Commit 621acc78 authored by ElenaSubbotina's avatar ElenaSubbotina

OdfFormatWriter - add review contents

parent a69dc9e5
......@@ -30,18 +30,14 @@
#include "abstract_xml.h"
//#include "paragraph_elements.h"
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
namespace cpdoccore {
namespace odf_writer {
// abstract-xml
const wchar_t * abstract_xml::ns = L"";
const wchar_t * abstract_xml::name = L"abstract-xml";
......@@ -50,16 +46,6 @@ void abstract_xml::serialize(std::wostream & strm)
//void abstract_xml::create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name)
// CP_CREATE_ELEMENT(xml_content_);
//void abstract_xml::add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_element)
// xml_content_.push_back(child_element);
......@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ void calcext_date_is_attr::serialize(CP_ATTR_NODE)
const wchar_t * calcext_conditional_formats::ns = L"calcext";
const wchar_t * calcext_conditional_formats::name = L"conditional-formats";
void calcext_conditional_formats::create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name)
void calcext_conditional_formats::create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name)
......@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ void calcext_conditional_formats::serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream)
const wchar_t * calcext_conditional_format::ns = L"calcext";
const wchar_t * calcext_conditional_format::name = L"conditional-format";
void calcext_conditional_format::create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name)
void calcext_conditional_format::create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name)
......@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ void calcext_conditional_format::serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream)
const wchar_t * calcext_data_bar::ns = L"calcext";
const wchar_t * calcext_data_bar::name = L"data-bar";
void calcext_data_bar::create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name)
void calcext_data_bar::create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name)
......@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ void calcext_data_bar::serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream)
const wchar_t * calcext_color_scale::ns = L"calcext";
const wchar_t * calcext_color_scale::name = L"color-scale";
void calcext_color_scale::create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name)
void calcext_color_scale::create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name)
......@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ void calcext_color_scale::serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream)
const wchar_t * calcext_icon_set::ns = L"calcext";
const wchar_t * calcext_icon_set::name = L"icon-set";
void calcext_icon_set::create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name)
void calcext_icon_set::create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name)
......@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ public:
static const ElementType type = typeCalcextColorScaleEntry;
virtual void create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name){}
virtual void create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name){}
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_element){}
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream);
......@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ public:
static const ElementType type = typeCalcextFormattingEntry;
virtual void create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name){}
virtual void create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name){}
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_element){}
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream);
......@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ public:
static const ElementType type = typeCalcextIconSet;
virtual void create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name);
virtual void create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name);
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_element);
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream);
......@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ public:
static const ElementType type = typeCalcextDataBar;
virtual void create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name);
virtual void create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name);
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_element);
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream);
......@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ public:
static const ElementType type = typeCalcextColorScale;
virtual void create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name);
virtual void create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name);
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_element);
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream);
......@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ public:
static const ElementType type = typeCalcextDateIs;
virtual void create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name){}
virtual void create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name){}
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_element){}
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream);
......@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ public:
static const ElementType type = typeCalcextCondition;
virtual void create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name){}
virtual void create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name){}
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_element){}
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream);
......@@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ public:
static const ElementType type = typeCalcextConditionalFormat;
virtual void create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name);
virtual void create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name);
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_element);
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream);
......@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ public:
static const ElementType type = typeCalcextConditionalFormats;
virtual void create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name);
virtual void create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name);
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_element);
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream);
......@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ const wchar_t * draw_base::ns = L"draw";
const wchar_t * draw_base::name = L"base";
void draw_base::create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name)
void draw_base::create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name)
......@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ public:
virtual void create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name);
virtual void create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name);
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_element);
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream);
......@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ void draw_image::serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream)
void draw_image::create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name)
void draw_image::create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name)
if CP_CHECK_NAME(L"office", L"binary-data")
......@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ void draw_chart::serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream)
void draw_chart::create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name)
void draw_chart::create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name)
......@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ void draw_g::serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream)
void draw_g::create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name)
void draw_g::create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name)
......@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ void draw_frame::serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream)
void draw_frame::create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name)
void draw_frame::create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name)
if (CP_CHECK_NAME(L"draw", L"text-box") ||
CP_CHECK_NAME(L"draw", L"image") ||//копия чарта в виде картинки ну.. или просто картинка
......@@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ void draw_text_box::serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream)
void draw_text_box::create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name)
void draw_text_box::create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name)
......@@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ void draw_object::serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream)
void draw_object::create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name)
void draw_object::create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name)
......@@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ void draw_object_ole::serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream)
void draw_object_ole::create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name)
void draw_object_ole::create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name)
......@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ public:
static const ElementType type = typeDrawImage;
virtual void create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name);
virtual void create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name);
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_element);
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream);
......@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ public:
static const ElementType type = typeDrawChart;
virtual void create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name);
virtual void create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name);
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_element);
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream);
......@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ public:
static const ElementType type = typeDrawFrame;
virtual void create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name);
virtual void create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name);
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_element);
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream);
......@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ public:
static const ElementType type = typeDrawG;
virtual void create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name);
virtual void create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name);
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_element);
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream);
......@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ public:
static const ElementType type = typeDrawTextBox;
virtual void create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name);
virtual void create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name);
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_element);
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream);
......@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ public:
static const ElementType type = typeDrawObject;
virtual void create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name);
virtual void create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name);
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_element);
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream);
......@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ public:
static const ElementType type = typeDrawObjectOle;
virtual void create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name);
virtual void create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name);
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_element);
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream);
......@@ -444,7 +444,7 @@ void draw_enhanced_geometry::serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream)
typedef shared_ptr<draw_handle> draw_handle_ptr;
void draw_enhanced_geometry::create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name)
void draw_enhanced_geometry::create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name)
if CP_CHECK_NAME(L"draw", L"handle")
......@@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ public:
static const xml::NodeType xml_type = xml::typeElement;
virtual void create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name){}
virtual void create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name){}
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_element){}
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream);
......@@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ public:
static const xml::NodeType xml_type = xml::typeElement;
virtual void create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name){}
virtual void create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name){}
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_element){}
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream);
......@@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ public:
static const ElementType type = typeDrawEnhancedGeometry;
static const xml::NodeType xml_type = xml::typeElement;
virtual void create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name);
virtual void create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name);
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_element);
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream);
......@@ -43,8 +43,8 @@ namespace odf_writer {
void style_header_footer_properties_attlist::serialize(CP_ATTR_NODE)
CP_XML_ATTR_OPT(L"svg:height", svg_height_);
CP_XML_ATTR_OPT(L"fo:min-height", fo_min_height_);
CP_XML_ATTR_OPT(L"svg:height", svg_height_);
CP_XML_ATTR_OPT(L"fo:min-height", fo_min_height_);
......@@ -58,10 +58,10 @@ void style_header_footer_properties_attlist::serialize(CP_ATTR_NODE)
