Commit c5397a28 authored by Oleg.Korshul's avatar Oleg.Korshul Committed by Alexander Trofimov

Font Dictionary use

git-svn-id: svn://fileserver/activex/AVS/Sources/TeamlabOffice/trunk/ServerComponents@60110 954022d7-b5bf-4e40-9824-e11837661b57
parent 1126d7eb
......@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
#include "../common/File.h"
#include "../common/Directory.h"
#include FT_SFNT_NAMES_H
#include "fontdictionaryworker.h"
#ifndef min
#define min(a,b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))
......@@ -45,6 +46,79 @@ CFontSelectFormat::CFontSelectFormat()
void CFontSelectFormat::CreateDuplicate(CFontSelectFormat& oFormat)
if (NULL != wsName)
oFormat.wsName = new std::wstring(*wsName);
if (NULL != wsAltName)
oFormat.wsAltName = new std::wstring(*wsAltName);
if (NULL != wsFamilyClass)
oFormat.wsFamilyClass = new std::wstring(*wsFamilyClass);
if (NULL != sFamilyClass)
oFormat.sFamilyClass = new SHORT(*sFamilyClass);
if (NULL != bBold)
oFormat.bBold = new INT(*bBold);
if (NULL != bItalic)
oFormat.bItalic = new INT(*bItalic);
if (NULL != bFixedWidth)
oFormat.bFixedWidth = new INT(*bFixedWidth);
if (NULL != pPanose)
oFormat.pPanose = new BYTE[10];
memcpy( (void*)oFormat.pPanose , (const void *)pPanose, 10 );
if (NULL != ulRange1)
oFormat.ulRange1 = new ULONG(*ulRange1);
if (NULL != ulRange2)
oFormat.ulRange2 = new ULONG(*ulRange2);
if (NULL != ulRange3)
oFormat.ulRange3 = new ULONG(*ulRange3);
if (NULL != ulRange4)
oFormat.ulRange4 = new ULONG(*ulRange4);
if (NULL != ulCodeRange1)
oFormat.ulCodeRange1 = new ULONG(*ulCodeRange1);
if (NULL != ulCodeRange2)
oFormat.ulCodeRange2 = new ULONG(*ulCodeRange2);
if (NULL != usWeight)
oFormat.usWeight = new USHORT(*usWeight);
if (NULL != usWidth)
oFormat.usWidth = new USHORT(*usWidth);
if (NULL != nFontFormat)
oFormat.nFontFormat = new int(*nFontFormat);
if (NULL != unCharset)
oFormat.unCharset = new BYTE(*unCharset);
if (NULL != shAvgCharWidth)
oFormat.shAvgCharWidth = new SHORT(*shAvgCharWidth);
if (NULL != shAscent)
oFormat.shAscent = new SHORT(*shAscent);
if (NULL != shDescent)
oFormat.shDescent = new SHORT(*shDescent);
if (NULL != shLineGap)
oFormat.shLineGap = new SHORT(*shLineGap);
if (NULL != shXHeight)
oFormat.shXHeight = new SHORT(*shXHeight);
if (NULL != shCapHeight)
oFormat.shCapHeight = new SHORT(*shCapHeight);
void CFontSelectFormat::Destroy()
......@@ -735,12 +809,17 @@ EFontFormat CFontList::GetFontFormat(FT_Face pFace)
return fontUnknown;
CFontInfo* CFontList::GetByParams(const CFontSelectFormat& oSelect)
CFontInfo* CFontList::GetByParams(CFontSelectFormat& oSelect)
int nFontsCount = m_pList.GetCount();
if (0 == nFontsCount)
return NULL;
#if 1
// дубликат не делаем!!! Серега создает объект только для подбора и дальше его не использует
int nMinIndex = 0; // Номер шрифта в списке с минимальным весом
int nMinPenalty = 0; // Минимальный вес
......@@ -757,12 +836,20 @@ CFontInfo* CFontList::GetByParams(const CFontSelectFormat& oSelect)
ULONG arrCandRanges[6] = { pInfo->m_ulUnicodeRange1, pInfo->m_ulUnicodeRange2, pInfo->m_ulUnicodeRange3, pInfo->m_ulUnicodeRange4, pInfo->m_ulCodePageRange1, pInfo->m_ulCodePageRange2 };
//if ( bIsRanges )
// ULONG arrReqRanges[6] = { ulRange1, ulRange2, ulRange3, ulRange4, ulCodeRange1, ulCodeRange2 };
// nCurPenalty += GetSigPenalty( arrCandRanges, arrReqRanges );
if (false)
if (NULL != oSelect.ulRange1 &&
NULL != oSelect.ulRange2 &&
NULL != oSelect.ulRange3 &&
NULL != oSelect.ulRange4 &&
NULL != oSelect.ulCodeRange1 &&
NULL != oSelect.ulCodeRange2)
ULONG arrReqRanges[6] = { *oSelect.ulRange1, *oSelect.ulRange2, *oSelect.ulRange3, *oSelect.ulRange4, *oSelect.ulCodeRange1, *oSelect.ulCodeRange2 };
nCurPenalty += GetSigPenalty( arrCandRanges, arrReqRanges );
unsigned char unCharset = UNKNOWN_CHARSET;
if (NULL != oSelect.unCharset)
......@@ -45,6 +45,8 @@ public:
void CreateDuplicate(CFontSelectFormat& oFormat);
void Destroy();
......@@ -180,7 +182,7 @@ public:
void LoadFromFolder(const std::wstring& strDirectory);
bool CheckLoadFromFolderBin(const std::wstring& strDirectory);
void Add(CFontInfo* pInfo);
CFontInfo* GetByParams(const CFontSelectFormat& oSelect);
CFontInfo* GetByParams(CFontSelectFormat& oSelect);
CArray<CFontInfo*> GetAllByName(const std::wstring& strFontName);
void SetDefaultFont(std::wstring& sName);
......@@ -518,7 +518,7 @@ int CFontManager::Release()
delete this;
return ret;
CFontInfo* CFontManager::GetFontInfoByParams(const CFontSelectFormat& oFormat)
CFontInfo* CFontManager::GetFontInfoByParams(CFontSelectFormat& oFormat)
CFontInfo* pRes = NULL;
if (NULL != m_pApplication)
......@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ public:
virtual int AddRef();
virtual int Release();
CFontInfo* GetFontInfoByParams(const CFontSelectFormat& oFormat);
CFontInfo* GetFontInfoByParams(CFontSelectFormat& oFormat);
CArray<CFontInfo*> GetAllStylesByFontName(const std::wstring& strName);
INT LoadFontByName(const std::wstring& sName, const double& dSize, const LONG& lStyle, const double& dDpiX, const double& dDpiY);
INT LoadFontFromFile(const std::wstring& sPath, const int& lFaceIndex, const double& dSize, const double& dDpiX, const double& dDpiY);
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