Commit 831ab545 authored by Oleg.Korshul's avatar Oleg.Korshul Committed by Alexander Trofimov

полностью реализован механизм билда статической и динамической библиотеки

git-svn-id: svn://fileserver/activex/AVS/Sources/TeamlabOffice/trunk/ServerComponents@63667 954022d7-b5bf-4e40-9824-e11837661b57
parent b83109f7
...@@ -7477,6 +7477,10 @@ DoctRenderer/COMMON/Joiner/bin/Debug/Joiner.exe svn_mime_002dtype=application%2F ...@@ -7477,6 +7477,10 @@ DoctRenderer/COMMON/Joiner/bin/Debug/Joiner.exe svn_mime_002dtype=application%2F
DoctRenderer/COMMON/JoinerPPT/bin/Debug/Joiner.exe svn_mime_002dtype=application%2Foctet-stream DoctRenderer/COMMON/JoinerPPT/bin/Debug/Joiner.exe svn_mime_002dtype=application%2Foctet-stream
DoctRenderer/COMMON/JoinerXLS/bin/Debug/Joiner.exe svn_mime_002dtype=application%2Foctet-stream DoctRenderer/COMMON/JoinerXLS/bin/Debug/Joiner.exe svn_mime_002dtype=application%2Foctet-stream
DoctRenderer/COMMON/TestConsole/Ionic.Zip.Reduced.dll svn_mime_002dtype=application%2Foctet-stream DoctRenderer/COMMON/TestConsole/Ionic.Zip.Reduced.dll svn_mime_002dtype=application%2Foctet-stream
/HtmlRenderer svnc_tsvn_003alogminsize=5
HtmlRenderer/include svnc_tsvn_003alogminsize=5
HtmlRenderer/src svnc_tsvn_003alogminsize=5
HtmlRenderer/test svnc_tsvn_003alogminsize=5
OfficeCore/Fonts/FreeType/freetype242_vs2005.lib svn_mime_002dtype=application%2Foctet-stream OfficeCore/Fonts/FreeType/freetype242_vs2005.lib svn_mime_002dtype=application%2Foctet-stream
OfficeCore/Test/TestConsole/bin/Debug/Interop.OfficeCore.dll svn_mime_002dtype=application%2Foctet-stream OfficeCore/Test/TestConsole/bin/Debug/Interop.OfficeCore.dll svn_mime_002dtype=application%2Foctet-stream
OfficeCore/Test/TestConsole/bin/Debug/TestConsole.exe svn_mime_002dtype=application%2Foctet-stream OfficeCore/Test/TestConsole/bin/Debug/TestConsole.exe svn_mime_002dtype=application%2Foctet-stream
# Project created by QtCreator 2015-01-19T10:22:14
QT -= core
QT -= gui
TARGET = HtmlRenderer
QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -std=c++11
#CONFIG += staticlib
CONFIG += shared
############### destination path ###############
win32:contains(QMAKE_TARGET.arch, x86_64):{
CONFIG(debug, debug|release) {
} else {
win32:!contains(QMAKE_TARGET.arch, x86_64):{
CONFIG(debug, debug|release) {
} else {
linux-g++:contains(QMAKE_HOST.arch, x86_64):{
linux-g++:!contains(QMAKE_HOST.arch, x86_64):{
############# dynamic dependencies #############
shared {
LIBS += -L$$DESTDIR -lASCOfficeUtilsLib
LIBS += -L$$DESTDIR -lgraphics
LIBS += -L$$DESTDIR -llibxml
win32 {
LIBS += -lgdi32 \
-ladvapi32 \
-luser32 \
linux-g++ | linux-g++-64 | linux-g++-32 {
CONFIG += plugin
#################### WINDOWS #####################
win32 {
################### LINUX ########################
linux-g++ | linux-g++-64 | linux-g++-32 {
../../DesktopEditor/agg-2.4/include \
src/CanvasWriter.h \
src/Common.h \
src/Document.h \
src/FontManager.h \
src/FontManagerBase.h \
src/SVGWriter.h \
src/SVGWriter2.h \
src/Text.h \
src/VectorGraphicsWriter.h \
src/VectorGraphicsWriter2.h \
src/VMLWriter.h \
src/Writer.h \
unix {
target.path = /usr/lib
INSTALLS += target
#include "../../../DesktopEditor/graphics/IRenderer.h"
namespace NSHtmlRenderer
class CASCHTMLRenderer3_Private;
class CASCHTMLRenderer3 : public IRenderer
virtual ~CASCHTMLRenderer3();