/// style-header-footer-properties
const wchar_t * style_header_footer_properties::ns = L"style";
const wchar_t * style_header_footer_properties::name = L"header-footer-properties";
const wchar_t * style_header_footer_properties::ns = L"style";
const wchar_t * style_header_footer_properties::name = L"header-footer-properties";
void style_header_footer_properties::create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name)
void style_header_footer_properties::create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name)
if (L"style" == Ns && L"background-image" == Name)
......@@ -84,19 +84,44 @@ void style_header_footer_properties::serialize(std::wostream & strm)
void header_footer_content::create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name, odf_conversion_context * Context)
void header_footer_content::create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name, odf_conversion_context * Context)
if CP_CHECK_NAME(L"text", L"tracked-changes")
void header_footer_content::add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child)
void header_footer_content::add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_element, odf_conversion_context * Context)
if (!child_element) return;
case typeTextTrackedChanges:
tracked_changes_ = child_element;
case typeTextChangedRegion:
if (!tracked_changes_)
create_child_element(L"text", L"tracked-changes", Context);
void header_footer_content::serialize(std::wostream & strm)
BOOST_FOREACH(const office_element_ptr & elm, content_)
if (tracked_changes_)
for (int i = 0; i < content_.size(); i++)
......@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ public:
static const ElementType type = typeStyleHeaderFooterProperties;
virtual void create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name);
virtual void create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name);
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child)
_CP_LOG << L"Non add child in " << ns << L":" << name << std::endl;
......@@ -102,12 +102,13 @@ public:
class header_footer_content
void create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name, odf_conversion_context * Context);
void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child);
void create_child_element ( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name, odf_conversion_context * Context);
void add_child_element ( const office_element_ptr & child, odf_conversion_context * Context);
void serialize(std::wostream & strm);
office_element_ptr_array content_;
office_element_ptr tracked_changes_;
office_element_ptr_array content_;
......@@ -52,14 +52,14 @@ public:
text_number() {}
virtual void create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name){}
virtual void create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name){}
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_element){}
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream);
virtual void add_text(const std::wstring & Text);
::std::wstring string_;
std::wstring string_;
......@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ CP_REGISTER_OFFICE_ELEMENT2(text_number);
class text_list_item;
typedef shared_ptr<text_list_item>::Type text_list_item_ptr;
typedef ::std::vector<text_list_item_ptr> text_list_item_ptr_array;
typedef std::vector<text_list_item_ptr> text_list_item_ptr_array;
class text_list_item : public office_element_impl<text_list_item>
......@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ public:
static const ElementType type = typeTextListItem;
virtual void create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name);
virtual void create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name);
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_element);
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream);
......@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ public:
static const ElementType type = typeTextListHeader;
virtual void create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name);
virtual void create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name);
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_element);
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream);
......@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ void number_time_style::serialize(std::wostream & strm)
void number_style_base::create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name)
void number_style_base::create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name)
if CP_CHECK_NAME(L"style", L"text-properties")
......@@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ void number_number::serialize(std::wostream & strm)
void number_number::create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name)
void number_number::create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name)
if CP_CHECK_NAME(L"number", L"embedded-text")
......@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ public:
virtual void create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name);
virtual void create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name);
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child);
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & strm);
......@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ public:
static const ElementType type = typeNumberText;
virtual void create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name){}
virtual void create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name){}
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & strm);
......@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ public:
static const ElementType type = typeNumberNumber;
virtual void create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name);
virtual void create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name);
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child);
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & strm);
......@@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ public:
static const ElementType type = typeNumberEmbeddedText;
virtual void create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name){CP_NOT_APPLICABLE_ELM();}
virtual void create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name){CP_NOT_APPLICABLE_ELM();}
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & strm);
virtual void add_text(const std::wstring & Text);
......@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ public:
static const ElementType type = typeNumberScientificNumber;
virtual void create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name){CP_NOT_APPLICABLE_ELM();}
virtual void create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name){CP_NOT_APPLICABLE_ELM();}
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & strm);
// number-scientific-number-attlist
......@@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ public:
static const ElementType type = typeNumberCurrencySymbol;
virtual void create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name){CP_NOT_APPLICABLE_ELM();}
virtual void create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name){CP_NOT_APPLICABLE_ELM();}
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & strm);
virtual void add_text(const std::wstring & Text);
......@@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ public:
static const ElementType type = typeNumberTextContent;
virtual void create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name){CP_NOT_APPLICABLE_ELM();}
virtual void create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name){CP_NOT_APPLICABLE_ELM();}
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & strm);
......@@ -335,7 +335,7 @@ public:
static const ElementType type = typeNumberDayOfWeek;
virtual void create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name){CP_NOT_APPLICABLE_ELM();}
virtual void create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name){CP_NOT_APPLICABLE_ELM();}
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & strm);
_CP_OPT(std::wstring) number_style_;
......@@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ public:
static const ElementType type = typeNumberQuarter;
virtual void create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name){CP_NOT_APPLICABLE_ELM();}
virtual void create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name){CP_NOT_APPLICABLE_ELM();}
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & strm);
_CP_OPT(std::wstring) number_style_;
......@@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ public:
static const ElementType type = typeNumberDay;
virtual void create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name){CP_NOT_APPLICABLE_ELM();}
virtual void create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name){CP_NOT_APPLICABLE_ELM();}
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & strm);
_CP_OPT(std::wstring) number_style_;
......@@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ public:
static const ElementType type = typeNumberMonth;
virtual void create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name){CP_NOT_APPLICABLE_ELM();}
virtual void create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name){CP_NOT_APPLICABLE_ELM();}
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & strm);
_CP_OPT(odf_types::Bool) number_textual_;
......@@ -420,7 +420,7 @@ public:
static const ElementType type = typeNumberYear;
virtual void create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name){CP_NOT_APPLICABLE_ELM();}
virtual void create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name){CP_NOT_APPLICABLE_ELM();}
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & strm);
_CP_OPT(std::wstring) number_style_;
......@@ -440,7 +440,7 @@ public:
static const ElementType type = typeNumberHours;
virtual void create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name){CP_NOT_APPLICABLE_ELM();}
virtual void create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name){CP_NOT_APPLICABLE_ELM();}
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & strm);
_CP_OPT(std::wstring) number_style_;
......@@ -460,7 +460,7 @@ public:
static const ElementType type = typeNumberMinutes;
virtual void create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name){CP_NOT_APPLICABLE_ELM();}
virtual void create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name){CP_NOT_APPLICABLE_ELM();}
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & strm);
_CP_OPT(std::wstring) number_style_;
......@@ -480,7 +480,7 @@ public:
static const ElementType type = typeNumberSeconds;
virtual void create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name){CP_NOT_APPLICABLE_ELM();}
virtual void create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name){CP_NOT_APPLICABLE_ELM();}
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & strm);
_CP_OPT(std::wstring) number_style_;
......@@ -501,7 +501,7 @@ public:
static const ElementType type = typeNumberAmPm;
virtual void create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name){CP_NOT_APPLICABLE_ELM();}
virtual void create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name){CP_NOT_APPLICABLE_ELM();}
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & strm);
......@@ -519,7 +519,7 @@ public:
static const ElementType type = typeNumberFraction;
virtual void create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name){CP_NOT_APPLICABLE_ELM();}
virtual void create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name){CP_NOT_APPLICABLE_ELM();}
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & strm);
_CP_OPT(int) number_min_integer_digits_;
......@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ void odf_comment_context::set_author(std::wstring author)
if ((impl_->comments_.size()<1) || !is_started()) return;
office_element_ptr elm;
create_element(L"dc", L"creator",elm,impl_->odf_context_);
create_element(L"dc", L"creator", elm, impl_->odf_context_);
dc_creator* creator = dynamic_cast<dc_creator*>(elm.get());
if (!creator)return;
......@@ -183,8 +183,9 @@ void odf_comment_context::set_author(std::wstring author)
void odf_comment_context::set_date(std::wstring _date)
if ((impl_->comments_.size()<1) || !is_started()) return;
office_element_ptr elm;
create_element(L"dc", L"date",elm,impl_->odf_context_);
create_element(L"dc", L"date", elm, impl_->odf_context_);
dc_date* date = dynamic_cast<dc_date*>(elm.get());
if (!date)return;
......@@ -58,10 +58,10 @@ namespace odf_writer {
odf_conversion_context::odf_conversion_context(_office_type_document type_, package::odf_document * outputDocument)
: type (type_), chart_context_ (this), page_layout_context_(this)
output_document_ = outputDocument;
current_object_ =0;
output_document_ = outputDocument;
current_object_ = 0;
applicationFonts_ = new CApplicationFonts();
applicationFonts_ = new CApplicationFonts();
......@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ void odf_conversion_context::end_document()
void odf_conversion_context::start_chart()
create_element(L"office", L"chart", objects_.back().content, this,true);
create_element(L"office", L"chart", objects_.back().content, this, true);
......@@ -182,12 +182,12 @@ void odf_conversion_context::start_chart()
void odf_conversion_context::start_spreadsheet()
create_element(L"office", L"spreadsheet", objects_.back().content, this,true);
create_element(L"office", L"spreadsheet", objects_.back().content, this, true);
void odf_conversion_context::start_text()
create_element(L"office", L"text", objects_.back().content, this,true);
create_element(L"office", L"text", objects_.back().content, this, true);
void odf_conversion_context::create_object()
......@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ void odf_conversion_context::create_object()
current_object_ = objects_.size()-1;
current_object_ = objects_.size() - 1;
void odf_conversion_context::end_chart()
......@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ void odf_conversion_context::end_spreadsheet()
void odf_conversion_context::end_object()
current_object_ = 0;
current_object_ = 0;//main
office_element_ptr & odf_conversion_context::get_current_object_element()
......@@ -243,7 +243,6 @@ void odf_conversion_context::process_settings(_object & object, bool isRoot)
if (isRoot)
void odf_conversion_context::process_styles(_object & object, bool isRoot)
......@@ -139,6 +139,7 @@ void odf_notes_context::end_note_content()
