BorderCode( bytes, bytesCount );
bytes = reader.ReadBytes( bytesCount, true );
brcBottom = new BorderCode( bytes, 4 );
bytes = reader.ReadBytes( bytesCount, true );
brcBottom = new BorderCode( bytes, bytesCount );
bytes = reader.ReadBytes( bytesCount, true );
brcRight = new BorderCode( bytes, 4 );
bytes = reader.ReadBytes( bytesCount, true );
brcRight = new BorderCode( bytes, bytesCount );
dxaOrigin = reader.ReadInt16();
dyaOrigin = reader.ReadInt16();
cProps = reader.ReadInt16();
dxaOrigin = reader.ReadInt16();
dyaOrigin = reader.ReadInt16();
int pos_end = reader.GetPosition();
if (oldVersion)
int flag = brcl;
brcl = FormatUtils::BitmaskToBool(flag, 0x000F);
//( 0 single 1 thick 2 double 3 shadow )
bool fFrameEmpty = FormatUtils::BitmaskToBool(flag, 0x0010);// picture consists of a single frame
bool fBitmap = FormatUtils::BitmaskToBool(flag, 0x0020);// ==1, when picture is just a bitmap
bool fDrawHatch = FormatUtils::BitmaskToBool(flag, 0x0040);// ==1, when picture is an active OLE object
bool fError = FormatUtils::BitmaskToBool(flag, 0x0080);// ==1, when picture is just an error message
short bpp = FormatUtils::BitmaskToBool(flag, 0x8000);// bits per pixel
//(0 unknown 1 monochrome 4 VGA)
int sz_hdr = pos_end - pos_start;
int header_size = 114;
embeddedDataSize = lcb - sz_hdr - header_size;
embeddedDataHeader = reader.ReadBytes( header_size, true);
embeddedData = reader.ReadBytes( embeddedDataSize, true );
cProps = reader.ReadInt16();
unsigned char cchPicName = reader.ReadByte();
unsigned char* stPicName = reader.ReadBytes(cchPicName, true);
if ( stPicName != NULL )
unsigned char cchPicName = reader.ReadByte();
unsigned char* stPicName = reader.ReadBytes(cchPicName, true);
if ( stPicName != NULL )
std::wstring picName;
FormatUtils::GetSTLCollectionFromBytes<std::wstring>( &picName, stPicName, cchPicName, ENCODING_WINDOWS_1250 );
std::wstring picName;
FormatUtils::GetSTLCollectionFromBytes<std::wstring>( &picName, stPicName, cchPicName, ENCODING_WINDOWS_1250 );
shapeContainer = dynamic_cast<ShapeContainer*>(RecordFactory::ReadRecord(&reader, 0));
shapeContainer = dynamic_cast<ShapeContainer*>(RecordFactory::ReadRecord(&reader, 0));
long pos = reader.GetPosition();
long pos = reader.GetPosition();
if( pos < ( fc + lcb ))
Record* rec = RecordFactory::ReadRecord( &reader, 0 );
if( pos < ( fc + lcb ))
if ((rec) && ( typeid(*rec) == typeid(BlipStoreEntry) ))
blipStoreEntry = dynamic_cast<BlipStoreEntry*>( rec );
Record* rec = RecordFactory::ReadRecord( &reader, 0 );
if ((rec) && ( typeid(*rec) == typeid(BlipStoreEntry) ))
blipStoreEntry = dynamic_cast<BlipStoreEntry*>( rec );
......@@ -129,6 +129,7 @@ namespace DocFileFormat
ShapeContainer * shapeContainer;
BlipStoreEntry * blipStoreEntry;
unsigned char *embeddedDataHeader;
unsigned char *embeddedData;
int embeddedDataSize;
......@@ -71,6 +71,11 @@ namespace DocFileFormat
unsigned short code = oldVersion ? FormatUtils::BytesToUChar ( bytes, sprmStart, size ) :
FormatUtils::BytesToUInt16 ( bytes, sprmStart, size ) ;
if (oldVersion && code == 0)
OperationCode opCode = (OperationCode)code;
short opSize = -1;
......@@ -137,7 +142,6 @@ namespace DocFileFormat
//copy sprm to array
//length is 2byte for the opCode, lenByte for the length, opSize for the length of the operand
int sprmBytesSize = opCodeSize + lenByte + opSize;
unsigned char* sprmBytes = NULL;
......@@ -148,7 +152,6 @@ namespace DocFileFormat
memcpy( sprmBytes, ( bytes + sprmStart ), sprmBytesSize );
SinglePropertyModifier sprm( sprmBytes, sprmBytesSize, oldVersion );
grpprl->push_back( sprm );
......@@ -51,7 +51,14 @@ namespace DocFileFormat
opCodeSize = 1;
//first 1 byte are the operation code ...