// тип рендерера-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual HRESULT get_Type(LONG* lType);
//-------- Функции для работы со страницей --------------------------------------------------
virtual HRESULT NewPage();
virtual HRESULT get_Height(double* dHeight);
virtual HRESULT put_Height(const double& dHeight);
virtual HRESULT get_Width(double* dWidth);
virtual HRESULT put_Width(const double& dWidth);
virtual HRESULT get_DpiX(double* dDpiX);
virtual HRESULT get_DpiY(double* dDpiY);
// pen --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual HRESULT get_PenColor(LONG* lColor);
virtual HRESULT put_PenColor(const LONG& lColor);
virtual HRESULT get_PenAlpha(LONG* lAlpha);
virtual HRESULT put_PenAlpha(const LONG& lAlpha);
virtual HRESULT get_PenSize(double* dSize);
virtual HRESULT put_PenSize(const double& dSize);
virtual HRESULT get_PenDashStyle(BYTE* val);
virtual HRESULT put_PenDashStyle(const BYTE& val);
virtual HRESULT get_PenLineStartCap(BYTE* val);
virtual HRESULT put_PenLineStartCap(const BYTE& val);
virtual HRESULT get_PenLineEndCap(BYTE* val);
virtual HRESULT put_PenLineEndCap(const BYTE& val);
virtual HRESULT get_PenLineJoin(BYTE* val);
virtual HRESULT put_PenLineJoin(const BYTE& val);
virtual HRESULT get_PenDashOffset(double* dOffset);
virtual HRESULT put_PenDashOffset(const double& dOffset);
virtual HRESULT get_PenAlign(LONG* lAlign);
virtual HRESULT put_PenAlign(const LONG& lAlign);
virtual HRESULT get_PenMiterLimit(double* dOffset);
virtual HRESULT put_PenMiterLimit(const double& dOffset);
virtual HRESULT PenDashPattern(double* pPattern, LONG lCount);
// brush ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual HRESULT get_BrushType(LONG* lType);
virtual HRESULT put_BrushType(const LONG& lType);
virtual HRESULT get_BrushColor1(LONG* lColor);
virtual HRESULT put_BrushColor1(const LONG& lColor);
virtual HRESULT get_BrushAlpha1(LONG* lAlpha);
virtual HRESULT put_BrushAlpha1(const LONG& lAlpha);
virtual HRESULT get_BrushColor2(LONG* lColor);
virtual HRESULT put_BrushColor2(const LONG& lColor);
virtual HRESULT get_BrushAlpha2(LONG* lAlpha);
virtual HRESULT put_BrushAlpha2(const LONG& lAlpha);
virtual HRESULT get_BrushTexturePath(std::wstring* bsPath);
virtual HRESULT put_BrushTexturePath(const std::wstring& bsPath);
virtual HRESULT get_BrushTextureMode(LONG* lMode);
virtual HRESULT put_BrushTextureMode(const LONG& lMode);
virtual HRESULT get_BrushTextureAlpha(LONG* lTxAlpha);
virtual HRESULT put_BrushTextureAlpha(const LONG& lTxAlpha);
virtual HRESULT get_BrushLinearAngle(double* dAngle);
virtual HRESULT put_BrushLinearAngle(const double& dAngle);
virtual HRESULT BrushRect(const INT& val, const double& left, const double& top, const double& width, const double& height);
virtual HRESULT BrushBounds(const double& left, const double& top, const double& width, const double& height);
virtual HRESULT put_BrushGradientColors(LONG* lColors, double* pPositions, LONG nCount);
// font -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual HRESULT get_FontName(std::wstring* bsName);
virtual HRESULT put_FontName(const std::wstring& bsName);
virtual HRESULT get_FontPath(std::wstring* bsName);
virtual HRESULT put_FontPath(const std::wstring& bsName);
virtual HRESULT get_FontSize(double* dSize);
virtual HRESULT put_FontSize(const double& dSize);