impl_->notes_.back().is_started = false;
int odf_notes_context::find_by_id(int oox_id, int type)
for (int i=0; i < impl_->notes_.size(); i++)
......@@ -255,23 +255,23 @@ void odf_page_layout_context::set_background(_CP_OPT(color) & color, int type)
bool odf_page_layout_context::add_footer(int type)
office_element_ptr elm;
root_header_footer_ = office_element_ptr();
if (type == 1)
if (even_and_left_headers_)
create_element(L"style", L"footer-left", elm, odf_context_);
create_element(L"style", L"footer-left", root_header_footer_, odf_context_);
else if (type == 2)
create_element(L"style", L"footer-first", elm, odf_context_);
create_element(L"style", L"footer-first", root_header_footer_, odf_context_);
create_element(L"style", L"footer", elm, odf_context_);
create_element(L"style", L"footer", root_header_footer_, odf_context_);
if (!elm) return false;
if (!root_header_footer_) return false;
if (master_state_list_.empty())
//настраить нужно 1 раз
......@@ -313,30 +313,31 @@ bool odf_page_layout_context::add_footer(int type)
bool odf_page_layout_context::add_header(int type)
office_element_ptr elm;
root_header_footer_ = office_element_ptr();
if (type == 1)
if (even_and_left_headers_)
create_element(L"style", L"header-left", elm, odf_context_);
create_element(L"style", L"header-left", root_header_footer_, odf_context_);
else if (type == 2)
create_element(L"style", L"header-first", elm, odf_context_);
create_element(L"style", L"header-first", root_header_footer_, odf_context_);
create_element(L"style", L"header", elm, odf_context_);
create_element(L"style", L"header", root_header_footer_, odf_context_);
if (!elm) return false;
if (!root_header_footer_) return false;
if (master_state_list_.empty())
//настроить нужно один раз
if (!layout_state_list_.back().header_size_) return true;
style_header_footer_properties * header_props = get_header_properties();
if (!header_props)return true;
style_page_layout_properties * props = get_properties();
if (!props)return true;
......@@ -101,8 +101,10 @@ public:
void set_page_number_format (_CP_OPT(int) & type, _CP_OPT(int) & start);
double current_page_width_;
bool even_and_left_headers_;
office_element_ptr root_header_footer_; //для топовых элементов в style:footer
double current_page_width_;
bool even_and_left_headers_;
......@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ void odf_master_state::add_footer(office_element_ptr & elm)
odf_element_state state = {elm,L"",office_element_ptr(), 1};
odf_element_state state = {elm, L"", office_element_ptr(), 1};
......@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ void odf_master_state::add_header(office_element_ptr & elm)
odf_element_state state = {elm,L"",office_element_ptr(), 1};
odf_element_state state = {elm, L"", office_element_ptr(), 1};
......@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ public:
relationship(const std::wstring & Type,const std::wstring & Target) : type_(Type), target_(Target)
void serialize(::std::wostream & _Wostream);
void serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream);
const std::wstring & type() const { return type_; }
const std::wstring & target() const { return target_; }
......@@ -281,14 +281,15 @@ void odf_text_context::start_element(office_element_ptr & elm, office_element_pt
odf_element_state state={elm, style_name, style_elm, level};
if (current_level_.size()>0)
if (!current_level_.empty())
void odf_text_context::end_element()
if (single_paragraph_ == false && current_level_.size() > 0)
if (single_paragraph_ == false && !current_level_.empty())
......@@ -533,7 +534,7 @@ void odf_text_context::save_property_break()
if (paragraph_properties_ == NULL)
for (unsigned int i = current_level_.size()-1; i>=0; i--)
for (int i = current_level_.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
office_element_ptr & elm = current_level_[i].elm;
......@@ -543,7 +544,7 @@ void odf_text_context::save_property_break()
if ((p || h) && !current_level_[i].style_elm)
styles_context_->create_style(L"",odf_types::style_family::Paragraph, true, false, -1);
styles_context_->create_style(L"", odf_types::style_family::Paragraph, true, false, -1);
odf_style_state_ptr style_ = styles_context_->last_state();
if (style_)
......@@ -563,23 +564,29 @@ void odf_text_context::save_property_break()
need_break_ = boost::none;
void odf_text_context::set_type_break(int type, int clear)
bool odf_text_context::set_type_break(int type, int clear)//todooo clear ???
//brclearAll = 0,
//brclearLeft = 1,
//brclearNone = 2,
//brclearRight = 3
bool need_restart = false;
if (type == -1)
need_break_= boost::none;
need_break_ = boost::none;
else if (type == 0)//brtypeColumn
need_break_= fo_break(fo_break::Column);
need_break_ = fo_break(fo_break::Column);
need_restart = true;
else if (type == 1)//brtypePage
need_break_ = fo_break(fo_break::Page);
office_element_ptr elm;
create_element(L"text", L"soft-page-break", elm, odf_context_);
need_break_ = fo_break(fo_break::Page);
need_restart = true;
else //brtypeTextWrapping
......@@ -589,7 +596,7 @@ void odf_text_context::set_type_break(int type, int clear)
if (current_level_.size()>0)
return need_restart;
bool odf_text_context::set_master_page_name (std::wstring & master_page_name)
......@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@ class style_text_properties;
class odf_text_context: boost::noncopyable
odf_text_context(odf_conversion_context *odf_context);
odf_text_context (odf_conversion_context *odf_context);
~odf_text_context ();
odf_style_context* get_styles_context();//для embedded
void set_styles_context(odf_style_context* styles_context);//для embedded
......@@ -75,7 +75,6 @@ public:
void start_paragraph (office_element_ptr & elm, bool styled = false);
void end_paragraph ();
void start_element (office_element_ptr & elm, office_element_ptr style_elm = office_element_ptr(),std::wstring style_name = L"");
void end_element ();
......@@ -92,25 +91,24 @@ public:
void end_list ();
bool is_need_break (){return bool(need_break_);}
void set_type_break (int type, int clear);
bool set_type_break (int type, int clear);
void save_property_break();
void add_tab(_CP_OPT(int) ref);
void add_tab (_CP_OPT(int) ref = boost::none);
void set_outline_level (int level);
bool get_list_item_state() {return list_state_.levels.size() > 0 ? list_state_.levels.back() : false;}
void set_parent_paragraph_style (std::wstring & style_name);
void set_parent_span_style (std::wstring & style_name);
bool set_master_page_name (std::wstring & master_page_name);
bool get_KeepNextParagraph () {return keep_next_paragraph_;}
void set_KeepNextParagraph (bool val) {keep_next_paragraph_ = val;}
style_text_properties *get_text_properties () {return text_properties_;}
style_paragraph_properties *get_paragraph_properties () {return paragraph_properties_;}
void set_outline_level (int level);
bool get_KeepNextParagraph () {return keep_next_paragraph_;}
void set_KeepNextParagraph (bool val) {keep_next_paragraph_ = val;}
bool get_list_item_state () {return list_state_.levels.size() > 0 ? list_state_.levels.back() : false;}
int current_outline_;
bool in_field_;
......@@ -79,39 +79,39 @@ public:
odf_comment_context * comment_context();
odf_table_context * table_context();
void start_drawings();
void end_drawings();
void start_drawings ();
void end_drawings ();
virtual void start_image(const std::wstring & image_file_name);
void add_text_content (const std::wstring & text);
void start_paragraph(bool styled = false);
void end_paragraph();
void start_paragraph (bool styled = false);
void end_paragraph ();
void add_page_break();
void add_paragraph_break(int type);
void start_hyperlink(std::wstring ref);
void end_hyperlink();
void start_hyperlink (std::wstring ref);
void end_hyperlink ();
void start_field(bool in_span);
void end_field();
void set_field_instr(std::wstring instr);
void start_field (bool in_span);
void end_field ();
void set_field_instr (std::wstring instr);
void start_run(bool styled = false);
void end_run();
void start_run (bool styled = false);
void end_run ();
void add_section(bool continuous);
void add_section_columns(int count, double space_pt, bool separator );
void add_section_column(std::vector<std::pair<double,double>> width_space);
int get_current_section_columns();
void flush_section();
void add_section (bool continuous);
void add_section_columns (int count, double space_pt, bool separator );
void add_section_column (std::vector<std::pair<double,double>> width_space);
int get_current_section_columns ();
void flush_section ();
void set_master_page_name(std::wstring master_name);
void start_drop_cap(style_paragraph_properties * paragraph_properties);
void set_drop_cap_lines(int lines);
void start_drop_cap (style_paragraph_properties * paragraph_properties);
void set_drop_cap_lines (int lines);
void set_drop_cap_margin(bool val);
void end_drop_cap();
void end_drop_cap ();
bool start_comment (int oox_comment_id);
void end_comment (int oox_comment_id);
......@@ -123,34 +123,37 @@ public:
void end_note_content ();
void end_note ();
void start_table(bool styled = false);
void start_table_columns();
void add_table_column(double width = -1);
void end_table_columns();
void start_change (int id, int type, std::wstring &author, std::wstring &userId, std::wstring &date);
void end_change (int id, int type);
void start_table (bool styled = false);
void start_table_columns ();
void add_table_column (double width = -1);
void end_table_columns ();
void start_table_header_rows();
void end_table_header_rows();
void start_table_row(bool styled = false);
void add_default_cell();
void start_table_cell(int col, bool covered, bool styled = false);
void end_table_cell();
void end_table_row();
void end_table();
void end_table_header_rows ();
void start_table_row (bool styled = false);
void add_default_cell ();
void start_table_cell (int col, bool covered, bool styled = false);
void end_table_cell ();
void end_table_row ();
void end_table ();
void start_list_item(int level, std::wstring style_name);
void end_list_item();
void start_list_item (int level, std::wstring style_name);
void end_list_item ();
void set_no_list();
bool is_empty_section(){return current_root_elements_.size() > 0 ? false : true; }
bool is_empty_section (){return current_root_elements_.size() > 0 ? false : true; }
bool start_header(int type);
bool start_footer(int type);
void end_header_footer();
bool start_header (int type);
bool start_footer (int type);
void end_header_footer ();
void add_empty_header(int type);
void add_empty_footer(int type);
void add_empty_header (int type);
void add_empty_footer (int type);
void set_background(_CP_OPT(color) & color, int type);
void set_background (_CP_OPT(color) & color, int type);
bool is_paragraph_in_current_section_;
......@@ -168,7 +171,7 @@ private:
bool is_footer_;
std::vector<odf_drawing_context_ptr> drawing_context_;
std::vector<odf_text_context_ptr> text_context_;//for embedded
std::vector<odf_text_context_ptr> text_context_; //for embedded
std::vector<odf_element_state> current_root_elements_; // for section, if needed
std::vector<odt_section_state> sections_;
......@@ -177,13 +180,19 @@ private:
struct _field_state
bool enabled;
int type;
std::wstring value;
std::wstring format;
bool started;
bool in_span;
bool enabled;
int type;
std::wstring value;
std::wstring format;
bool started;
bool in_span;
struct _text_changes_state
odf_text_context *main_text_context;
int level;
bool is_hyperlink_;
......@@ -194,13 +203,11 @@ private:
bool enabled;
style_paragraph_properties *paragraph_properties;
int characters;
bool inline_style;
double characters_size_pt;
int characters;
bool inline_style;
double characters_size_pt;
......@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ namespace cpdoccore {
namespace odf_writer {
// dc:date
const wchar_t * dc_date::ns = L"dc";
const wchar_t * dc_date::name = L"date";
......@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ void dc_date::serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream)
// dc:creator
const wchar_t * dc_creator::ns = L"dc";
const wchar_t * dc_creator::name = L"creator";
......@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ void dc_creator::serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream)
void office_annotation_attr::serialize(CP_ATTR_NODE)
......@@ -103,11 +103,11 @@ void office_annotation_attr::serialize(CP_ATTR_NODE)
// office:annotation
const wchar_t * office_annotation::ns = L"office";
const wchar_t * office_annotation::ns = L"office";
const wchar_t * office_annotation::name = L"annotation";
void office_annotation::create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name)
void office_annotation::create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name)
if (Ns==L"dc" && Name == L"date")
......@@ -165,11 +165,11 @@ void office_annotation::serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream)
// officeooo:annotation
const wchar_t * officeooo_annotation::ns = L"officeooo";
const wchar_t * officeooo_annotation::name = L"annotation";
const wchar_t * officeooo_annotation::ns = L"officeooo";
const wchar_t * officeooo_annotation::name = L"annotation";
void officeooo_annotation::create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name)
void officeooo_annotation::create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name)
if (Ns==L"dc" && Name == L"date")
......@@ -53,34 +53,32 @@ public:
void serialize(CP_ATTR_NODE);
_CP_OPT(odf_types::length) svg_y_;
_CP_OPT(odf_types::length) svg_x_;
_CP_OPT(odf_types::length) svg_width_;
_CP_OPT(odf_types::length) svg_height_;
_CP_OPT(odf_types::length) svg_y_;
_CP_OPT(odf_types::length) svg_x_;
_CP_OPT(odf_types::length) svg_width_;
_CP_OPT(odf_types::length) svg_height_;
_CP_OPT(odf_types::length) caption_point_y_;
_CP_OPT(odf_types::length) caption_point_x_;
_CP_OPT(odf_types::length) caption_point_y_;
_CP_OPT(odf_types::length) caption_point_x_;
_CP_OPT(odf_types::Bool) display_;
_CP_OPT(std::wstring) name_;
_CP_OPT(odf_types::Bool) display_;
_CP_OPT(odf_types::style_ref) draw_text_style_name_;
_CP_OPT(odf_types::style_ref) draw_style_name_;
_CP_OPT(std::wstring) name_;
_CP_OPT(odf_types::style_ref) draw_text_style_name_;
_CP_OPT(odf_types::style_ref) draw_style_name_;
/// \brief dc:date
class dc_date : public office_element_impl<dc_date>
static const wchar_t * ns;
static const wchar_t * name;
static const xml::NodeType xml_type = xml::typeElement;
static const ElementType type = typeDcDate;
static const ElementType type = typeDcDate;