OpCode = (OperationCode)FormatUtils::BytesToUChar( bytes, 0, size );
opSize = GetOldOperandSize( (unsigned char)OpCode );
if (OpCode == 0 && size == 4)
//так записывается rgb цвет (
OpCode = sprmCCv;
opSize = 3;
opSize = GetOldOperandSize( (unsigned char)OpCode );
......@@ -208,7 +215,9 @@ namespace DocFileFormat
static const unsigned char OldOperandSizeTable[] =
0, 0, 2, 255, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 255, 1, 1, 255, 2, 2, 2, 2, 4, 2, 2, 255, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 255, 2, 4, 1, 2, 3, 255, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 255, 255, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 255, 1, 255, 255, 2, 255, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 255, 2, 2, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 255, 0, 0, 3, 3, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 0, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 12, 255, 2, 255, 255, 4, 5, 4, 2, 4, 2, 2, 5, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
// 0,0,2,255,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,255,1,1,255,2,2,2,2,4,2,2,255,1,1,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,255,2,4,1,2,3,255,1,0,0,0,0,2,255,255,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,1,3,2,2,1,1,1,1,1,255,1,255,255,2,255,2,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,255,2,2,2,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,255,0,0,3,3,1,1,2,2,1,1,2,2,1,1,2,2,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,1,1,2,2,1,0,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,2,2,1,1,12,255,2,255,255,4,5,4,2,4,2,2,5,4,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
unsigned char SinglePropertyModifier::GetOldOperandSize(unsigned char code)
......@@ -130,7 +130,8 @@ namespace DocFileFormat
else if (m_nTBIndex + 1 < m_document->TextboxIndividualPlex->CharacterPositions.size())
cp = m_document->TextboxIndividualPlex->CharacterPositions[m_nTBIndex];
//todooo сделать чище
cp = m_document->TextboxIndividualPlex->CharacterPositions[m_nTBIndex] + 2;
cpEnd = m_document->TextboxIndividualPlex->CharacterPositions[m_nTBIndex + 1];
......@@ -34,10 +34,13 @@
#include "OfficeDrawing/GeometryBooleanProperties.h"
#include "OfficeDrawing/GeometryTextBooleanProperties.h"
#include "OfficeDrawing/MetafilePictBlip.h"
#include "../../DesktopEditor/common/String.h"
#include "../../Common/DocxFormat/Source/DocxFormat/Document.h"
#include "../../Common/DocxFormat/Source/DocxFormat/Document.h"
#include "../../DesktopEditor/common/File.h"
#include "../../DesktopEditor/raster/BgraFrame.h"
typedef struct
......@@ -64,6 +67,50 @@ typedef struct
namespace DocFileFormat
Global::BlipType GetFormatPict(unsigned char* data, int size)
Global::BlipType btWin32 = Global::msoblipDIB;
int offset = 0, biSizeImage = 0;
if (!header) return btWin32;
if (header->biWidth > 100000 || header->biHeight > 100000 || header->biSize != 40)
if (header_core->bcSize != 12)
btWin32 = Global::msoblipWMF;
offset = 12; //sizeof(BITMAPCOREHEADER)
int stride = (size - offset) / header_core->bcHeight;
biSizeImage = size - offset;
if (stride >= header_core->bcWidth && header_core->bcBitCount >=24 )
btWin32 = Global::msoblipPNG;
offset = 40; //sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)
int sz_bitmap = header->biHeight * header->biWidth * header->biBitCount/ 8;
int stride = (size - offset) / header->biHeight;
if (stride >= header->biWidth && header->biBitCount >= 24)
btWin32 = Global::msoblipPNG;
return btWin32;
bool ParseEmbeddedEquation( const std::string & xmlString, std::wstring & newXmlString)
......@@ -307,7 +354,6 @@ namespace DocFileFormat
return m_ShapeId;
/// Writes a border element
void VMLPictureMapping::writePictureBorder( const std::wstring & name, const BorderCode* brc )
if (!brc || name.empty()) return;
......@@ -318,8 +364,6 @@ namespace DocFileFormat
m_pXmlWriter->WriteNodeEnd ( _T( "" ), true );
/// Copies the picture from the binary stream to the zip archive
/// and creates the relationships for the image.