virtual HRESULT get_FontStyle(LONG* lStyle);
virtual HRESULT put_FontStyle(const LONG& lStyle);
virtual HRESULT get_FontStringGID(INT* bGID);
virtual HRESULT put_FontStringGID(const INT& bGID);
virtual HRESULT get_FontCharSpace(double* dSpace);
virtual HRESULT put_FontCharSpace(const double& dSpace);
virtual HRESULT get_FontFaceIndex(int* lFaceIndex);
virtual HRESULT put_FontFaceIndex(const int& lFaceIndex);
//-------- Функции для вывода текста --------------------------------------------------------
virtual HRESULT CommandDrawTextCHAR(const LONG& c, const double& x, const double& y, const double& w, const double& h);
virtual HRESULT CommandDrawText(const std::wstring& bsText, const double& x, const double& y, const double& w, const double& h);
virtual HRESULT CommandDrawTextExCHAR(const LONG& c, const LONG& gid, const double& x, const double& y, const double& w, const double& h);
virtual HRESULT CommandDrawTextEx(const std::wstring& bsUnicodeText, const unsigned int* pGids, const unsigned int nGidsCount, const double& x, const double& y, const double& w, const double& h);
//-------- Маркеры для команд ---------------------------------------------------------------
virtual HRESULT BeginCommand(const DWORD& lType);
virtual HRESULT EndCommand(const DWORD& lType);
//-------- Функции для работы с Graphics Path -----------------------------------------------
virtual HRESULT PathCommandMoveTo(const double& x, const double& y);
virtual HRESULT PathCommandLineTo(const double& x, const double& y);
virtual HRESULT PathCommandLinesTo(double* points, const int& count);
virtual HRESULT PathCommandCurveTo(const double& x1, const double& y1, const double& x2, const double& y2, const double& x3, const double& y3);
virtual HRESULT PathCommandCurvesTo(double* points, const int& count);
virtual HRESULT PathCommandArcTo(const double& x, const double& y, const double& w, const double& h, const double& startAngle, const double& sweepAngle);
virtual HRESULT PathCommandClose();
virtual HRESULT PathCommandEnd();
virtual HRESULT DrawPath(const LONG& nType);
virtual HRESULT PathCommandStart();
virtual HRESULT PathCommandGetCurrentPoint(double* x, double* y);
virtual HRESULT PathCommandTextCHAR(const LONG& c, const double& x, const double& y, const double& w, const double& h);
virtual HRESULT PathCommandText(const std::wstring& bsText, const double& x, const double& y, const double& w, const double& h);
virtual HRESULT PathCommandTextExCHAR(const LONG& c, const LONG& gid, const double& x, const double& y, const double& w, const double& h);
virtual HRESULT PathCommandTextEx(const std::wstring& bsUnicodeText, const unsigned int* pGids, const unsigned int nGidsCount, const double& x, const double& y, const double& w, const double& h);
//-------- Функции для вывода изображений ---------------------------------------------------
virtual HRESULT DrawImage(IGrObject* pImage, const double& x, const double& y, const double& w, const double& h);
virtual HRESULT DrawImageFromFile(const std::wstring&, const double& x, const double& y, const double& w, const double& h, const BYTE& lAlpha = 255);
// transform --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual HRESULT SetTransform(const double& m1, const double& m2, const double& m3, const double& m4, const double& m5, const double& m6);