virtual void create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name){}
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_element){}
virtual void create_child_element ( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name){}
virtual void add_child_element ( const office_element_ptr & child_element){}
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream);
......@@ -91,17 +89,16 @@ public:
/// \brief dc:creator
class dc_creator : public office_element_impl<dc_creator>
static const wchar_t * ns;
static const wchar_t * name;
static const xml::NodeType xml_type = xml::typeElement;
static const ElementType type = typeDcCreator;
static const ElementType type = typeDcCreator;
virtual void create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name){}
virtual void create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name){}
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_element){}
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream);
......@@ -113,17 +110,16 @@ public:
/// \brief office:annotation
class office_annotation : public office_element_impl<office_annotation>
static const wchar_t * ns;
static const wchar_t * name;
static const xml::NodeType xml_type = xml::typeElement;
static const ElementType type = typeOfficeAnnotation;
static const ElementType type = typeOfficeAnnotation;
virtual void create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name);
virtual void create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name);
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_element);
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream);
......@@ -140,17 +136,16 @@ private:
/// \brief office:annotation-end
class office_annotation_end : public office_element_impl<office_annotation_end>
static const wchar_t * ns;
static const wchar_t * name;
static const xml::NodeType xml_type = xml::typeElement;
static const ElementType type = typeOfficeAnnotationEnd;
static const ElementType type = typeOfficeAnnotationEnd;
virtual void create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name){}
virtual void create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name){}
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_element){}
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream);
......@@ -166,29 +161,28 @@ public:
class officeooo_annotation : public office_element_impl<officeooo_annotation>
static const wchar_t * ns;
static const wchar_t * name;
static const xml::NodeType xml_type = xml::typeElement;
static const ElementType type = typeOfficeAnnotation;
static const ElementType type = typeOfficeAnnotation;
virtual void create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name);
virtual void create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name);
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_element);
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream);
office_element_ptr_array content_;
office_annotation_attr office_annotation_attr_;
office_annotation_attr office_annotation_attr_;
office_element_ptr_array content_;
office_element_ptr dc_date_;
office_element_ptr dc_creator_;
office_element_ptr dc_date_;
office_element_ptr dc_creator_;
......@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ const wchar_t * office_body::name = L"body";
void office_body::create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name)
void office_body::create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name)
......@@ -44,14 +44,13 @@ namespace odf_writer {
class office_body;
typedef shared_ptr<office_body>::Type office_body_ptr;
/// \brief office:body
class office_body : public office_element_impl<office_body>
static const wchar_t * ns;
static const wchar_t * name;
static const xml::NodeType xml_type = xml::typeElement;
static const ElementType type = typeOfficeBody;
static const ElementType type = typeOfficeBody;
......@@ -60,7 +59,7 @@ public:
virtual void create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name);
virtual void create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name);
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_element);
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream);
......@@ -69,7 +68,6 @@ private:
office_element_ptr content_;
......@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ namespace odf_writer {
const wchar_t * office_chart::ns = L"office";
const wchar_t * office_chart::name = L"chart";
void office_chart::create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name)
void office_chart::create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name)
......@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ const wchar_t * chart_chart::ns = L"chart";
const wchar_t * chart_chart::name = L"chart";
void chart_chart::create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name)
void chart_chart::create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name)
......@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ const wchar_t * chart_title::ns = L"chart";
const wchar_t * chart_title::name = L"title";
void chart_title::create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name)
void chart_title::create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name)
if CP_CHECK_NAME(L"text", L"p")
......@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ void chart_title::add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_element)
const wchar_t * chart_subtitle::ns = L"chart";
const wchar_t * chart_subtitle::name = L"subtitle";
void chart_subtitle::create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name)
void chart_subtitle::create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name)
if CP_CHECK_NAME(L"text", L"p")
......@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ void chart_subtitle::add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_element
const wchar_t * chart_footer::ns = L"chart";
const wchar_t * chart_footer::name = L"footer";
void chart_footer::create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name)
void chart_footer::create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name)
if CP_CHECK_NAME(L"text", L"p")
......@@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ void chart_plot_area_attlist::serialize(CP_ATTR_NODE)
const wchar_t * chart_plot_area::ns = L"chart";
const wchar_t * chart_plot_area::name = L"plot-area";
void chart_plot_area::create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name)
void chart_plot_area::create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name)
......@@ -336,7 +336,7 @@ void chart_axis_attlist::serialize(CP_ATTR_NODE)
const wchar_t * chart_axis::ns = L"chart";
const wchar_t * chart_axis::name = L"axis";
void chart_axis::create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name)
void chart_axis::create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name)
......@@ -415,7 +415,7 @@ void chart_series_attlist::serialize(CP_ATTR_NODE)
const wchar_t * chart_series::ns = L"chart";
const wchar_t * chart_series::name = L"series";
void chart_series::create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name)
void chart_series::create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name)
......@@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ void chart_error_indicator::serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream)
const wchar_t * chart_regression_curve::ns = L"chart";
const wchar_t * chart_regression_curve::name = L"regression-curve";
void chart_regression_curve::create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name)
void chart_regression_curve::create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name)
if CP_CHECK_NAME(L"chart", L"equation")
......@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ public:
static const ElementType type = typeOfficeChart;
virtual void create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name);
virtual void create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name);
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_element);
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream);
......@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ public:
static const ElementType type = typeChartChart;
virtual void create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name);
virtual void create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name);
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_element);
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream);
......@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ public:
static const ElementType type = typeChartTitle;
virtual void create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name);
virtual void create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name);
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_element);
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream);
......@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ public:
static const ElementType type = typeChartSubtitle;
virtual void create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name);
virtual void create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name);
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_element);
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream);
......@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ public:
static const ElementType type = typeChartFooter;
virtual void create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name);
virtual void create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name);
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_element);
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream);
......@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ public:
static const ElementType type = typeChartLegend;
virtual void create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name){}
virtual void create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name){}
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_element){}
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream);
......@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ public:
static const ElementType type = typeChartPlotArea;
virtual void create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name);
virtual void create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name);
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_element);
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream);
......@@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ public:
static const ElementType type = typeChartWall;
virtual void create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name){}
virtual void create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name){}
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_element){}
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream);
......@@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ public:
static const ElementType type = typeChartFloor;
virtual void create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name){}
virtual void create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name){}
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_element){}
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream);
......@@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ public:
static const ElementType type = typeChartAxis;
virtual void create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name);
virtual void create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name);
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_element);
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream);
......@@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ public:
static const ElementType type = typeChartGrid;
virtual void create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name){}
virtual void create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name){}
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_element){}
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream);
......@@ -385,7 +385,7 @@ public:
static const ElementType type = typeChartCategories;
virtual void create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name){}
virtual void create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name){}
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_element){}
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream);
......@@ -419,7 +419,7 @@ public:
static const ElementType type = typeChartSeries;
virtual void create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name);
virtual void create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name);
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_element);
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream);
......@@ -441,7 +441,7 @@ public:
static const ElementType type = typeChartDomain;
virtual void create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name){}
virtual void create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name){}
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_element){}
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream);
......@@ -471,7 +471,7 @@ public:
static const ElementType type = typeChartDataPoint;
virtual void create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name){}
virtual void create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name){}
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_element){}
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream);
......@@ -492,7 +492,7 @@ public:
static const ElementType type = typeChartMeanValue;
virtual void create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name){}
virtual void create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name){}
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_element){}
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream);
......@@ -513,7 +513,7 @@ public:
static const ElementType type = typeChartErrorIndicator;
virtual void create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name){}
virtual void create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name){}
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_element){}
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream);
......@@ -533,7 +533,7 @@ public:
static const ElementType type = typeChartEquation;
virtual void create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name){}//???