bool VMLPictureMapping::CopyPicture (PictureDescriptor* pict)
if (!pict) return false;
......@@ -329,57 +373,45 @@ namespace DocFileFormat
if (pict->embeddedData && pict->embeddedDataSize > 0)
int w = 0, h = 0;
oHeader.iType = 0x00000001;
oHeader.nSize = sizeof(oHeader);
Global::BlipType btWin32 = GetFormatPict(pict->embeddedData, pict->embeddedDataSize);
oHeader.rclBounds.left = 0; = 0;
oHeader.rclBounds.right = w;
oHeader.rclBounds.bottom = h;
oHeader.rclFrame.left = 0; = 0;
oHeader.rclFrame.right = w;
oHeader.rclFrame.bottom = h;
oHeader.dSignature = 0x464D4520;
oHeader.nVersion = 0x00010000;
oHeader.nBytes = pict->embeddedDataSize - 176;
oHeader.nRecords = 1;
oHeader.nHandles = 0;
oHeader.sReserved = 0;
if (btWin32 == Global::msoblipWMF)
CMetaHeader oMetaHeader;
oMetaHeader.rcBounds.right = pict->mfp.xExt ;
oMetaHeader.rcBounds.bottom = pict->mfp.yExt ;
oHeader.nDescription = 0;
oHeader.offDescription = 0;
WmfPlaceableFileHeader oWmfHeader = {};
int lLenHeader = 114 + 22;
oHeader.nPalEntries = 0;
unsigned char *newData = new unsigned char[pict->embeddedDataSize + lLenHeader];
memcpy(newData, (unsigned char *)(&oWmfHeader), 22);
memcpy(newData + 22, pict->embeddedDataHeader, 114 );
memcpy(newData + lLenHeader, pict->embeddedData, pict->embeddedDataSize); = 200; = 200;
pict->embeddedDataSize += lLenHeader;
delete []pict->embeddedData;
pict->embeddedData = newData; = 100; = 100;
std::vector<unsigned char>(pict->embeddedData, (pict->embeddedData + pict->embeddedDataSize)), Global::msoblipDIB));
memcpy(pict->embeddedData, &oHeader, sizeof(oHeader));
m_ctx->_docx->ImagesList.push_back(ImageFileStructure(GetTargetExt(Global::msoblipWMF), std::vector<unsigned char>(pict->embeddedData, pict->embeddedData + pict->embeddedDataSize)));
m_nImageId = m_ctx->_docx->RegisterImage(m_caller, Global::msoblipWMF);
result = true;
m_nImageId = m_ctx->_docx->RegisterImage(m_caller, btWin32);
result = true;
else if ((oBlipEntry != NULL) && (oBlipEntry->Blip != NULL))
switch (oBlipEntry->btWin32)
case Global::msoblipEMF:
case Global::msoblipWMF:
case Global::msoblipEMF:
case Global::msoblipWMF:
//it's a meta image
MetafilePictBlip* metaBlip = static_cast<MetafilePictBlip*>(oBlipEntry->Blip);
if (metaBlip)
{//decompress inside MetafilePictBlip
......@@ -393,11 +425,11 @@ namespace DocFileFormat
case Global::msoblipJPEG:
case Global::msoblipCMYKJPEG:
case Global::msoblipPNG:
case Global::msoblipTIFF:
case Global::msoblipDIB:
case Global::msoblipJPEG:
case Global::msoblipCMYKJPEG:
case Global::msoblipPNG:
case Global::msoblipTIFF:
case Global::msoblipDIB:
BitmapBlip* bitBlip = static_cast<BitmapBlip*>(oBlipEntry->Blip);
if (bitBlip)
......@@ -405,19 +437,16 @@ namespace DocFileFormat
std::vector<unsigned char>(bitBlip->m_pvBits, (bitBlip->m_pvBits + bitBlip->pvBitsSize)), oBlipEntry->btWin32));
return false;