virtual HRESULT GetTransform(double *pdA, double *pdB, double *pdC, double *pdD, double *pdE, double *pdF);
virtual HRESULT ResetTransform();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual HRESULT get_ClipMode(LONG* plMode);
virtual HRESULT put_ClipMode(const LONG& lMode);
// additiaonal params ----------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual HRESULT CommandLong(const LONG& lType, const LONG& lCommand);
virtual HRESULT CommandDouble(const LONG& lType, const double& dCommand);
virtual HRESULT CommandString(const LONG& lType, const std::wstring& sCommand);
// owner params ----------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual HRESULT get_Mode(LONG *plMode);
virtual HRESULT put_Mode(LONG lMode);
virtual HRESULT CreateOfficeFile(std::wstring bsFileName);
virtual HRESULT CloseFile();
virtual HRESULT SetAdditionalParam(std::string sParamName, int nValue);
virtual HRESULT SetAdditionalParam(std::string sParamName, const std::wstring& sParam);
CASCHTMLRenderer3_Private* m_pInternal;
#include "Common.h"
#include "../../../DesktopEditor/graphics/GraphicsPath.h"
namespace NSHtmlRenderer
class CCanvasWriter
NSStringUtils::CStringBuilder m_oPath;
NSStringUtils::CStringBuilder m_oDocument;
LONG m_lCurDocumentID;
LONG m_lClippingPath;
bool m_bIsClipping;
LONG m_lClipMode;
bool m_bIsMoveTo;
NSStructures::CPen* m_pPen;
NSStructures::CBrush* m_pBrush;
double m_lWidth;
double m_lHeight;
double m_dDpiX;
double m_dDpiY;
CCanvasWriter() : m_oPath(), m_oDocument()
m_lCurDocumentID = 0;
m_lClippingPath = 0;
m_pPen = NULL;
m_pBrush = NULL;
m_dDpiX = 96;
m_dDpiY = 96;
m_lClipMode = c_nWindingFillMode;
m_bIsClipping = false;
m_bIsMoveTo = false;
void SetSettings(NSStructures::CPen* pPen, NSStructures::CBrush* pBrush)
m_pPen = pPen;
m_pBrush = pBrush;
void CloseFile(std::wstring strFile = L"")
if (!strFile.empty())
NSFile::CFileBinary::SaveToFile(strFile, m_oDocument.GetData());
void NewDocument(double& dWidth, double& dHeigth)
m_lWidth = (int)dWidth;
m_lHeight = (int)dHeigth;
inline void WritePathEnd()
inline void WritePathStart()
m_bIsMoveTo = false;
m_oDocument.WriteString(L"b(c);\n", 6);
void WritePathClose()
m_oDocument.WriteString(L"x(c);\n", 6);
void WritePathMoveTo(double& x, double& y)
m_oDocument.WriteString(L"m(c,", 4);
WriteIntsToStringBuilder(round(x), round(y), &m_oDocument);
m_oDocument.WriteString(L");\n", 3);
m_bIsMoveTo = true;
void WritePathLineTo(double& x, double& y)
if (false == m_bIsMoveTo)
WritePathMoveTo(x, y);
m_oDocument.WriteString(L"l(c,", 4);
WriteIntsToStringBuilder(round(x), round(y), &m_oDocument);
m_oDocument.WriteString(L");\n", 3);
void WritePathCurveTo(double& x1, double& y1, double& x2, double& y2, double& x3, double& y3)
if (false == m_bIsMoveTo)
WritePathMoveTo(x1, y1);
m_oDocument.WriteString(L"cu(c,", 5);
WriteIntsToStringBuilder(round(x1), round(y1), round(x2), round(y2), round(x3), round(y3), &m_oDocument);
m_oDocument.WriteString(L");\n", 3);
void WriteDrawPath(LONG lType, Aggplus::CMatrix* pTransform, Aggplus::CGraphicsPathSimpleConverter* pConverter, LONG lTxId)
bool bStroke = false;
if (m_pPen->Alpha == 0)
lType &= 0xFF00;
if ((-1 == lTxId) && (0 == m_pBrush->Alpha1))
lType &= 0xFF;
if ((lType & 0x01) == 0x01)
SetStrokeColor(m_pPen->Color, m_pPen->Alpha, &m_oDocument);
bStroke = true;
if (lType > 0x01)
if (-1 != lTxId)
// текстура!