virtual void create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name){}//???
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_element){}//???
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream);
......@@ -555,7 +555,7 @@ public:
static const ElementType type = typeChartRegressionCurve;
virtual void create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name);
virtual void create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name);
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_element);
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream);
......@@ -576,7 +576,7 @@ public:
static const ElementType type = typeChartStockGainMarker;
virtual void create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name){}
virtual void create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name){}
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_element){}
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream);
......@@ -597,7 +597,7 @@ public:
static const ElementType type = typeChartStockLossMarker;
virtual void create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name){}
virtual void create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name){}
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_element){}
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream);
......@@ -618,7 +618,7 @@ public:
static const ElementType type = typeChartStockRangeLine;
virtual void create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name){}
virtual void create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name){}
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_element){}
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream);
......@@ -75,13 +75,13 @@ public:
void set_root(bool root){is_root_ = root;}
virtual ::std::wostream & serialize(::std::wostream & _Wostream) const
virtual std::wostream & serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream) const
_CP_LOG << L"[warning] use base text_to_stream\n";
return _Wostream;
virtual ::std::wostream & xml_to_stream(::std::wostream & _Wostream) const
virtual std::wostream & xml_to_stream(std::wostream & _Wostream) const
_CP_LOG << L"[warning] use base xml_to_stream\n";
return _Wostream;
......@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@
#include "office_elements_create.h"
#include <iostream>
......@@ -45,7 +44,7 @@ office_element_creator::office_element_creator()
office_element_ptr office_element_creator::create(const ::std::wstring & ns, const ::std::wstring & name, odf_conversion_context * Context, bool isRoot) const
office_element_ptr office_element_creator::create(const std::wstring & ns, const std::wstring & name, odf_conversion_context * Context, bool isRoot) const
const std::wstring fullName = ns + (ns.size() > 0 ? L":" : L"") + name;
......@@ -124,8 +123,8 @@ void not_applicable_element(const office_element * CurrentElm, const std::wstrin
not_applicable_element(ss.str(), Ns, Name);
bool create_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns,
const ::std::wstring & Name,
bool create_element(const std::wstring & Ns,
const std::wstring & Name,
office_element_ptr & _Element,
odf_conversion_context * Context,
bool isRoot)
......@@ -149,8 +148,8 @@ bool create_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns,
return false;
bool create_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns,
const ::std::wstring & Name,
bool create_element(const std::wstring & Ns,
const std::wstring & Name,
office_element_ptr_array & _Elements,
odf_conversion_context * Context,
bool isRoot)
......@@ -64,10 +64,10 @@ public:
bool register_element(const std::wstring &ns, const std::wstring & name, CreateFuncImpl f);
// Создать элемент по имени
office_element_ptr create(const ::std::wstring & ns, const ::std::wstring & name, odf_conversion_context * Context = NULL, bool isRoot = false) const;
office_element_ptr create(const std::wstring & ns, const std::wstring & name, odf_conversion_context * Context = NULL, bool isRoot = false) const;
typedef std::map<::std::wstring, CreateFuncImpl> MapType;
typedef std::map<std::wstring, CreateFuncImpl> MapType;
MapType map_;
......@@ -120,8 +120,8 @@ bool create_element(const std::wstring & Ns,
odf_conversion_context * Context,
bool isRoot = false);
bool create_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns,
const ::std::wstring & Name,
bool create_element(const std::wstring & Ns,
const std::wstring & Name,
office_element_ptr_array & _Elements,
odf_conversion_context * Context,
bool isRoot = false);
......@@ -87,6 +87,18 @@ enum ElementType
......@@ -188,7 +200,17 @@ enum ElementType
......@@ -278,8 +300,7 @@ enum ElementType
......@@ -303,7 +324,6 @@ enum ElementType
......@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ namespace odf_writer {
const wchar_t * office_settings::ns = L"office";
const wchar_t * office_settings::name = L"settings";
void office_settings::create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name)
void office_settings::create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name)
......@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ void office_settings::add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_elemen
const wchar_t * settings_config_item_set::ns = L"config";
const wchar_t * settings_config_item_set::name = L"config-item-set";
void settings_config_item_set::create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name)
void settings_config_item_set::create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name)
......@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ void settings_config_item_set::add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & chi
const wchar_t * settings_config_item::ns = L"config";
const wchar_t * settings_config_item::name = L"config-item";
void settings_config_item::create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name)
void settings_config_item::create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name)
......@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ const wchar_t * settings_config_item_map_indexed::ns = L"config";
const wchar_t * settings_config_item_map_indexed::name = L"config-item-map-indexed";
void settings_config_item_map_indexed::create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name)
void settings_config_item_map_indexed::create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name)
......@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ void settings_config_item_map_indexed::add_child_element( const office_element_p
const wchar_t * settings_config_item_map_named::ns = L"config";
const wchar_t * settings_config_item_map_named::name = L"config-item-map-named";
void settings_config_item_map_named::create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name)
void settings_config_item_map_named::create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name)
......@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ void settings_config_item_map_named::add_child_element( const office_element_ptr
const wchar_t * settings_config_item_map_entry::ns = L"config";
const wchar_t * settings_config_item_map_entry::name = L"config-item-map-entry";
void settings_config_item_map_entry::create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name)
void settings_config_item_map_entry::create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name)
......@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ public:
static const ElementType type = typeOfficeSettings;
virtual void create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name);
virtual void create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name);
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_element);
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream);
......@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ public:
static const ElementType type = typeOfficeSettingsConfigItemSet;
virtual void create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name);
virtual void create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name);
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_element);
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream);
......@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ public:
static const ElementType type = typeOfficeSettingsConfigItem;
virtual void create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name);
virtual void create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name);
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_element);
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream);
......@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ public:
static const ElementType type = typeOfficeSettingsConfigItemMapIndexed;
virtual void create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name);
virtual void create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name);
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_element);
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream);
......@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ public:
static const ElementType type = typeOfficeSettingsConfigItemMapNamed;
virtual void create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name);
virtual void create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name);
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_element);
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream);
......@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ public:
static const ElementType type = typeOfficeSettingsConfigItemMapEntry;
virtual void create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name);
virtual void create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name);
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_element);
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream);
......@@ -44,12 +44,11 @@
namespace cpdoccore {
namespace odf_writer {
// office:spreadsheet
const wchar_t * office_spreadsheet::ns = L"office";
const wchar_t * office_spreadsheet::name = L"spreadsheet";
void office_spreadsheet::create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name)
void office_spreadsheet::create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name)
......@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ public:
office_element_ptr_array & getContent(){return content_;}
virtual void create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name);
virtual void create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name);
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_element);
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream);
......@@ -67,8 +67,6 @@ bool is_text_content(const std::wstring & ns, const std::wstring & name)
name == L"user-index" ||
name == L"alphabetical-index" ||
name == L"bibliography" ||
// change-marks
name == L"change" ||
name == L"change-start" ||
name == L"change-end"
......@@ -92,19 +90,40 @@ void office_text_attlist::serialize(CP_ATTR_NODE)
CP_XML_ATTR_OPT(L"text:use-soft-page-breaks", text_use_soft_page_breaks_);
void office_text::create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name)
void office_text::create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name)
if (is_text_content(Ns, Name))
else if CP_CHECK_NAME(L"text", L"tracked-changes")
void office_text::add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_element)
if (!child_element) return;
case typeTextTrackedChanges:
tracked_changes_ = child_element;
case typeTextChangedRegion:
if (!tracked_changes_)
create_child_element(L"text", L"tracked-changes");
void office_text::serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream)
......@@ -114,12 +133,51 @@ void office_text::serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream)
BOOST_FOREACH(office_element_ptr & elm, content_)
if (tracked_changes_)
for (int i = 0; i < content_.size(); i++)
// office:change-info
const wchar_t * office_change_info::ns = L"office";
const wchar_t * office_change_info::name = L"change-info";
void office_change_info::create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name)
if (Ns==L"dc" && Name == L"date")
else if (Ns==L"dc" && Name == L"creator")
void office_change_info::add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_element)
ElementType type = child_element->get_type();
if (type == typeDcCreator)
dc_creator_ = child_element;
else if (type == typeDcDate)
dc_date_ = child_element;
void office_change_info::serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream)
if (dc_creator_)dc_creator_->serialize (CP_XML_STREAM());
if (dc_date_) dc_date_->serialize (CP_XML_STREAM());
......@@ -45,52 +45,66 @@
namespace cpdoccore {
namespace odf_writer {
class office_text_attlist
_CP_OPT(odf_types::Bool) text_use_soft_page_breaks_;
_CP_OPT(odf_types::Bool) text_use_soft_page_breaks_;
void serialize(CP_ATTR_NODE);
/// \brief office:text
class office_text : public office_element_impl<office_text>
static const wchar_t * ns;
static const wchar_t * name;
static const xml::NodeType xml_type = xml::typeElement;
static const ElementType type = typeOfficeText;
static const ElementType type = typeOfficeText;
virtual void create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name);
virtual void create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name);
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_element);
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream);
// virtual void add_attributes( const xml::attributes_wc_ptr & Attributes );
// virtual void add_child_element(const xml::sax * Reader, const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name);
// virtual void add_text(const std::wstring & Text);
office_text_attlist office_text_attlist_;
office_text_attlist office_text_attlist_;