m_nImageId = m_ctx->_docx->RegisterImage(m_caller, oBlipEntry->btWin32);
result = true;
result = true;
return result;
......@@ -430,28 +459,16 @@ namespace DocFileFormat
switch (nType)
//case Global::msoblipDIB:
// return std::wstring( _T( ".bmp" ) );
//case msoblipBMP:
// return wstring( _T( ".bmp" ) );
case Global::msoblipDIB:
return std::wstring(_T(".bmp"));
case Global::msoblipEMF:
return std::wstring(_T(".emf"));
//case msoblipGIF:
// return wstring( _T( ".gif" ) );
//case msoblipICON:
// return wstring( _T( ".ico" ) );
case Global::msoblipJPEG:
case Global::msoblipCMYKJPEG:
return std::wstring(_T(".jpg"));
//case msoblipPCX:
// return wstring( _T( ".pcx" ) );
case Global::msoblipPNG:
return std::wstring(_T(".png"));
......@@ -470,9 +487,6 @@ namespace DocFileFormat
switch (nType)
//case msoblipBMP:
// return wstring( _T( "image/bmp" ) );
case Global::msoblipEMF:
return std::wstring(OpenXmlContentTypes::Emf);
......@@ -498,6 +512,9 @@ namespace DocFileFormat
case Global::msoblipWMF:
return std::wstring(OpenXmlContentTypes::Wmf);
case Global::msoblipDIB:
return std::wstring(OpenXmlContentTypes::Bmp);
return std::wstring(OpenXmlContentTypes::Png);
......@@ -65,8 +65,10 @@ namespace DocFileFormat
void ApplyPrimitives(DrawingPrimitives * primitives );
int ApplyPrimitive (DrawingPrimitives * primitives, int index);
void ApplyPrimitives (DrawingPrimitives * primitives );
int ApplyPrimitive (DrawingPrimitives * primitives, int index);
void WritePrimitiveProps(DrawingPrimitive * primitive, bool root);
// Converts a group of shapes
void WriteGroup(const GroupContainer* pContainer);
......@@ -135,12 +137,5 @@ namespace DocFileFormat
XMLTools::XMLElement<wchar_t> m_imagedata;
XMLTools::XMLElement<wchar_t> m_3dstyle;
XMLTools::XMLElement<wchar_t> m_textpath;
std::vector<double> m_offset_x;
std::vector<double> m_offset_y;
std::vector<double> m_scale_x;
std::vector<double> m_scale_y;
......@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ namespace DocFileFormat
EndnoteReferenceCharactersPlex(NULL), FieldsPlex(NULL), FootnoteDocumentFieldsPlex(NULL),
EndnoteDocumentFieldsPlex(NULL), HeadersAndFootersDocumentFieldsPlex(NULL), HeaderStoriesPlex(NULL),
AnnotationsReferencePlex(NULL), IndividualCommentsPlex(NULL), TextboxBreakPlex(NULL), TextboxBreakPlexHeader(NULL),
OfficeDrawingPlex(NULL), OfficeDrawingPlexHeader(NULL), SectionPlex(NULL), BookmarkStartPlex(NULL), BookmarkEndPlex(NULL),
AutoTextPlex(NULL), AllPapxFkps(NULL), AllChpxFkps(NULL), AllPapx(NULL), AllPapxVector(NULL), AllSepx(NULL), Styles(NULL), listTable(NULL),
AnnotationOwners(NULL), DocProperties(NULL), listFormatOverrideTable(NULL), headerAndFooterTable(NULL), encryptionHeader(NULL)
......@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
namespace ImageHelper
typedef struct ___tagBITMAPINFOHEADER
DWORD biSize;
LONG biWidth;