double x = 0;
double y = 0;
double w = 0;
double h = 0;
pConverter->PathCommandGetBounds(x, y, w, h);
double r = x + w;
double b = y + h;
pTransform->TransformPoint(x, y);
pTransform->TransformPoint(r, b);
w = r - x;
h = b - y;
m_oDocument.WriteString(L"img", 3);
m_oDocument.WriteString(L".src = \"media\\\\image", 20);
m_oDocument.WriteString(L".jpg\";img", 9);
m_oDocument.WriteString(L".onload = function(){c.drawImage(img", 36);
WriteIntsToStringBuilder(lTxId, round(x), round(y), round(w), round(h), &m_oDocument);
m_oDocument.WriteString(L");drawpage", 10);
m_oDocument.WriteString(L"(c);};\n}\nfunction drawpage", 26);
m_oDocument.WriteString(L"(c)\n{\n", 6);
SetFillColor(m_pBrush->Color1, m_pBrush->Alpha1, &m_oDocument);
m_oDocument.WriteString(L"f(c);\n", 6);
if (bStroke)
m_oDocument.WriteString(L"s(c);\n", 6);
void WritePathClip()
m_bIsClipping = true;
void WritePathClipEnd()
if (!m_bIsClipping)
m_oDocument.WriteString(L";\n", 10);
m_bIsClipping = true;
m_oDocument.WriteString(L"c.clip();\n", 10);
void WritePathResetClip()
if (m_bIsClipping)
m_oDocument.WriteString(L"c.restore();\n", 13);
m_bIsClipping = false;
inline void WriteStyleClip()
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
#include "FontManagerBase.h"
namespace NSHtmlRenderer
using namespace NSFontManager;
const long g_lNewNoJustifySpace = 5;
class CFontManager : public CFontManagerBase
NSStructures::CFont* m_pFont;
Aggplus::CMatrix* m_pTransform;
double m_dSpaceWidthMM;
CFontManager() : m_pFont(NULL), CFontManagerBase()
m_pTransform = NULL;
m_dSpaceWidthMM = 0;
virtual ~CFontManager()
virtual void LoadFont(long lFaceIndex = 0, bool bIsNeedAddToMap = true)
if (NULL == m_pManager)
double dSize = m_pFont->Size;
double dSizeFont = dSize * ((m_pTransform-> + m_pTransform-> / 2);
m_pFont->Size = dSizeFont;
if (IsEqual2(m_pFont, &m_oFont.m_oFont))
m_pFont->Size = dSize;
m_oFont.m_oFont = *m_pFont;
m_pFont->Size = dSize;
bool bIsPath = false;
if (L"" == m_pFont->Path)
CFontManagerBase::LoadFontByName(m_oFont.m_oFont.Name, m_oFont.m_oFont.Size, m_oFont.m_oFont.GetStyle());
CFontManagerBase::LoadFontByFile(m_oFont.m_oFont.Path, m_oFont.m_oFont.Size, lFaceIndex);
bIsPath = true;
inline void CalculateSpace()
LONG lGid = m_pManager->m_bStringGID;
m_pManager->LoadString1(L" ", 0, 0);
TBBox _box = m_pManager->MeasureString2();
m_dSpaceWidthMM = (double)(_box.fMaxX - _box.fMinX) * c_dPixToMM;
if (0 >= m_dSpaceWidthMM)
m_dSpaceWidthMM = 1.0;
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
#include <QCoreApplication>
#include "../../../PdfReader/PdfReader.h"
#include "../include/HTMLRenderer3.h"
#include "../../../DesktopEditor/fontengine/ApplicationFonts.h"
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);
//std::wstring sFile = L"\\\\KIRILLOV8\\_Office\\PDF\\Android intro(2p).pdf";
std::wstring sFile = L"\\\\kirillov8\\_Office\\PDF\\Main Window(15p).pdf";
CApplicationFonts oFonts;
PdfReader::CPdfReader oReader(&oFonts);
bool bResult = oReader.LoadFromFile(sFile.c_str());
NSHtmlRenderer::CASCHTMLRenderer3 oHtmlRenderer;
int nPagesCount = oReader.GetPagesCount();
for (int i = 0; i < nPagesCount; ++i)
oReader.DrawPageOnRenderer(&oHtmlRenderer, i, NULL);
return a.exec();
# Project created by QtCreator 2015-07-21T18:28:42
QT += core
QT -= gui
TARGET = test
CONFIG += console
CONFIG -= app_bundle
../../../DesktopEditor/freetype-2.5.2/include \
LIBS += -L../../../../SDK/lib/win_64/DEBUG -lASCOfficeUtilsLib
LIBS += -L../../../../SDK/lib/win_64/DEBUG -lgraphics
LIBS += -L../../../../SDK/lib/win_64/DEBUG -lHtmlRenderer
LIBS += -L../../../../SDK/lib/win_64/DEBUG -llibxml
LIBS += -L../../../../SDK/lib/win_64/DEBUG -lPdfReader
LIBS += -lgdi32 \
-ladvapi32 \
-luser32 \
SOURCES += main.cpp
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