bool text_global_;
// TODO: office-text-content-prelude:
// TODO: office-forms
// TODO: text-tracked-changes
// TODO: text-decls
// TODO: table-decls
office_element_ptr_array content_;
// TODO: text-page-sequence
office_element_ptr tracked_changes_;
office_element_ptr_array content_;
// TODO: office-text-content-prelude:
// TODO: office-forms
// TODO: text-decls
// TODO: table-decls
// TODO: text-page-sequence
// TODO: office-text-content-epilogue:
// TODO: table-functions
// TODO: table-functions
class office_change_info : public office_element_impl<office_change_info>
static const wchar_t * ns;
static const wchar_t * name;
static const xml::NodeType xml_type = xml::typeElement;
static const ElementType type = typeOfficeChangeInfo;
virtual void create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name);
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_element);
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream);
office_element_ptr dc_date_;
office_element_ptr dc_creator_;
......@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ public:
virtual void create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name){}
virtual void create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name){}
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child){}
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & strm);
......@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ public:
graphic_format_properties & content(){ return graphic_format_properties_; }
virtual void create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name){}
virtual void create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name){}
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child){}
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & strm);
......@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ namespace odf_writer {
const wchar_t * style_map::ns = L"style";
const wchar_t * style_map::name = L"map";
void style_map::create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name)
void style_map::create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name)
......@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ public:
static const ElementType type = typeStyleMap;
virtual void create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name);
virtual void create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name);
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & strm){}
std::wstring style_condition_;
......@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ void style_page_layout_properties_attlist::serialize(CP_ATTR_NODE)
const wchar_t * style_page_layout_properties::ns = L"style";
const wchar_t * style_page_layout_properties::name = L"page-layout-properties";
void style_page_layout_properties::create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name)
void style_page_layout_properties::create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name)
style_page_layout_properties_elements_.create_child_element( Ns, Name, getContext());
......@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ void style_page_layout_properties::serialize(std::wostream & strm)
void style_page_layout_properties_elements::create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name, odf_conversion_context * Context )
void style_page_layout_properties_elements::create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name, odf_conversion_context * Context )
if (L"style" == Ns && L"background-image" == Name)
......@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ public:
class style_page_layout_properties_elements
void create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name, odf_conversion_context * Context);
void create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name, odf_conversion_context * Context);
void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child);
void serialize(std::wostream & strm);
......@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ public:
style_page_layout_properties() { }
virtual void create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name);
virtual void create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name);
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child);
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & strm);
......@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ void style_background_image::serialize(std::wostream & strm)
void paragraph_format_properties::create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name,odf_conversion_context * Context)
void paragraph_format_properties::create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name,odf_conversion_context * Context)
if (L"style" == Ns)
......@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ void paragraph_format_properties::serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream ,const wch
const wchar_t * style_paragraph_properties::ns = L"style";
const wchar_t * style_paragraph_properties::name = L"paragraph-properties";
void style_paragraph_properties::create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name)
void style_paragraph_properties::create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name)
style_paragraph_properties_content_.create_child_element(Ns, Name, getContext());
......@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ public:
virtual void create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name){}
virtual void create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name){}
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child){}
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & strm);
......@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ public:
size_t size() const { return style_tab_stops_.size(); }
virtual void create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name){}
virtual void create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name){}
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child);
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & strm);
......@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ public:
virtual void create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name){}
virtual void create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name){}
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child){}
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & strm);
......@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ public:
virtual void create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name){}
virtual void create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name){}
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child){}
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & strm);
......@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ CP_REGISTER_OFFICE_ELEMENT2(style_background_image)
class paragraph_format_properties
void create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name,odf_conversion_context * Context);
void create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name,odf_conversion_context * Context);
void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child);
void serialize(std::wostream & strm, const wchar_t * ns, const wchar_t * name );
......@@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ public:
virtual void create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name);
virtual void create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name);
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child);
void apply_from(style_paragraph_properties * Other);
......@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ namespace odf_writer {
const wchar_t * style_columns::ns = L"style";
const wchar_t * style_columns::name = L"columns";
void style_columns::create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name)
void style_columns::create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name)
if (L"style" == Ns && L"column" == Name)
......@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ void style_columns::serialize(std::wostream & strm)
const wchar_t * style_column::ns = L"style";
const wchar_t * style_column::name = L"column";
void style_column::create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name)
void style_column::create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name)
......@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ void style_column::serialize(std::wostream & strm)
const wchar_t * style_column_sep::ns = L"style";
const wchar_t * style_column_sep::name = L"column-sep";
void style_column_sep::create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name)
void style_column_sep::create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name)
......@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ void style_column_sep::serialize(std::wostream & strm)
const wchar_t * style_section_properties::ns = L"style";
const wchar_t * style_section_properties::name = L"section-properties";
void style_section_properties::create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name)
void style_section_properties::create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name)
if (L"style" == Ns && L"background-image" == Name)
......@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ public:
static const ElementType type = typeStyleColumns;
virtual void create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name);
virtual void create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name);
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child);
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & strm);
......@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ public:
static const ElementType type = typeStyleColumn;
virtual void create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name);
virtual void create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name);
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child){}
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & strm);
......@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ public:
static const ElementType type = typeStyleColumnSep;
virtual void create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name);
virtual void create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name);
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child){}
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & strm);
......@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ public:
static const ElementType type = typeStyleSectionProperties;
virtual void create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name);
virtual void create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name);
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child);
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & strm);
......@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ namespace odf_writer {
using xml::xml_char_wc;
bool table_format_properties::create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name, odf_conversion_context * Context)
bool table_format_properties::create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name, odf_conversion_context * Context)
if (L"style" == Ns && L"background-image" == Name)
......@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ const wchar_t * style_table_properties::ns = L"style";
const wchar_t * style_table_properties::name = L"table-properties";
void style_table_properties::create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name)
void style_table_properties::create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name)
table_format_properties_.create_child_element(Ns, Name, getContext());
......@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ void style_table_column_properties_attlist::serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream,
const wchar_t * style_table_column_properties::ns = L"style";
const wchar_t * style_table_column_properties::name = L"table-column-properties";
void style_table_column_properties::create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name)
void style_table_column_properties::create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name)
......@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ void style_table_column_properties::serialize(std::wostream & strm)
const wchar_t * style_table_cell_properties::ns = L"style";
const wchar_t * style_table_cell_properties::name = L"table-cell-properties";
void style_table_cell_properties::create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name)
void style_table_cell_properties::create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name)
if (L"style" == Ns && L"background-image" == Name)
......@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ const wchar_t * style_table_row_properties::ns = L"style";
const wchar_t * style_table_row_properties::name = L"table-row-properties";
void style_table_row_properties::create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name)
void style_table_row_properties::create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name)
if (L"style" == Ns && L"background-image" == Name)
......@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ namespace odf_writer {
class table_format_properties
bool create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name, odf_conversion_context * Context);
bool create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name, odf_conversion_context * Context);
void apply_from(const table_format_properties & Other);
void serialize(std::wostream & strm ,const wchar_t * ns, const wchar_t * name );
......@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ public:
/// style:table-properties
// style:table-properties