......@@ -52,44 +52,117 @@ namespace ImageHelper
LONG biYPelsPerMeter;
DWORD biClrUsed;
DWORD biClrImportant;
inline static int CompareStrings (const wchar_t* str1, const wchar_t* str2)
CString cstr1; cstr1 = str1;
CString cstr2; cstr2 = str2;
DWORD bcSize; /* used to get to color table */
WORD bcWidth;
WORD bcHeight;
WORD bcPlanes;
WORD bcBitCount;
if (cstr1 == cstr2)
return 0;
return 1;
inline bool SaveImageToFileFromDIB(unsigned char* buffer, int size, const std::wstring& file)
inline Global::_BlipType SaveImageToFileFromDIB(unsigned char* data, int size, const std::wstring& file_name)//without ext
bool result = false;
Global::_BlipType result = Global::msoblipERROR;
CBgraFrame oFrame;
int offset = 0, biSizeImage = 0;
if (!header) return result;
result == Global::msoblipDIB;
if (NULL != info && info->biSize == 40)
if (header->biWidth > 100000 || header->biHeight > 100000 || header->biSize != 40)
unsigned char* pBgraData = buffer + sizeof(___BITMAPINFOHEADER);
if (header_core->bcSize != 12)
result = Global::msoblipWMF;
offset = 12; //sizeof(BITMAPCOREHEADER)
int nWidth = info->biWidth;
int nHeight = info->biHeight;
oFrame.put_Height (header_core->bcHeight );
oFrame.put_Width (header_core->bcWidth );
int sz_bitmap = header_core->bcHeight * header_core->bcWidth * header_core->bcBitCount/ 8;
//if (header_core->bcWidth % 2 != 0 && sz_bitmap < size - offset)
// header_core->bcWidth++;
///???? todooo непонятно .. в biff5 нужно флипать картинку, в biff8 не ясно ( -
int stride = -(size - offset) / header_core->bcHeight;
oFrame.put_Stride (stride/*header_core->bcBitCount * header_core->bcWidth /8 */);
CBgraFrame oFrame;
oFrame.put_Data (pBgraData);
oFrame.put_Width (nWidth);
oFrame.put_Height (nHeight);
biSizeImage = size - offset;
if (-stride >= header_core->bcWidth && header_core->bcBitCount >=24 )
result = Global::msoblipPNG;
offset = 40; //sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)
int nStride = info->biSizeImage / nHeight;
oFrame.put_Stride( -nStride );
oFrame.put_Height (header->biHeight );
oFrame.put_Width (header->biWidth );
int sz_bitmap = header->biHeight * header->biWidth * header->biBitCount/ 8;
//if (header->biWidth % 2 != 0 && sz_bitmap < size -offset)
// header->biWidth++;
int stride = -(size - offset) / header->biHeight;
result = oFrame.SaveFile(file, 4);
if (-stride >= header->biWidth && header->biBitCount >= 24)
result = Global::msoblipPNG;
oFrame.put_Stride (stride/*header->biBitCount * header->biWidth /8*/);
biSizeImage = header->biSizeImage > 0 ? header->biSizeImage : (size - offset);
if (result == Global::msoblipPNG)
oFrame.put_Data((unsigned char*)data + offset);
if (!oFrame.SaveFile(file_name + _T(".png"), 4/*CXIMAGE_FORMAT_PNG*/))
result = Global::msoblipERROR;
else if (result == Global::msoblipWMF)
NSFile::CFileBinary file;
if (file.CreateFileW(file_name + _T(".wmf")))