class style_table_properties : public office_element_impl<style_table_properties>
......@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ public:
virtual void create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name);
virtual void create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name);
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child){}
void apply_from(const style_table_properties * Other);
......@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ public:
/// style:table-column-properties
// style:table-column-properties
class style_table_column_properties : public office_element_impl<style_table_column_properties>
......@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ public:
virtual void create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name);
virtual void create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name);
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & strm);
style_table_column_properties_attlist style_table_column_properties_attlist_;
......@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ public:
odf_types::common_break_attlist common_break_attlist_;
/// style:table-row-properties
// style:table-row-properties
class style_table_row_properties : public office_element_impl<style_table_row_properties>
......@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ public:
virtual void create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name);
virtual void create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name);
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & strm);
......@@ -225,7 +225,6 @@ public:
class style_table_cell_properties_elements
// 15.11.6
office_element_ptr style_background_image_;
......@@ -241,7 +240,7 @@ public:
virtual void create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name);
virtual void create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name);
void apply_from(const style_table_cell_properties * Other);
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & strm);
......@@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ void text_format_properties_content::serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream,const w
const wchar_t * style_text_properties::ns = L"style";
const wchar_t * style_text_properties::name = L"text-properties";
void style_text_properties::create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name)
void style_text_properties::create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name)
......@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ public:
void apply_from(const style_text_properties * Other);
virtual void create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name);
virtual void create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name);
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child){}
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & strm);
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -31,10 +31,6 @@
#include "styles_list.h"
//#include "style_text_properties.h"
#include <cpdoccore/xml/simple_xml_writer.h>
namespace cpdoccore {
......@@ -85,7 +81,7 @@ const wchar_t * text_list_style::ns = L"text";
const wchar_t * text_list_style::name = L"list-style";
void text_list_style::create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name)
void text_list_style::create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name)
if (L"text" == Ns && L"list-level-style-number" == Name)
......@@ -124,7 +120,7 @@ const wchar_t * text_list_level_style_number::ns = L"text";
const wchar_t * text_list_level_style_number::name = L"list-level-style-number";
void text_list_level_style_number::create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name)
void text_list_level_style_number::create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name)
if (L"style" == Ns && L"list-level-properties" == Name)
......@@ -166,7 +162,7 @@ void text_list_level_style_number::serialize(std::wostream & strm)
const wchar_t * style_list_level_properties::ns = L"style";
const wchar_t * style_list_level_properties::name = L"list-level-properties";
void style_list_level_properties::create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name)
void style_list_level_properties::create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name)
if CP_CHECK_NAME(L"style", L"list-level-label-alignment")
......@@ -217,7 +213,7 @@ void style_list_level_properties::serialize(std::wostream & strm)
const wchar_t * style_list_level_label_alignment::ns = L"style";
const wchar_t * style_list_level_label_alignment::name = L"list-level-label-alignment";
void style_list_level_label_alignment::create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name)
void style_list_level_label_alignment::create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name)
......@@ -246,7 +242,7 @@ const wchar_t * text_list_level_style_bullet::ns = L"text";
const wchar_t * text_list_level_style_bullet::name = L"list-level-style-bullet";
void text_list_level_style_bullet::create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name)
void text_list_level_style_bullet::create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name)
if (L"style" == Ns && L"list-level-properties" == Name)
......@@ -290,7 +286,7 @@ const wchar_t * text_list_level_style_image::ns = L"text";
const wchar_t * text_list_level_style_image::name = L"list-level-style-image";
void text_list_level_style_image::create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name)
void text_list_level_style_image::create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name)
if (L"style" == Ns && L"list-level-properties" == Name)
......@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ void table_table_column_attlist::serialize(CP_ATTR_NODE)
const wchar_t * table_table_source::ns = L"table";
const wchar_t * table_table_source::name = L"table-source";
void table_table_source::create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name)
void table_table_source::create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name)
......@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ void table_table_source::serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream)
const wchar_t * table_table::ns = L"table";
const wchar_t * table_table::name = L"table";
void table_table::create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name)
void table_table::create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name)
if (L"table" == Ns && L"table-source" == Name)
......@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ void table_table::serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream)
const wchar_t * table_table_column::ns = L"table";
const wchar_t * table_table_column::name = L"table-column";
void table_table_column::create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name)
void table_table_column::create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name)
......@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ void table_table_column::serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream)
const wchar_t * table_table_columns::ns = L"table";
const wchar_t * table_table_columns::name = L"table-columns";
void table_table_columns::create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name)
void table_table_columns::create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name)
if CP_CHECK_NAME(L"table", L"table-column")
......@@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ void table_table_columns::serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream)
const wchar_t * table_table_header_columns::ns = L"table";
const wchar_t * table_table_header_columns::name = L"table-header-columns";
void table_table_header_columns::create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name)
void table_table_header_columns::create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name)
if CP_CHECK_NAME(L"table", L"table-column")
......@@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ void table_table_header_columns::serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream)
// table-columns
void table_columns::create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name, odf_conversion_context * Context)
void table_columns::create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name, odf_conversion_context * Context)
if CP_CHECK_NAME(L"table", L"table-columns")
......@@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ table_columns_no_group::table_columns_no_group(odf_conversion_context * _Context
Context = _Context;
void table_columns_no_group::create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name)
void table_columns_no_group::create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name)
if (CP_CHECK_NAME(L"table", L"table-columns") || CP_CHECK_NAME(L"table", L"table-column"))
......@@ -440,7 +440,7 @@ _CP_PTR(table_columns_no_group) table_columns_no_group::create(odf_conversion_co
const wchar_t * table_table_column_group::ns = L"table";
const wchar_t * table_table_column_group::name = L"table-column-group";
void table_table_column_group::create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name)
void table_table_column_group::create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name)
table_columns_and_groups_.create_child_element(Ns, Name, getContext());
......@@ -468,7 +468,7 @@ table_columns_and_groups::table_columns_and_groups()
void table_columns_and_groups::create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name, odf_conversion_context * Context)
void table_columns_and_groups::create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name, odf_conversion_context * Context)
if (CP_CHECK_NAME(L"table", L"table-column-group"))
......@@ -519,7 +519,7 @@ void table_columns_and_groups::serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream)
// table-table-cell-content
void table_table_cell_content::create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name, odf_conversion_context * Context)
void table_table_cell_content::create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name, odf_conversion_context * Context)
......@@ -540,7 +540,7 @@ void table_table_cell_content::serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream)
const wchar_t * table_table_cell::ns = L"table";
const wchar_t * table_table_cell::name = L"table-cell";
void table_table_cell::create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name)
void table_table_cell::create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name)
table_table_cell_content_.create_child_element(Ns, Name, getContext());
......@@ -568,7 +568,7 @@ void table_table_cell::serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream)
const wchar_t * table_covered_table_cell::ns = L"table";
const wchar_t * table_covered_table_cell::name = L"covered-table-cell";
void table_covered_table_cell::create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name)
void table_covered_table_cell::create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name)
empty_ = false;
table_table_cell_content_.create_child_element( Ns, Name, getContext());
......@@ -596,7 +596,7 @@ void table_covered_table_cell::serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream)
const wchar_t * table_table_row::ns = L"table";
const wchar_t * table_table_row::name = L"table-row";
void table_table_row::create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name)
void table_table_row::create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name)
if ( CP_CHECK_NAME(L"table", L"table-cell") ||
CP_CHECK_NAME(L"table", L"table-covered-cell") )
......@@ -634,7 +634,7 @@ void table_table_row::serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream)
const wchar_t * table_table_rows::ns = L"table";
const wchar_t * table_table_rows::name = L"table-rows";
void table_table_rows::create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name)
void table_table_rows::create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name)
......@@ -661,7 +661,7 @@ void table_table_rows::serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream)
const wchar_t * table_table_header_rows::ns = L"table";
const wchar_t * table_table_header_rows::name = L"table-header-rows";
void table_table_header_rows::create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name)
void table_table_header_rows::create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name)
if CP_CHECK_NAME(L"table", L"table-row")
......@@ -692,7 +692,7 @@ void table_table_header_rows::serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream)
// table-rows
void table_rows::create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name, odf_conversion_context * Context)
void table_rows::create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name, odf_conversion_context * Context)
if CP_CHECK_NAME(L"table", L"table-rows")
......@@ -742,7 +742,7 @@ table_rows_no_group::table_rows_no_group(odf_conversion_context * _Context) : wa
Context = _Context;
void table_rows_no_group::create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name)
void table_rows_no_group::create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name)
if (CP_CHECK_NAME(L"table", L"table-rows") || CP_CHECK_NAME(L"table", L"table-row"))
......@@ -799,7 +799,7 @@ table_rows_and_groups::table_rows_and_groups()
void table_rows_and_groups::create_child_element( const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name, odf_conversion_context * Context)
void table_rows_and_groups::create_child_element( const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name, odf_conversion_context * Context)
if (L"table" == Ns && L"table-row-group" == Name)
......@@ -843,7 +843,7 @@ const wchar_t * table_table_row_group::ns = L"table";
const wchar_t * table_table_row_group::name = L"table-row-group";
void table_table_row_group::create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name)
void table_table_row_group::create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name)
table_rows_and_groups_.create_child_element(Ns, Name, getContext());
......@@ -873,7 +873,7 @@ void table_table_row_group::add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_
const wchar_t * table_shapes::ns = L"table";
const wchar_t * table_shapes::name = L"shapes";
void table_shapes::create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name)
void table_shapes::create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name)
......@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ public:
table_table_source_attlist table_table_source_attlist_;
table_linked_source_attlist table_linked_source_attlist_;
virtual void create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name);
virtual void create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name);
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_element);
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream);
......@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ CP_REGISTER_OFFICE_ELEMENT2(table_table_source);
class table_columns
virtual void create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name, odf_conversion_context * Context);
virtual void create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name, odf_conversion_context * Context);
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_element);
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream);
......@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ public:
table_columns_no_group(odf_conversion_context * _Context);
virtual void create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name/*, odf_conversion_context * Context*/);
virtual void create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name/*, odf_conversion_context * Context*/);
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_element);
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream);
......@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ class table_columns_and_groups
virtual void create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name, odf_conversion_context * Context);
virtual void create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name, odf_conversion_context * Context);
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_element, odf_conversion_context * Context);
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream);
......@@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ public:
virtual void create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name);
virtual void create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name);
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_element);
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream);
......@@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ public:
virtual void create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name);
virtual void create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name);
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_element);
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream);
......@@ -320,7 +320,7 @@ public:
virtual void create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name);
virtual void create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name);
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_element);
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream);
......@@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ public:
virtual void create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name);
virtual void create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name);
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_element);
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream);
......@@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ public:
virtual void create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name);
virtual void create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name);
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_element);
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream);
......@@ -399,7 +399,7 @@ CP_REGISTER_OFFICE_ELEMENT2(table_table_row);
class table_table_cell_content
virtual void create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name, odf_conversion_context * Context);
virtual void create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name, odf_conversion_context * Context);
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_element);
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream);
......@@ -425,7 +425,7 @@ public:
table_table_cell() { }
virtual void create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name);
virtual void create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name);
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_element);
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream);
......@@ -453,7 +453,7 @@ public:
table_covered_table_cell() {empty_ = true; }
virtual void create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name);
virtual void create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name);
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_element);
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream);
......@@ -479,7 +479,7 @@ public:
virtual void create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name);
virtual void create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name);
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_element);
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream);
......@@ -507,7 +507,7 @@ public:
virtual void create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name);
virtual void create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name);
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_element);
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream);
......@@ -523,7 +523,7 @@ CP_REGISTER_OFFICE_ELEMENT2(table_table_header_rows);
class table_rows
virtual void create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name, odf_conversion_context * Context);
virtual void create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name, odf_conversion_context * Context);
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_element);
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream);
......@@ -550,7 +550,7 @@ public:
table_rows_no_group(odf_conversion_context * Context);
virtual void create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name);
virtual void create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name);
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_element);
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream);
......@@ -573,7 +573,7 @@ class table_rows_and_groups
virtual void create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name, odf_conversion_context * Context);
virtual void create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name, odf_conversion_context * Context);
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_element, odf_conversion_context * Context);
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream);
......@@ -609,7 +609,7 @@ public:
virtual void create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name);
virtual void create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name);
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_element);
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream);
......@@ -634,7 +634,7 @@ public:
virtual void create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name);
virtual void create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name);
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_element);
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream);
......@@ -667,7 +667,7 @@ public:
virtual void create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name);
virtual void create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name);
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_element);
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream);
......@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ using xml::xml_char_wc;
const wchar_t * table_database_ranges::ns = L"table";
const wchar_t * table_database_ranges::name = L"database-ranges";
void table_database_ranges::create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name)
void table_database_ranges::create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name)
if CP_CHECK_NAME(L"table", L"database-range")
......@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ public:
virtual void create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name);
virtual void create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name);
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_element);
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream);
......@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ public:
virtual void create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name){}
virtual void create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name){}
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_element){}
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream);
......@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ using xml::xml_char_wc;
const wchar_t * table_named_expressions::ns = L"table";
const wchar_t * table_named_expressions::name = L"named-expressions";
void table_named_expressions::create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name)
void table_named_expressions::create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name)
if CP_CHECK_NAME(L"table", L"named-range")
......@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ public:
virtual void create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name);
virtual void create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name);
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_element);
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream);
......@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ public:
virtual void create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name){}
virtual void create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name){}
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_element){}
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream);
......@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ public:
virtual void create_child_element(const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name){}
virtual void create_child_element(const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name){}
virtual void add_child_element( const office_element_ptr & child_element){}
virtual void serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream);
......@@ -48,11 +48,18 @@ namespace OOX
namespace Logic
class CPTab;
class CSmartTag;
class CIns;
class CDel;
class CPPrChange;
class CRPrChange;
class CSectPrChange;
class CTrPrChange;
class CTcPrChange;
class CTblPrChange;
class CParagraph;
class CParagraphProperty;
class CPTab;
class CSmartTag;
class CRun;
class CSym;
class CRunProperty;
......@@ -69,6 +76,7 @@ namespace OOX
class CFldChar;
class CFldSimple;
class CInstrText;
class CDelText;
class CCommentRangeStart;
class CCommentRangeEnd;
class CCommentReference;
......@@ -176,20 +184,30 @@ namespace Oox2Odf
void convert(OOX::Logic::CSectionProperty *oox_section_pr, bool root = false);
void convert(OOX::Logic::CParagraph *oox_paragraph);
void convert(OOX::Logic::CRun *oox_run);
void convert(OOX::Logic::CParagraphProperty *oox_paragraph_prop, odf_writer::style_paragraph_properties *paragraph_properties);
void convert(ComplexTypes::Word::CFramePr *oox_frame_pr, odf_writer::style_paragraph_properties *paragraph_properties);
void convert(OOX::Logic::CRunProperty *oox_run_prop, odf_writer::style_text_properties *text_properties);
void convert(ComplexTypes::Word::CShading *oox_shading, odf_writer::style_text_properties *text_properties );
void convert(OOX::Logic::CParagraphProperty *oox_para_prop, odf_writer::style_paragraph_properties *paragraph_properties);
void convert(ComplexTypes::Word::CFramePr *oox_frame_pr, odf_writer::style_paragraph_properties *paragraph_properties);
void convert(OOX::Logic::CRunProperty *oox_run_prop, odf_writer::style_text_properties *text_properties);
void convert(ComplexTypes::Word::CShading *oox_shading, odf_writer::style_text_properties *text_properties );
void convert(OOX::Logic::CFldSimple *oox_fld);
void convert(OOX::Logic::CFldChar *oox_fld);
void convert(OOX::Logic::CInstrText *oox_instr);
void convert(OOX::Logic::CInstrText *oox_instrText);
void convert(OOX::Logic::CDelText *oox_delText);
void convert(OOX::Logic::CText *oox_text);
void convert(OOX::Logic::CHyperlink *oox_hyperlink);
void convert(OOX::Logic::CSym *oox_sym);
void convert(OOX::Logic::CIns *oox_ins);
void convert(OOX::Logic::CSmartTag *oox_tag);
void convert(OOX::Logic::CPTab *oox_ptab);
void convert(OOX::Logic::CIns *oox_ins);
void convert(OOX::Logic::CDel *oox_del);
int convert(OOX::Logic::CPPrChange *oox_para_prop_change);
int convert(OOX::Logic::CRPrChange *oox_run_prop_change);
int convert(OOX::Logic::CSectPrChange *oox_sect_prop_change);
int convert(OOX::Logic::CTrPrChange *oox_tr_prop_change);
int convert(OOX::Logic::CTcPrChange *oox_tc_prop_change);
int convert(OOX::Logic::CTblPrChange *oox_table_prop_change);
void convert(OOX::Logic::CAlternateContent *oox_alt_content);
void convert(OOX::Logic::CDrawing *oox_drawing);
void convert(OOX::Logic::CGroupShape *oox_group_shape);
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