file.WriteFile((BYTE*)data, size);
else if (biSizeImage > 0)
NSFile::CFileBinary file;
if (file.CreateFileW(file_name + _T(".bmp")))
WORD vtType = 0x4D42; file.WriteFile((BYTE*)&vtType, 2);
DWORD dwLen = biSizeImage; file.WriteFile((BYTE*)&dwLen, 4);
DWORD dwRes = 0; file.WriteFile((BYTE*)&dwRes, 4);
DWORD dwOffset = 2; file.WriteFile((BYTE*)&dwOffset, 4);
file.WriteFile((BYTE*)data, size);
return result;
......@@ -120,11 +193,11 @@ namespace DocFileFormat
//Write main content. (word directory)
SaveToFile(string2std_string(pathWord.GetPath()), std::wstring( _T("document.xml" ) ), DocumentXML );
SaveToFile(string2std_string(pathWord.GetPath()), std::wstring( _T( "fontTable.xml" ) ), FontTableXML );
SaveToFile(string2std_string(pathWord.GetPath()), std::wstring( _T( "fontTable.xml" ) ), FontTableXML );
SaveToFile(string2std_string(pathWord.GetPath()), std::wstring( _T( "styles.xml" ) ), StyleSheetXML );
SaveToFile(string2std_string(pathWord.GetPath()), std::wstring( _T( "footnotes.xml" ) ), FootnotesXML );
SaveToFile(string2std_string(pathWord.GetPath()), std::wstring( _T( "footnotes.xml" ) ), FootnotesXML );
SaveToFile(string2std_string(pathWord.GetPath()), std::wstring( _T( "endnotes.xml" ) ), EndnotesXML );
SaveToFile(string2std_string(pathWord.GetPath()), std::wstring( _T( "numbering.xml" ) ), NumberingXML );
SaveToFile(string2std_string(pathWord.GetPath()), std::wstring( _T( "numbering.xml" ) ), NumberingXML );
SaveToFile(string2std_string(pathWord.GetPath()), std::wstring( _T( "comments.xml" ) ), CommentsXML );
SaveToFile(string2std_string(pathWord.GetPath()), std::wstring( _T( "settings.xml" ) ), SettingsXML );
SaveToFile(string2std_string(pathWord.GetPath()), std::wstring( _T( "customizations.xml" ) ),CommandTableXML );
......@@ -147,8 +220,8 @@ namespace DocFileFormat
if (Global::msoblipDIB == iter->blipType)
std::wstring file_name = string2std_string(pathMedia.GetPath()) + FILE_SEPARATOR_STR + _T("image") + FormatUtils::IntToWideString(i++) + iter->ext;
ImageHelper::SaveImageToFileFromDIB(bytes, iter->data.size(), file_name);
std::wstring file_name = string2std_string(pathMedia.GetPath()) + FILE_SEPARATOR_STR + _T("image") + FormatUtils::IntToWideString(i++);
iter->blipType = ImageHelper::SaveImageToFileFromDIB(bytes, iter->data.size(), file_name);
......@@ -657,7 +657,7 @@ std::wstring XlsConverter::WriteMediaFile(char *data, int size, std::wstring typ
if (file.CreateFileW(xlsx_context->get_mediaitems().media_path() + file_name))
WORD vtType = 0x4D42; file.WriteFile((BYTE*)&vtType, 2);
DWORD dwLen = biSizeImage; file.WriteFile((BYTE*)&dwLen, 4);
DWORD dwLen = biSizeImage; file.WriteFile((BYTE*)&dwLen, 4);
DWORD dwRes = 0; file.WriteFile((BYTE*)&dwRes, 4);
DWORD dwOffset = 2; file.WriteFile((BYTE*)&dwOffset, 4);
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